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Creators/Authors contains: "Ghadirian, Niloofar"

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  1. Frappier, Lori (Ed.)
    ABSTRACT Two new structures of the N-terminal domain of the main replication protein, NS1, of human parvovirus B19 (B19V) are presented here. This domain (NS1-nuc) plays an important role in the “rolling hairpin” replication of the single-stranded B19V DNA genome, recognizing origin of replication sequences in double-stranded DNA, and cleaving (i.e., nicking) single-stranded DNA at a nearby site known as the terminal resolution site (trs). The three-dimensional structure of NS1-nuc is well conserved between the two forms, as well as with a previously solved structure of a sequence variant of the same domain; however, it is shown here at a significantly higher resolution (2.4 Å). Using structures of NS1-nuc homologues bound to single- and double-stranded DNA, models for DNA recognition and nicking by B19V NS1-nuc are presented that predict residues important for DNA cleavage and for sequence-specific recognition at the viral origin of replication. IMPORTANCE The high-resolution structure of the DNA binding and cleavage domain of the main replicative protein, NS1, from the human-pathogenic virus human parvovirus B19 is presented here. Included also are predictions of how the protein recognizes important sequences in the viral DNA which are required for viral replication. These predictions can be used to further investigate the function of this protein, as well as to predict the effects on viral viability due to mutations in the viral protein and viral DNA sequences. Finally, the high-resolution structure facilitates structure-guided drug design efforts to develop antiviral compounds against this important human pathogen. 
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  2. ABSTRACT Here, we investigate an unusual antiviral mechanism developed in the bacterium Streptomyces griseus . SgrAI is a type II restriction endonuclease that forms run-on oligomer filaments when activated and possesses both accelerated DNA cleavage activity and expanded DNA sequence specificity. Mutations disrupting the run-on oligomer filament eliminate the robust antiphage activity of wild-type SgrAI, and the observation that even relatively modest disruptions completely abolish this anti-viral activity shows that the greater speed imparted by the run-on oligomer filament mechanism is critical to its biological function. Simulations of DNA cleavage by SgrAI uncover the origins of the kinetic advantage of this newly described mechanism of enzyme regulation over more conventional mechanisms, as well as the origin of the sequestering effect responsible for the protection of the host genome against damaging DNA cleavage activity of activated SgrAI. IMPORTANCE This work is motivated by an interest in understanding the characteristics and advantages of a relatively newly discovered enzyme mechanism involving filament formation. SgrAI is an enzyme responsible for protecting against viral infections in its host bacterium and was one of the first such enzymes shown to utilize such a mechanism. In this work, filament formation by SgrAI is disrupted, and the effects on the speed of the purified enzyme as well as its function in cells are measured. It was found that even small disruptions, which weaken but do not destroy filament formation, eliminate the ability of SgrAI to protect cells from viral infection, its normal biological function. Simulations of enzyme activity were also performed and show how filament formation can greatly speed up an enzyme’s activation compared to that of other known mechanisms, as well as to better localize its action to molecules of interest, such as invading phage DNA. 
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