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Creators/Authors contains: "Ghosh, Catherine"

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  1. Abstract

    Most DNA scanning proteins uniquely recognize their cognate sequence motif and slide on DNA assisted by some sort of clamping interface. The pioneer transcription factors that control cell fate in eukaryotes must forgo both elements to gain access to DNA in naked and chromatin forms; thus, whether or how these factors scan naked DNA is unknown. Here, we use single-molecule techniques to investigate naked DNA scanning by the Engrailed homeodomain (enHD) as paradigm of highly promiscuous recognition and open DNA binding interface. We find that enHD scans naked DNA quite effectively, and about 200000-fold faster than expected for a continuous promiscuous slide. To do so, enHD scans about 675 bp of DNA in 100 ms and then redeploys stochastically to another location 530 bp afar in just 10 ms. During the scanning phase enHD alternates between slow- and medium-paced modes every 3 and 40 ms, respectively. We also find that enHD binds nucleosomes and does so with enhanced affinity relative to naked DNA. Our results demonstrate that pioneer-like transcription factors can in principle do both, target nucleosomes and scan active DNA efficiently. The hybrid scanning mechanism used by enHD appears particularly well suited for the highly complex genomic signals of eukaryotic cells.

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  2. Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) exploit their plasticity to deploy a rich panoply of soft interactions and binding phenomena. Advances in tailoring molecular simulations for IDPs combined with experimental cross-validation offer an atomistic view of the mechanisms that control IDP binding, function, and dysfunction. The emerging theme is that unbound IDPs autonomously form transient local structures and self-interactions that determine their binding behavior. Recent results have shed light on whether and how IDPs fold, stay disordered or drive condensation upon binding; how they achieve binding specificity and select among competing partners. The disorder-binding paradigm is now being proactively used by researchers to target IDPs for rational drug design and engineer molecular responsive elements for biosensing applications. 
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