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Creators/Authors contains: "Ghosh, Tushar K."

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 11, 2025
  2. Abstract

    Aqueous zinc metal batteries (AZMB) are emerging as a promising alternative to the prevailing existing Lithium‐ion battery technology. However, the development of AZMBs is hindered due to challenges including dendrite formation, hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), and ZnO passivation on the anode. Here, a tetraalkylsulfonamide (TAS) additive for suppressing HER, dendrite formation, and enhancing cyclability is rationally designed. Only 1 mmTAS is found that can effectively displace water molecules from the Zn2+solvation shell, thereby altering the solvation matrix of Zn2+and disrupting the hydrogen bond network of free water, as demonstrated through67 Zn and1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, high‐resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), and density functional theory (DFT) studies. Voltammetry synchronized with in situ monitoring of the electrode surface reveals suppressed dendritic growth and HER in the presence of TAS. Electrochemical mass spectrometry (ECMS) captures real‐time HER suppression during Zn electrodeposition, revealing the ability of TAS to suppress the HER by an order of magnitude. A ≈25‐fold cycle life improvement from ≈100 h to over 2500 h in coin cells cycled in the presence of TAS. Furthermore, by suppressing passivation product formation, it is demonstrated that strategy robustly maximizes the stability of Zn metal anodes.

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  3. null (Ed.)
  4. Abstract

    Soft polymer‐based sensors as an integral part of textile structures have attracted considerable scientific and commercial interest recently because of their potential use in healthcare, security systems, and other areas. While electronic sensing functionalities can be incorporated into textiles at one or more of the hierarchical levels of molecules, fibers, yarns, or fabrics, arguably a more practical and inconspicuous means to introduce the desired electrical characteristics is at the fiber level, using processes that are compatible to textiles. Here, a prototype multimodal and multifunctional sensor array formed within a woven fabric structure using bicomponent fibers with ordered insulating and conducting segments is reported. The multifunctional characteristics of the sensors are successfully demonstrated by measuring tactile, tensile, and shear deformations, as well as wetness and biopotential. While the unobtrusive integration of sensing capabilities offers possibilities to preserve all desirable textile qualities, this scaled‐up fiber‐based approach demonstrates the potential for scalable and facile manufacturability of practical e‐textile products using low‐cost roll‐to‐roll processing of large‐area flexible sensor systems and can be remarkably effective in advancing the field of e‐textiles.

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