The associated uncertainties of future climate projections are one of the biggest obstacles to overcome in studies exploring the potential regional impacts of future climate shifts. In remote and climatically complex regions, the limited number of available downscaled projections may not provide an accurate representation of the underlying uncertainty in future climate or the possible range of potential scenarios. Consequently, global downscaled projections are now some of the most widely used climate datasets in the world. However, they are rarely examined for representativeness of local climate or the plausibility of their projected changes. Here we explore the utility of two such global datasets (CHELSA and WorldClim2) in providing plausible future climate scenarios for regional climate change impact studies. Our analysis was based on three steps: (1) standardizing a baseline period to compare available global downscaled projections with regional observation-based datasets and regional downscaled datasets; (2) bias correcting projections using a single observation-based baseline; and (3) having controlled differences in baselines between datasets, exploring the patterns and magnitude of projected climate shifts from these datasets to determine their plausibility as future climate scenarios, using Hawaiʻi as an example region. Focusing on mean annual temperature and precipitation, we show projected climate shifts from these commonly used global datasets not only may vary significantly from one another but may also fall well outside the range of future scenarios derived from regional downscaling efforts. As species distribution models are commonly created from these datasets, we further illustrate how a substantial portion of variability in future species distribution shifts can arise from the choice of global dataset used. Hence, projected shifts between baseline and future scenarios from these global downscaled projections warrant careful evaluation before use in climate impact studies, something rarely done in the existing literature.
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Abstract With increasing needs for understanding historic climatic events and assessing changes in extreme weather to support natural hazard planning and infrastructure design, it is vital to have an accurate long-term hourly rainfall dataset. In Hawaiʻi, annual, monthly, and daily gauge data have been well-compiled and are accessible. Here, we compiled hourly rainfall data from both gauges and radars. We arranged the metadata from various data sources, acquired data, and applied quality control to each gauge dataset. In addition, we compiled and provided hourly radar rainfall, and filtered out areas with low confidence (larger error). This paper provides (1) a summary of available hourly data from various observation networks, (2) 293-gauge rainfall data from their installation date to the end of 2020, and (3) a 5-year 0.005° by 0.005° (~250 × 250
m 2) gridded radar rainfall dataset between 2016 and 2020 across the Hawaiian Islands. -
Drought is a prominent feature of Hawaiʻi’s climate. However, it has been over 30 years since the last comprehensive meteorological drought analysis, and recent drying trends have emphasized the need to better understand drought dynamics and multi-sector effects in Hawaiʻi. Here, we provide a comprehensive synthesis of past drought effects in Hawaiʻi that we integrate with geospatial analysis of drought characteristics using a newly developed 100-year (1920–2019) gridded Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) dataset. The synthesis examines past droughts classified into five categories: Meteorological, agricultural, hydrological, ecological, and socioeconomic drought. Results show that drought duration and magnitude have increased significantly, consistent with trends found in other Pacific Islands. We found that most droughts were associated with El Niño events, and the two worst droughts of the past century were multi-year events occurring in 1998–2002 and 2007–2014. The former event was most severe on the islands of O’ahu and Kaua’i while the latter event was most severe on Hawaiʻi Island. Within islands, we found different spatial patterns depending on leeward versus windward contrasts. Droughts have resulted in over $80 million in agricultural relief since 1996 and have increased wildfire risk, especially during El Niño years. In addition to providing the historical context needed to better understand future drought projections and to develop effective policies and management strategies to protect natural, cultural, hydrological, and agricultural resources, this work provides a framework for conducting drought analyses in other tropical island systems, especially those with a complex topography and strong climatic gradients.more » « less
Abstract Gridded air temperature data are required in various fields such as ecological modeling, weather forecasting, and surface energy balance assessment. In this work, a piecewise multiple linear regression model is used to produce high‐resolution (250 m) daily maximum (
T max), minimum (T min), and mean (T mean) near‐surface air temperature maps for the State of Hawaiʻi for a 32‐year period (1990–2021). Multiple meteorological and geographical variables such as the elevation, daily rainfall, coastal distance index, leaf area index, albedo, topographic position index, and wind speed are independently tested to determine the most well‐suited predictor variables for optimal model performance. During the mapping process, input data scarcity is addressed first by gap‐filling critical stations at high elevation using a predetermined linear relationship with other strongly‐correlated stations, and second, by supplementing the training dataset with station data from neighboring islands. Despite the numerous covariates physically linked to temperature, the most parsimonious model selection uses elevation as its sole predictor, and the inclusion of the additional variables results in increased cross‐validation errors. The mean absolute error of resultant estimatedT maxandT minmaps over the Hawaiian Islands from 1990 to 2021 is 1.7°C and 1.3°C, respectively. Corresponding bias values are 0.01°C and −0.13°C, respectively for the same variables. Overall, the results show the proposed methodology can robustly generate daily air temperature maps from point‐scale measurements over complex topography. -
Abstract Gridded monthly rainfall estimates can be used for a number of research applications, including hydrologic modeling and weather forecasting. Automated interpolation algorithms, such as the “autoKrige” function in R, can produce gridded rainfall estimates that validate well but produce unrealistic spatial patterns. In this work, an optimized geostatistical kriging approach is used to interpolate relative rainfall anomalies, which are then combined with long-term means to develop the gridded estimates. The optimization consists of the following: 1) determining the most appropriate offset (constant) to use when log-transforming data; 2) eliminating poor quality data prior to interpolation; 3) detecting erroneous maps using a machine learning algorithm; and 4) selecting the most appropriate parameterization scheme for fitting the model used in the interpolation. Results of this effort include a 30-yr (1990–2019), high-resolution (250-m) gridded monthly rainfall time series for the state of Hawai‘i. Leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV) is performed using an extensive network of 622 observation stations. LOOCV results are in good agreement with observations (
R 2= 0.78; MAE = 55 mm month−1; 1.4%); however, predictions can underestimate high rainfall observations (bias = 34 mm month−1; −1%) due to a well-known smoothing effect that occurs with kriging. This research highlights the fact that validation statistics should not be the sole source of error assessment and that default parameterizations for automated interpolation may need to be modified to produce realistic gridded rainfall surfaces. Data products can be accessed through the Hawai‘i Data Climate Portal (HCDP; ).Significance Statement A new method is developed to map rainfall in Hawai‘i using an optimized geostatistical kriging approach. A machine learning technique is used to detect erroneous rainfall maps and several conditions are implemented to select the optimal parameterization scheme for fitting the model used in the kriging interpolation. A key finding is that optimization of the interpolation approach is necessary because maps may validate well but have unrealistic spatial patterns. This approach demonstrates how, with a moderate amount of data, a low-level machine learning algorithm can be trained to evaluate and classify an unrealistic map output.
Abstract Summer precipitation in Hawai'i accounts for 40% of the annual total and provides important water sources. However, our knowledge about its variability remains limited. Here we show that statewide Hawai'i summer rainfall (HSR) variability exhibits two distinct regimes: quasi‐biennial (QB, ~2 years) and interdecadal (~30–40 years). The QB variation is linked to alternating occurrences of the Western North Pacific (WNP) cyclone and anticyclone in successive years, which is modulated by the intrinsic El Niño–Southern Oscillation biennial variability and involves a positive feedback between atmospheric Rossby waves and underlying sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies. The interdecadal variation of HSR is largely modulated by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation through affecting upstream low‐level humidity that affects topographic rainfall. HSR shows weak long‐term drying trend during 1920–2019. This first description of the major physical drivers of summer rainfall variability provides key information for seasonal rainfall prediction in Hawai'i.
Abstract Mycorrhizae alter global patterns of CO2fertilization, carbon storage, and elemental cycling, yet knowledge of their global distributions is currently limited by the availability of forest inventory data. Here, we show that maps of tree‐mycorrhizal associations (hereafter “mycorrhizal maps”) can be improved by the novel technology of imaging spectroscopy because mycorrhizal signatures propagate up from plant roots to impact forest canopy chemistry. We analyzed measurements from 143 airborne imaging spectroscopy surveys over 112,975 individual trees collected across 13 years. Results show remarkable accuracy in capturing ground truth observations of mycorrhizal associations from canopy signals across disparate landscapes (
R 2 = 0.92,p < 0.01). Upcoming imaging spectroscopy satellite missions can reveal new insights into landscape‐scale variations in water, nitrogen, phosphorus, carotenoid/anthocyanin, and cellulose/lignin composition. Applied globally, this approach could improve the spatial precision of mycorrhizal distributions by a factor of roughly 104and facilitate the incorporation of dynamic shifts in forest composition into Earth system models.