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Onychophora are cryptic, soil-dwelling invertebrates known for their biogeographic affinities, diversity of reproductive modes, close phylogenetic relationship to arthropods, and peculiar prey capture mechanism. The 216 valid species of Onychophora are grouped into two families – Peripatopsidae and Peripatidae – and apart from a few relationships among major lineages within these two families, a stable phylogenetic backbone for the phylum has yet to be resolved. This has hindered our understanding of onychophoran biogeographic patterns, evolutionary history, and systematics. Neopatida, the Neotropical clade of peripatids, has proved particularly difficult, with recalcitrant nodes and low resolution, potentially due to rapid radiation of the group during the Cretaceous. Previous studies have had to compromise between number of loci and number of taxa due to limitations of Sanger sequencing and phylotranscriptomics, respectively. Additionally, aspects of their genome size and structure have made molecular phylogenetics difficult and data matrices have been affected by missing data. To address these issues, we leveraged recent, published transcriptomes and the first high quality genome for the phylum and designed a high affinity ultraconserved element (UCE) probe set for Onychophora. This new probe set, consisting of ~ 20,000 probes that target 1,465 loci across both families, has high locus recovery and phylogenetic utility. Phylogenetic analyses recovered the monophyly of major clades of Onychophora and revealed a novel lineage from the Neotropics that challenges our current understanding of onychophoran biogeographic endemicity. This new resource could drastically increase the power of molecular datasets and potentially allow access to genomic scale data from archival museum specimens to further tackle the issues exasperating onychophoran systematics.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available August 1, 2025
ABSTRACT Aim The archipelago of Aotearoa displays both high biodiversity and a dynamic geologic history, shaped by constantly shifting coastlines and the dramatic effects of glacial cycling on forest cover across the islands. This geographic history has important implications for the evolution of dispersal‐limited forest‐dwelling arthropods, such as Opiliones, which can help us reconstruct key past biogeographic events. In this study, we shed light on the evolutionary history of the triaenonychid genus
Algidia Hogg, 1920 .Location The archipelago of Aotearoa|New Zealand.
Time Period Late Cretaceous to the present‐day, with particular focus on events in the Oligocene onwards.
Major Taxa Studied Algidia , Triaenonychidae, Opiliones, Arachnida.Methods We utilise an integrative phylobiogeographic approach, incorporating target enrichment sequence capture of ultraconserved elements, divergence dating, species delimitation and ecological niche modeling.
Results Our genomic data in conjunction with divergence dating find evidence of high geographic structure and the influence of multiple key geologic events in the natural history of Aotearoa, including the origination and continuation of the Alpine Fault, marine transgression during the Oligocene and cycles of glaciation and orogeny that characterised the Pliocene and Pleistocene on the islands. Our results recover 10 putative species, including four that are undescribed. Paleoclimate modelling reflects geographic changes to Aotearoa's coastline which potentially underpin the modern distributions of
Algidia , including land bridges in place of the current marine straits Raukawa Moana|Cook Strait and Te Ara‐a‐Kiwa|Foveaux Strait.Main Conclusions The phylogeny of
Algidia indicates consistent northwards expansion, with the earliest diverging clade, , located in Rakiura and southern Te Waipounamu, and subsequently diverging clades moving steadily northwards in their geographic distributions. Diversification ofA. homerica Algidia predates the Oligocene Marine Transgression, lending support to the now well‐established hypothesis that Aotearoa was not fully submerged during the Oligocene. The Alpine Fault seems to be an important feature explaining cladogenesis and diverging populations, including for species found across Raukawa Moana. However, other phenomena, including glaciation, orogeny or continental shifting, are also important explanatory factors in species distributions across Aotearoa. -
Abstract Aotearoa (New Zealand) is a biodiversity hotspot for temperate invertebrate taxa and home to high levels of endemicity. However, our knowledge of species‐level diversity and phylogeny of endemic New Zealand Onychophora (velvet worms) is at present limited. Here, we use mitochondrial
cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI ) barcoding to assess the extent of species diversity for the two velvet worm genera found in New Zealand, the ovoviviparous and endemicPeripatoides and the oviparousOoperipatellus , found in Australia and New Zealand. Our results reveal that the estimated number of species of both genera in New Zealand is greater than currently described. We estimate there are between 13 and 67 species ofPeripatoides and between 16 and 21 species ofOoperipatellus endemic to New Zealand. This is a stark increase from the two currently described New Zealand species ofOoperipatellus and previous work that has identified 10 species withinPeripatoides . Our exploration of climatic variables shows that individuals ofOoperipatellus are predominantly found in wet, cool environments andPeripatoides are found across relatively drier, warmer habitats. We also generate ecological niche models to provide initial predictions of the distribution of climatically suitable habitats for each genus across New Zealand. -
Opiliones (harvestmen) have come to be regarded as an abundant source of model groups for study of historical biogeography, due to their ancient age, poor dispersal capability, and high fidelity to biogeographic terranes. One of the least understood harvestman groups is the Paleotropical Assamiidae, one of the more diverse families of Opiliones. Due to a labyrinthine taxonomy, poorly established generic and subfamilial boundaries, and the lack of taxonomic keys for the group, few efforts have been undertaken to decipher relationships within this arachnid lineage. Neither the monophyly of the family, nor its exact placement in the harvestman phylogeny, have been established. Here, we assessed the internal phylogeny of Assamiidae using a ten-locus Sanger dataset, sampling key lineages putatively ascribed to this family for five of the ten markers. Our analyses recovered Assamiidae as a monophyletic group, in a clade with the primarily Afrotropical Pyramidopidae and the southeast Asian Beloniscidae. Internal relationships of assamiids disfavored the systematic validity of subfamilies, with biogeography reflecting much better phylogenetic structure than the existing higher-level taxonomy. To assess whether the Asian assamiids came to occupy Indo-Pacific terranes via rafting on the Indian subcontinent, we performed divergence dating to infer the age of the family. Our results show that Indo-Pacific clades are ancient, originating well before the Cretaceous and therefore predate a vicariant mechanism commonly encountered for Paleotropical taxa.more » « less
Vieira, Cristina (Ed.)Abstract Genome assemblies are growing at an exponential rate and have proved indispensable for studying evolution but the effort has been biased toward vertebrates and arthropods with a particular focus on insects. Onychophora or velvet worms are an ancient group of cryptic, soil dwelling worms noted for their unique mode of prey capture, biogeographic patterns, and diversity of reproductive strategies. They constitute a poorly understood phylum of exclusively terrestrial animals that is sister group to arthropods. Due to this phylogenetic position, they are crucial in understanding the origin of the largest phylum of animals. Despite their significance, there is a paucity of genomic resources for the phylum with only one highly fragmented and incomplete genome publicly available. Initial attempts at sequencing an onychophoran genome proved difficult due to its large genome size and high repeat content. However, leveraging recent advances in long-read sequencing technology, we present here the first annotated draft genome for the phylum. With a total size of 5.6Gb, the gigantism of the Epiperipatus broadwayi genome arises from having high repeat content, intron size inflation, and extensive gene family expansion. Additionally, we report a previously unknown diversity of onychophoran hemocyanins that suggests the diversification of copper-mediated oxygen carriers occurred independently in Onychophora after its split from Arthropoda, parallel to the independent diversification of hemocyanins in each of the main arthropod lineages.more » « less
Austin, Andy (Ed.)
We complement and expand the existing descriptions of the Australian araneid spider Paraplectanoides crassipes Keyserling, 1886, and provide the first detailed analysis of the male palpal homologies to include examination of the expanded organ and scanning electron micrographs of the palpal sclerites. We study the placement of Paraplectanoides and the classification of the family Araneidae by combining ultraconserved elements with Sanger markers. We also added Sanger sequences of the Australian araneid genus Venomius to the molecular dataset of Scharff et al. (2020) to explore the phylogenetic placement and implications for classification of the family. We evaluate a recent proposal on the classification of the family Araneidae by Kuntner et al. (2023) in which a new family is erected for P. crassipes. Paraplectanoides is monotypic. Examination of the type material shows that Paraplectanoides kochi O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1877 is misplaced in the genus and the name is a senior synonym of the araneid Isoxya penizoides Simon, 1887 (new synonymy) that results in the new combination Isoxya kochi (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1877). The classification of Araneidae is revised and the following nomenclatural acts are introduced: Paraplectanoididae Kuntner, Coddington, Agnarsson and Bond, 2023 is a junior synonym of Araneidae Clerck, 1757 new synonymy; phonognathines and nephilines are subfamilies of Araneidae (Subfamily Phonognathinae Simon, 1894 rank resurrected; and Subfamily Nephilinae Simon, 1894 rank resurrected). The results of our analyses corroborate the sister group relationship between Paraplectanoides and the araneid subfamily Nephilinae. Venomius is sister to the Nephilinae + Paraplectanoides clade. The placement of the oarcine araneids and Venomius renders the family Araneidae non-monophyletic if this were to be circumscribed as in Kuntner et al. (2023). In light of the paucity of data that the latter study presents, and in absence of a robust, stable and more densely sampled phylogenetic analysis of Araneidae, the changes and definitions introduced by that classification are premature and could lead to a large number of new families for what once were araneid species if the maximum-crown-clade family definitions were to be used. Consequently, we argue for restoring the familial and subfamilial classification of Araneidae of Dimitrov et al. (2017), Scharff et al. (2020) and Kallal et al. (2020).
Sharma, Prashant (Ed.)
Pettalidae is a family of mite harvestmen that inhabits the former circum-Antarctic Gondwanan terranes, including southern South America, South Africa, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Australia and New Zealand. Australia is home to two pettalid genera, Austropurcellia, in northern New South Wales and Queensland, and Karripurcellia, in Western Australia, until now showing a large distributional gap between these two parts of the Australian continent. Here we report specimens of a new pettalid from South Australia, Archaeopurcellia eureka, gen. et sp. nov., closing this distributional gap of Australian pettalids. Phylogenetic analyses using traditional Sanger markers as well as ultra-conserved elements (UCEs) reveal that the new genus is related to the Chilean Chileogovea, instead of any of the other East Gondwanan genera. This relationship of an Australian species to a South American clade can be explained by the Antarctic land bridge between these two terranes, a connection that was maintained with Australia until 45 Ma. The UCE dataset also shows the promise of using museum specimens to resolve relationships within Pettalidae and Cyphophthalmi. ZooBank:
Edwards, Danielle (Ed.)
Abstract Phylogenetic analyses may suffer from multiple sources of error leading to conflict between genes and methods of inference. The evolutionary history of the mollusc clade Vetigastropoda makes them susceptible to these conflicts, their higher level phylogeny remaining largely unresolved. Originating over 350 Ma, vetigastropods were the dominant marine snails in the Paleozoic. Multiple extinction events and new radiations have resulted in both very long and very short branches and a large extant diversity of over 4000 species. This is the perfect setting of a hard phylogenetic question in which sources of conflict can be explored. We present 41 new transcriptomes across the diversity of vetigastropods (62 terminals total), and provide the first genomic-scale phylogeny for the group. We find that deep divergences differ from previous studies in which long branch attraction was likely pervasive. Robust results leading to changes in taxonomy include the paraphyly of the order Lepetellida and the family Tegulidae. Tectinae subfam. nov. is designated for the clade comprising Tectus, Cittarium, and Rochia. For two early divergences, topologies disagreed between concatenated analyses using site heterogeneous models versus concatenated partitioned analyses and summary coalescent methods. We investigated rate and composition heterogeneity among genes, as well as missing data by locus and by taxon, none of which had an impact on the inferred topologies. We also found no evidence for ancient introgression throughout the phylogeny. We further tested whether uninformative genes and over-partitioning were responsible for this discordance by evaluating the phylogenetic signal of individual genes using likelihood mapping, and by analyzing the most informative genes with a full multispecies coalescent (MSC) model. We find that most genes are not informative at the two conflicting nodes, but neither this nor gene-wise partitioning are the cause of discordant results. New method implementations that simultaneously integrate amino acid profile mixture models and the MSC might be necessary to resolve these and other recalcitrant nodes in the Tree of Life.
Natural history collections are invaluable repositories of biological information that provide an unrivaled record of Earth's biodiversity. Museum genomics—genomics research using traditional museum and cryogenic collections and the infrastructure supporting these investigations—has particularly enhanced research in ecology and evolutionary biology, the study of extinct organisms, and the impact of anthropogenic activity on biodiversity. However, leveraging genomics in biological collections has exposed challenges, such as digitizing, integrating, and sharing collections data; updating practices to ensure broadly optimal data extraction from existing and new collections; and modernizing collections practices, infrastructure, and policies to ensure fair, sustainable, and genomically manifold uses of museum collections by increasingly diverse stakeholders. Museum genomics collections are poised to address these challenges and, with increasingly sensitive genomics approaches, will catalyze a future era of reproducibility, innovation, and insight made possible through integrating museum and genome sciences.more » « less