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  1. Central to the development and survival of all organisms is the regulation of gene expression, which begins with the process of transcription catalyzed by RNA polymerases. During transcription of protein-coding genes, the general transcription factors (GTFs) work alongside RNA polymerase II (Pol II) to assemble the preinitiation complex at the transcription start site, open the promoter DNA, initiate synthesis of the nascent messenger RNA, transition to productive elongation, and ultimately terminate transcription. Through these different stages of transcription, Pol II is dynamically phosphorylated at the C-terminal tail of its largest subunit, serving as a control mechanism for Pol II elongation and a signaling/binding platform for co-transcriptional factors. The large number of core protein factors participating in the fundamental steps of transcription add dense layers of regulation that contribute to the complexity of temporal and spatial control of gene expression within any given cell type. The Pol II transcription system is highly conserved across different levels of eukaryotes; however, most of the information here will focus on the human Pol II system. This review walks through various stages of transcription, from preinitiation complex assembly to termination, highlighting the functions and mechanisms of the core machinery that participates in each stage.

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  2. D’Auria, Sabato (Ed.)

    The transcriptional activator p53 is a tumor suppressor protein that controls cellular pathways important for cell fate decisions, including cell cycle arrest, senescence, and apoptosis. It functions as a tetramer by binding to specific DNA sequences known as response elements (REs) to control transcription via interactions with co-regulatory complexes. Despite its biological importance, the mechanism by which p53 binds REs remains unclear. To address this, we have used an in vitro single molecule fluorescence approach to quantify the dynamic binding of full-length human p53 to five native REs in real time under equilibrium conditions. Our approach enabled us to quantify the oligomeric state of DNA-bound p53. We found little evidence that dimer/DNA complexes form as intermediates en route to binding or dissociation of p53 tetramer/DNA complexes. Interestingly, however, at some REs dimers can rapidly exchange from tetramer/DNA complexes. Real time kinetic measurements enabled us to determine rate constants for association and dissociation at all five REs, which revealed two kinetically distinct populations of tetrameric p53/RE complexes. For the less stable population, the rate constants for dissociation were larger at REs closest to consensus, showing that the more favorable binding sequences form the least kinetically stable complexes. Together our single molecule measurements provide new insight into mechanisms by which tetrameric p53 forms complexes on different native REs.

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  3. High Mobility Group Box (HMGB) proteins are small architectural DNA binding proteins that regulate multiple genomic processes such as DNA damage repair, nucleosome sliding, telomere homeostasis, and transcription. In doing so they control both normal cellular functions and impact a myriad of disease states, including cancers and autoimmune diseases. HMGB proteins bind to DNA and nucleosomes to modulate the local chromatin environment, which facilitates the binding of regulatory protein factors to the genome and modulates higher order chromosomal organization. Numerous studies over the years have characterized the structure and function of interactions between HMGB proteins and DNA, both biochemically and inside cells, providing valuable mechanistic insight as well as evidence these interactions influence pathological processes. This review highlights recent studies supporting the roles of HMGB1 and HMGB2 in global organization of the genome, as well as roles in transcriptional regulation and telomere maintenance via interactions with G-quadruplex structures. Moreover, emerging models for how HMGB proteins function as RNA binding proteins are presented. Nuclear HMGB proteins have broad regulatory potential to impact numerous aspects of cellular metabolism in normal and disease states. 
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  4. Abstract

    The tumor suppressor protein p53 is critical for cell fate decisions, including apoptosis, senescence, and cell cycle arrest. p53 is a tetrameric transcription factor that binds DNA response elements to regulate transcription of target genes. p53 response elements consist of two decameric half-sites, and data suggest one p53 dimer in the tetramer binds to each half-site. Despite a broad literature describing p53 binding DNA, unanswered questions remain, due partly to the need for more quantitative and structural studies with full length protein. Here we describe a single molecule fluorescence system to visualize full length p53 tetramers binding DNA in real time. The data revealed a dynamic interaction in which tetrameric p53/DNA complexes assembled and disassembled without a dimer/DNA intermediate. On a wild type DNA containing two half sites, p53/DNA complexes existed in two kinetically distinct populations. p53 tetramers bound response elements containing only one half site to form a single population of complexes with reduced kinetic stability. Altering the spacing and helical phasing between two half sites affected both the population distribution of p53/DNA complexes and their kinetic stability. Our real time single molecule measurements of full length p53 tetramers binding DNA reveal the parameters that define the stability of p53/DNA complexes, and provide insight into the pathways by which those complexes assemble.

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