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abstract Long-term observations and experiments in diverse drylands reveal how ecosystems and services are responding to climate change. To develop generalities about climate change impacts at dryland sites, we compared broadscale patterns in climate and synthesized primary production responses among the eight terrestrial, nonforested sites of the United States Long-Term Ecological Research (US LTER) Network located in temperate (Southwest and Midwest) and polar (Arctic and Antarctic) regions. All sites experienced warming in recent decades, whereas drought varied regionally with multidecadal phases. Multiple years of wet or dry conditions had larger effects than single years on primary production. Droughts, floods, and wildfires altered resource availability and restructured plant communities, with greater impacts on primary production than warming alone. During severe regional droughts, air pollution from wildfire and dust events peaked. Studies at US LTER drylands over more than 40 years demonstrate reciprocal links and feedbacks among dryland ecosystems, climate-driven disturbance events, and climate change.
null (Ed.)which limit cell wall digestibility and efficiency of cellulose conversion to bioethanol, can be influenced by belowground biotic and abiotic factors. Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a leading lignocellulosic biofuel crop and forms strong belowground associations with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), is susceptible to belowground plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN), and when grown in monoculture generally requires nitrogen (N) fertilization. The main objectives of the study were to investigate the effects of N fertilizer and belowground organisms on lignin content and composition of switchgrass. Leaf, stem, and root tissues were evaluated separately to test whether these factors had varying belowground (local) or aboveground (systemic) effects on plants. These factors were manipulated in a field study in 2017 using biocide applications to reduce soil fungi and nematodes. Combined biocide application reduced p-hydroxyphenyl (H) unit abundance in the leaves by 14% and increased the syringyl:guaiacyl (S:G) ratio in stems by 2%. Application of fungicide alone increased stem syringyl (S) unit by 12.4% as compared with control plots, and 11.1% as compared with nematicide plots. Overall, fertilizer increased total stem lignin by 3%, stem S unit by 6.7%, and stem S:G ratio by 10%, whereas it reduced the amount of H-unit in the roots by 11%. While the effects of N fertilizer were more pronounced in this study, changes to soil organisms had similar magnitudes of effect for some measures of lignin, indicating that these belowground interactions may be important for growers to consider in the future.more » « less
The mandate by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 to increase renewable fuel production in the USA has resulted in extensive research into the sustainability of perennial bioenergy crops such as switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) and miscanthus (Miscanthus× giganteus). Perennial grassland crops have been shown to support greater aboveground biodiversity and ecosystem function than annual crops. However, management considerations, such as what crop to plant or whether to use fertilizer, may alter belowground diversity and ecosystem functioning associated with these grasslands as well. In this study, we compared crop type (switchgrass or miscanthus) and nitrogen fertilization effects on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) and soil nematode abundance, activity, and diversity in a long-term experiment. We quantified AMF root colonization, AMF extra-radical hyphal length, soil glomalin concentrations, AMF richness and diversity, plant-parasitic nematode abundance, and nematode family richness and diversity in each treatment. Mycorrhizal activity and diversity were higher with switchgrass than with miscanthus, leading to higher potential soil carbon contributions via increased hyphal growth and glomalin production. Plant-parasitic nematode (PPN) abundance was 2.3 × higher in miscanthus plots compared to switchgrass, mostly due to increases in dagger nematodes (Xiphinema). The higher PPN abundance in miscanthus may be a consequence of lower AMF in this species, as AMF can provide protection against PPN through a variety of mechanisms. Nitrogen fertilization had minor negative effects on AMF and nematode diversity associated with these crops. Overall, we found that crop type and fertilizer application associated with perennial bioenergy cropping systems can have detectable effects on the diversity and composition of soil communities, which may have important consequences for the ecosystem services provided by these systems.more » « less