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  1. Abstract Objectives

    The study aimed to assess the usage and impact of a private and secure instance of a generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) application in a large academic health center. The goal was to understand how employees interact with this technology and the influence on their perception of skill and work performance.

    Materials and Methods

    New York University Langone Health (NYULH) established a secure, private, and managed Azure OpenAI service (GenAI Studio) and granted widespread access to employees. Usage was monitored and users were surveyed about their experiences.


    Over 6 months, over 1007 individuals applied for access, with high usage among research and clinical departments. Users felt prepared to use the GenAI studio, found it easy to use, and would recommend it to a colleague. Users employed the GenAI studio for diverse tasks such as writing, editing, summarizing, data analysis, and idea generation. Challenges included difficulties in educating the workforce in constructing effective prompts and token and API limitations.


    The study demonstrated high interest in and extensive use of GenAI in a healthcare setting, with users employing the technology for diverse tasks. While users identified several challenges, they also recognized the potential of GenAI and indicated a need for more instruction and guidance on effective usage.


    The private GenAI studio provided a useful tool for employees to augment their skills and apply GenAI to their daily tasks. The study underscored the importance of workforce education when implementing system-wide GenAI and provided insights into its strengths and weaknesses.

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  2. Hastings, Janna (Ed.)

    Healthcare crowdsourcing events (e.g. hackathons) facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration and encourage innovation. Peer-reviewed research has not yet considered a healthcare crowdsourcing event focusing on generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), which generates text in response to detailed prompts and has vast potential for improving the efficiency of healthcare organizations. Our event, the New York University Langone Health (NYULH) Prompt-a-thon, primarily sought to inspire and build AI fluency within our diverse NYULH community, and foster collaboration and innovation. Secondarily, we sought to analyze how participants’ experience was influenced by their prior GenAI exposure and whether they received sample prompts during the workshop.


    Executing the event required the assembly of an expert planning committee, who recruited diverse participants, anticipated technological challenges, and prepared the event. The event was composed of didactics and workshop sessions, which educated and allowed participants to experiment with using GenAI on real healthcare data. Participants were given novel “project cards” associated with each dataset that illuminated the tasks GenAI could perform and, for a random set of teams, sample prompts to help them achieve each task (the public repository of project cards can be found at Afterwards, participants were asked to fill out a survey with 7-point Likert-style questions.


    Our event was successful in educating and inspiring hundreds of enthusiastic in-person and virtual participants across our organization on the responsible use of GenAI in a low-cost and technologically feasible manner. All participants responded positively, on average, to each of the survey questions (e.g., confidence in their ability to use and trust GenAI). Critically, participants reported a self-perceived increase in their likelihood of using and promoting colleagues’ use of GenAI for their daily work. No significant differences were seen in the surveys of those who received sample prompts with their project task descriptions


    The first healthcare Prompt-a-thon was an overwhelming success, with minimal technological failures, positive responses from diverse participants and staff, and evidence of post-event engagement. These findings will be integral to planning future events at our institution, and to others looking to engage their workforce in utilizing GenAI.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 23, 2025
  3. Abstract

    Unprecedented floods from extreme rainfall events worldwide emphasize the need for flood inundation mapping for floodplain management and risk reduction. Access to flood inundation maps and risk evaluation tools remains challenging in most parts of the world, particularly in rural regions, leading to decreased flood resilience. The use of hydraulic and hydrodynamic models in rural areas has been hindered by excessive data and computational requirements. In this study, we mapped the flood inundation in Huron Creek watershed, Michigan, USA for an extreme rainfall event (1000-year return period) that occurred in 2018 (Father’s Day Flood) using the Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND) model and a synthetic rating curve developed from LIDAR DEM. We compared the flood inundation extent and depth modeled by the HAND with flood inundation characteristics predicted by two hydrodynamic models, viz., HEC-RAS 2D and SMS-SRH 2D. The flood discharge of the event was simulated using the HEC-HMS hydrologic model. Results suggest that, in different channel segments, the HAND model produces different degrees of concurrence in both flood inundation extent and depth when compared to the hydrodynamic models. The differences in flood inundation characteristics produced by the HAND model are primarily due to the uncertainties associated with optimal parameter estimation of the synthetic rating curve. Analyzing the differences between the HAND and hydrodynamic models also highlights the significance of terrain characteristics in model predictions. Based on the comparable predictive capability of the HAND model to map flood inundation areas during extreme rainfall events, we demonstrate the suitability of the HAND-based approach for mitigating flood risk in data-scarce, rural regions.

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