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  1. Abstract

    Spotted wing drosophila,Drosophila suzukii, is an invasive pest that primarily attacks fresh, soft‐skinned fruit. Although others have reported successful integration of markedpiggyBacelements into theD. suzukiigenome, with a very respectable transgenesis rate of ∼16%, here we take this work a step further by creatingD. suzukiijumpstarter strains. These were generated through integration of a fluorescent‐markedMinoselement carrying aheat shock protein 70‐drivenpiggyBac transposasegene. We demonstrate that there is a dramatic increase in transformation rates when germline transformation is performed in atransposase‐expressing background. For example, we achieved transformation rates as high as 80% when microinjectingpiggyBac‐based plasmids into embryos derived from one of theseD. suzukiijumpstarter strains. We also investigate the effect of insert size on transformation efficiency by testing the ability of the most efficient jumpstarter strain to catalyze integration of differently‐sizedpiggyBacelements. Finally, we demonstrate the ability of a jumpstarter strain to remobilize an already‐integratedpiggyBacelement to a new location, demonstrating that our jumpstarter strains could be used in conjunction with apiggyBac‐based donor strain for genome‐wide mutagenesis ofD. suzukii.

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