The ultimate regularity of quantum mechanics creates a tension with the assumption of classical chaos used in many of our pictures of chemical reaction dynamics. Out-of-time-order correlators (OTOCs) provide a quantum analog to the Lyapunov exponents that characterize classical chaotic motion. Maldacena, Shenker, and Stanford have suggested a fundamental quantum bound for the rate of information scrambling, which resembles a limit suggested by Herzfeld for chemical reaction rates. Here, we use OTOCs to study model reactions based on a double-well reaction coordinate coupled to anharmonic oscillators or to a continuum oscillator bath. Upon cooling, as one enters the tunneling regime where the reaction rate does not strongly depend on temperature, the quantum Lyapunov exponent can approach the scrambling bound and the effective reaction rate obtained from a population correlation function can approach the Herzfeld limit on reaction rates: Tunneling increases scrambling by expanding the state space available to the system. The coupling of a dissipative continuum bath to the reaction coordinate reduces the scrambling rate obtained from the early-time OTOC, thus making the scrambling bound harder to reach, in the same way that friction is known to lower the temperature at which thermally activated barrier crossing goes over to the low-temperature activationless tunneling regime. Thus, chemical reactions entering the tunneling regime can be information scramblers as powerful as the black holes to which the quantum Lyapunov exponent bound has usually been applied.
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Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 9, 2025
Studies of proteins from one organism in another organism’s cells have shown that such exogenous proteins stick more, pointing toward coevolution of the cytoplasm and protein surface to minimize stickiness. Here we flip this question around by asking whether exogenous proteins can assemble efficiently into their target complexes in a non-native cytoplasm. We use as our model system the assembly of BtubA and BtubB from Prosthecobacter hosted in human U-2 OS cells. BtubA and B evolved from eukaryotic tubulins after horizontal gene transfer, but they have low surface sequence identity with the homologous human tubulins and do not respond to tubulin drugs such as nocodazole. In U-2 OS cells, BtubA and B assemble efficiently into dimers compared to in vitro, and the wild-type BtubA and B proteins subsequently are able to form microtubules as well. We find that generic crowding effects (Ficoll 70 in vitro) contribute significantly to efficient dimer assembly when compared to sticking interactions (U-2 OS cell lysate in vitro), consistent with the notion that a generic mechanism such as crowding can be effective at driving assembly of exogenous proteins, even when protein-cytoplasm quinary structure and sticking have been modified in a non-native cytoplasm. A simple Monte Carlo model of in vitro and in-cell interactions, treating BtubA and B as sticky dipoles in a matrix of sticky or nonsticky crowders, rationalizes all the experimental trends with two adjustable parameters and reveals nucleation as the likely mechanism for the time-scale separation between dimer- and tubule formation in-cell and in vitro.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available February 12, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 1, 2025
Abstract Despite a vaccine, hepatitis B virus (HBV) remains a world-wide source of infections and deaths. We develop a whole-cell computational platform combining spatial and kinetic models describing the infection cycle of HBV in a hepatocyte host. We simulate key parts of the infection cycle with this whole-cell platform for 10 min of biological time, to predict infection progression, map out virus-host and virus-drug interactions. We find that starting from an established infection, decreasing the copy number of the viral envelope proteins shifts the dominant infection pathway from capsid secretion to re-importing the capsids into the nucleus, resulting in more nuclear-localized viral covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) and boosting transcription. This scenario can mimic the consequence of drugs designed to manipulate viral gene expression. Mutating capsid proteins facilitates capsid destabilization and disassembly at nuclear pore complexes, resulting in an increase in cccDNA copy number. However, excessive destabilization leads to premature cytoplasmic disassembly and does not increase the cccDNA counts. Finally, our simulations can predict the best drug dosage and its administration timing to reduce the cccDNA counts. Our adaptable computational platform can be parameterized to study other viruses and identify the most central viral pathways that can be targeted by drugs.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2024 -
Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 30, 2024
A major challenge in the “bottom-up” solvothermal synthesis of carbon dots (CDs) is the removal of small-molecule byproducts, noncarbonized polyamides, or other impurities that confound the optical properties. In previously reported benzene diamine-based CDs, the observed fluorescence signal already has been shown to arise from free small molecules, not from nanosized carbonized dots. Here we have unambiguously identified the small-molecule species in the synthesis of CDs starting with several isomers of benzene diamine by directly matching their NMR, mass spectrometry, and optical data with commercially available small organic molecules. By combining dialysis and chromatography, we have sufficiently purified the CD reaction mixtures to measure the CD size by TEM and STM, elemental composition, optical absorption and emission, and single-particle blinking dynamics. The results can be rationalized by electronic structure calculations on small model CDs. Our results conclusively show that the purified benzene diamine-based CDs do not emit red fluorescence, so the quest for full-spectrum fluorescence from isomers of a single precursor molecule remains open.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available November 28, 2024
Energy flow in molecules, like the dynamics of other many-dimensional finite systems, involves quantum transport across a dense network of near-resonant states. For molecules in their electronic ground state, the network is ordinarily provided by anharmonic vibrational Fermi resonances. Surface crossing between different electronic states provides another route to chaotic motion and energy redistribution. We show that nonadiabatic coupling between electronic energy surfaces facilitates vibrational energy flow and, conversely, anharmonic vibrational couplings facilitate nonadiabatic electronic state mixing. A generalization of the Logan–Wolynes theory of quantum energy flow in many-dimensional Fermi resonance systems to the two-surface case gives a phase diagram describing the boundary between localized quantum dynamics and global energy flow. We explore these predictions and test them using a model inspired by the problem of electronic excitation energy transfer in the photosynthetic reaction center. Using an explicit numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for this ten-dimensional model, we find quite good agreement with the expectations from the approximate analytical theory.more » « less
Translocation of proteins is correlated with structural fluctuations that access conformational states higher in free energy than the folded state. We use electric fields at the solid-state nanopore to control the relative free energy and occupancy of different protein conformational states at the single-molecule level. The change in occupancy of different protein conformations as a function of electric field gives rise to shifts in the measured distributions of ionic current blockades and residence times. We probe the statistics of the ionic current blockades and residence times for three mutants of the
-repressor family in order to determine the number of accessible conformational states of each mutant and evaluate the ruggedness of their free energy landscapes. Translocation becomes faster at higher electric fields when additional flexible conformations are available for threading through the pore. At the same time, folding rates are not correlated with ease of translocation; a slow-folding mutant with a low-lying intermediate state translocates faster than a faster-folding two-state mutant. Such behavior allows us to distinguish among protein mutants by selecting for the degree of current blockade and residence time at the pore. Based on these findings, we present a simple free energy model that explains the complementary relationship between folding equilibrium constants and translocation rates.