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Abstract Domain walls separating regions of ferroelectric material with polarization oriented in different directions are crucial for applications of ferroelectrics. Rational design of ferroelectric materials requires the development of a theory describing how compositional and environmental changes affect domain walls. To model domain wall systems, a discrete microscopic Landau–Ginzburg–Devonshire (dmLGD) approach with A‐ and B‐site cation displacements serving as order parameters is developed. Application of dmLGD to the classic BaTiO3, KNbO3,and PbTiO3ferroelectrics shows that A–B cation repulsion is the key interaction that couples the polarization in neighboring unit cells of the material. dmLGD decomposition of the total energy of the system into the contributions of the individual cations and their interactions enables the prediction of different properties for a wide range of ferroelectric perovskites based on the results obtained for BaTiO3, KNbO3,and PbTiO3only. It is found that the information necessary to estimate the structure and energy of domain‐wall “defects” can be extracted from single‐domain 5‐atom first‐principles calculations, and that “defect‐like” domain walls offer a simple model system that sheds light on the relative stabilities of the ferroelectric, antiferroelectric, and paraelectric bulk phases. The dmLGD approach provides a general theoretical framework for understanding and designing ferroelectric perovskite oxides.
Abstract Achieving high oxygen evolution reaction (OER) activity while maintaining performance stability is a key challenge for designing perovskite structure oxide OER catalysts, which are often unstable in alkaline environments transforming into an amorphous phase. While the chemical and structural transformation occurring during electrolysis at the electrolyte–catalyst interface is now regarded as a crucial factor influencing OER activity, here, using La0.7Sr0.3CoO3−
δ (LSCO) as an active OER catalyst, the critical influence of buried layers on the oxidation current stability in nanoscopically thin, chemically and structurally evolving, catalyst layers is revealed. The use of epitaxial thin films is demonstrated to engineer both depletion layer widths and chemical stability of the catalyst support structure resulting in heterostructured anodes that maintain facile transport kinetics across the electrolyte–anode interface for atomically thin (2–3 unit cells) LSCO catalyst layers and greatly enhanced oxidation current stability as the perovskite structure OER catalysts chemically and structurally transform. This work opens up an approach to design robust and active heterostructured anodes with dynamically evolving ultrathin OER electrocatalyst layers for future green fuel technologies such as conformal coatings of high‐density 3D anode topologies for water splitting.