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  1. Errors are the fundamental barrier to the development of quantum systems. Quantum networks are complex systems formed by the interconnection of multiple components and suffer from error accumulation. Characterizing errors introduced by quantum network components becomes a fundamental task to overcome their depleting effects in quantum communication. Quantum Network Tomography (QNT) addresses end-to-end characterization of link errors in quantum networks. It is a tool for building error-aware applications, network management, and system validation. We provide an overview of QNT and its initial results for characterizing quantum star networks. We apply a previously defined QNT protocol for estimating bit-flip channels to estimate depolarizing channels. We analyze the performance of our estimators numerically by assessing the Quantum Cramèr-Rao Bound (QCRB) and the Mean Square Error (MSE) in the finite sample regime. Finally, we provide a discussion on current challenges in the field of QNT and elicit exciting research directions for future investigation. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025
  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 7, 2025
  3. Shahriar, Selim M ; Scheuer, Jacob (Ed.)
    Quantum optomechanics has led to advances in quantum sensing, optical manipulation of mechanical systems, and macroscopic quantum physics. However, previous studies have typically focused on dispersive optomechanical coupling, which modifies the phase of the light field. Here, we discuss recent advances in “imaging-based” quantum optomechanics – where information about the mechanical resonator’s motion is imprinted onto the spatial mode of the optical field, akin to how information encoded in an image. Additionally, we find radiation pressure backaction, a phenomenon not usually discussed in imaging studies, comes from spatially uncorrelated fluctuations of the optical field. First, we examine a simple thought experiment in which the displacement of a membrane resonator can be measured by extracting the amplitude of specific spatial modes. Torsion modes are naturally measured with this coupling and are interesting for applications such as precision torque sensing, tests of gravity, and measurements of angular displacement at and beyond the standard quantum limit. As an experimental demonstration, we measure the angular displacement of the torsion mode of a Si3N4 nanoribbon near the quantum imprecision limit using both an optical lever and a spatial mode demultiplexer. Finally, we discuss the potential for future imaging-based quantum optomechanics experiments, including observing pondermotive squeezing of different spatial modes and quantum back-action evasion in angular displacement measurements. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 13, 2025
  4. We consider the problem of multipath entanglement distribution to a pair of nodes in a quantum network consisting of devices with nondeterministic entanglement swapping capabilities. Multipath entanglement distribution enables a network to establish end-to-end entangled links across any number of available paths with preestablished link-level entanglement. Probabilistic entanglement swapping, on the other hand, limits the amount of entanglement that is shared between the nodes; this is especially the case when, due to practical constraints, swaps must be performed in temporal proximity to each other. Limiting our focus to the case where only bipartite entanglement is generated across the network, we cast the problem as an instance of generalized flow maximization between two quantum end nodes wishing to communicate. We propose a mixed-integer quadratically constrained program (MIQCP) to solve this flow problem for networks with arbitrary topology. We then compute the overall network capacity, defined as the maximum number of Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen (EPR) states distributed to users per time unit, by solving the flow problem for all possible network states generated by probabilistic entangled link presence and absence, and subsequently by averaging over all network state capacities. The MIQCP can also be applied to networks with multiplexed links. While our approach for computing the overall network capacity has the undesirable property that the total number of states grows exponentially with link multiplexing capability, it nevertheless yields an exact solution that serves as an upper bound comparison basis for the throughput performance of more easily implementable yet nonoptimal entanglement routing algorithms. 
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  5. Long-distance quantum communication will require the use of quantum repeaters to overcome the exponential attenuation of signal with distance. One class of such repeaters utilizes quantum error correction to overcome losses in the communication channel. Here we propose a strategy of using the bosonic Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) code in a two-way repeater architecture with multiplexing. The crucial feature of the GKP code that we make use of is the fact that GKP qubits easily admit deterministic two-qubit gates, hence allowing for multiplexing without the need for generating large cluster states as required in previous all-photonic architectures based on discrete-variable codes. Moreover, alleviating the need for such clique clusters entails that we are no longer limited to extraction of at most one end-to-end entangled pair from a single protocol run. In fact, thanks to the availability of the analog information generated during the measurements of the GKP qubits, we can design better entanglement swapping procedures in which we connect links based on their estimated quality. This enables us to use all the multiplexed links so that large number of links from a single protocol run can contribute to the generation of the end-to-end entanglement. We find that our architecture allows for high-rate end-to-end entanglement generation and is resilient to imperfections arising from finite squeezing in the GKP state preparation and homodyne detection inefficiency. In particular we show that long-distance quantum communication over more than 1000 km is possible even with less than 13 dB of GKP squeezing. We also quantify the number of GKP qubits needed for the implementation of our scheme and find that for good hardware parameters our scheme requires around 10^3 - 10^4 GKP qubits per repeater per protocol run. 
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  6. We study a quantum entanglement distribution switch serving a set of users in a star topology with equal-length links. The quantum switch, much like a quantum repeater, can perform entanglement swapping to extend entanglement across longer distances. Additionally, the switch is equipped with entanglement switching logic, enabling it to implement switching policies to better serve the needs of the network. In this work, the function of the switch is to create bipartite or tripartite entangled states among users at the highest possible rates at a fixed ratio. Using Markov chains, we model a set of randomized switching policies. Discovering that some are better than others, we present analytical results for the case where the switch stores one qubit per user, and find that the best policies outperform a time division multiplexing policy for sharing the switch between bipartite and tripartite state generation. This performance improvement decreases as the number of users grows. The model is easily augmented to study the capacity region in the presence of quantum state decoherence and associated cut-off times for qubit storage, obtaining similar results. Moreover, decoherence-associated quantum storage cut-off times appear to have little effect on capacity in our identical-link system. We also study a smaller class of policies when the switch stores two qubits per user. 
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  7. Abstract

    Entanglement has been known to boost target detection, despite it being destroyed by lossy-noisy propagation. Recently, Zhuang and Shapiro (2022Phys. Rev. Lett.128010501) proposed a quantum pulse-compression radar to extend entanglement’s benefit to target range estimation. In a radar application, many other aspects of the target are of interest, including angle, velocity and cross section. In this study, we propose a dual-receiver radar scheme that employs a high time-bandwidth product microwave pulse entangled with a pre-shared reference signal available at the receiver, to investigate the direction of a distant object and show that the direction-resolving capability is significantly improved by entanglement, compared to its classical counterpart under the same parameter settings. We identify the applicable scenario of this quantum radar to be short-range and high-frequency, which enables entanglement’s benefit in a reasonable integration time.

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