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Creators/Authors contains: "Haase, Martin F."

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  1. Bicontinuous interfacially jammed emulsion gels (bijels) formed via solvent transfer induced phase separation (STrIPS) are new soft materials with potential applications in separations, healthcare, or catalysis. To facilitate their applications, means to fabricate STrIPS bijels with nanoparticles of various surface chemistries are needed. Here, we investigate the formation of STrIPS bijels with nanoparticles of different wettabilities, ranging from partially hydrophobic to extremely hydrophilic. To this end, the surface wettability of silica nanoparticles is tailored by functionalization with ligands bearing either hydrophobic or hydrophilic terminal groups. We show that partially hydrophobic particles with acrylate groups can impart short-term stability to STrIPS bijels on their own. However, to enable long-term stability, the use of cationic surfactants is needed. Partially hydrophobic particles require short chain surfactants for morphological stability while glycerol-functionalized hydrophilic particles require double chain cationic surfactants. Variation of the surfactant concentration results in various STrIPS bijel morphologies with controllable domain sizes. Last, we show that functional groups on the nanoparticles facilitate interfacial cross-linking for the purposes of reinforcing STrIPS bijels. Our research lays the foundation for the use of a wide variety of solid particles, irrespective of their surface wettabilities, to fabricate bijels with potential applications in Pickering interfacial catalysis and as cross-flow microreactors. 
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  2. Abstract

    Although enzymes are efficient catalysts capable of converting various substrates into desired products with high specificity under mild conditions, their effectiveness as catalysts is substantially reduced when substrates are poorly water-soluble. In this study, to expedite the enzymatic conversion of a hydrophobic substrate, we use a bicontinuous interfacially jammed emulsion gel (bijel) which provides large interfacial area between two immiscible liquids: oil and water. Using lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis of tributyrin as a model reaction in a batch mode, we show that bijels can be used as media to enable enzymatic reaction. The bijel system gives a four-fold increase in the initial reaction rate in comparison to a stirred biphasic medium. Our results demonstrate that bijels are powerful biphasic reaction media to accelerate enzymatic reactions with various hydrophobic reagents. This work also demonstrates that bijels can potentially be used as reaction media to enable continuous reactive separations.

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  3. The ordering of nanoparticles into predetermined configurations is of importance to the design of advanced technologies. Here, we balance the interfacial energy of nanoparticles against the elastic energy of cholesteric liquid crystals to dynamically shape nanoparticle assemblies at a fluid interface. By adjusting the concentration of surfactant that plays the dual role of tuning the degree of nanoparticle hydrophobicity and altering the molecular anchoring of liquid crystals, we pattern nanoparticles at the interface of cholesteric liquid crystal emulsions. In this system, interfacial assembly is tempered by elastic patterns that arise from the geometric frustration of confined cholesterics. Patterns are tunable by varying both surfactant and chiral dopant concentrations. Adjusting the particle hydrophobicity more finely by regulating the surfactant concentration and solution pH further modifies the rigidity of assemblies, giving rise to surprising assembly dynamics dictated by the underlying elasticity of the cholesteric. Because particle assembly occurs at the interface with the desired structures exposed to the surrounding water solution, we demonstrate that particles can be readily cross-linked and manipulated, forming structures that retain their shape under external perturbations. This study serves as a foundation for better understanding inter-nanoparticle interactions at interfaces by tempering their assembly with elasticity and for creating materials with chemical heterogeneity and linear, periodic structures, essential for optical and energy applications. 
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  4. Abstract

    Rope making is a millennia old technique to collectively assemble numerous weak filaments into flexible and high tensile strength bundles. However, delicate soft matter fibers lack the robustness to be twisted into bundles by means of mechanical rope making tools. Here, weak microfibers with tensile strengths of a few kilopascals are combined into ropes via microfluidic twisting. This is demonstrated for recently introduced fibers made of bicontinuous interfacially jammed emulsion gels (bijels). Bijels show promising applications in use as membranes, microreactors, energy and healthcare materials, but their low tensile strength make reinforcement strategies imperative. Hydrodynamic twisting allows to produce continuous bijel fiber bundles of controllable architecture. Modelling the fluid flow field reveals the bundle geometry dependence on a subtle force balance composed of rotational and translational shear stresses. Moreover, combining multiple bijel fibers of different compositions enables the introduction of polymeric support fibers to raise the tensile strength to tens of megapascals, while simultaneously preserving the liquid like properties of the bijel fibers for transport applications. Hydrodynamic twisting shows potentials to enable the combination of a wide range of materials resulting in composites with features greater than the sum of their parts.

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