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Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025
Abstract Elucidating factors that limit the number of offspring produced is fundamental to understanding life‐history evolution. Here, we examine the hypothesis that parental ability to maintain an optimal physical developmental environment for all offspring constrains clutch size via effects on offspring quality.
Experimental laboratory studies of birds have shown that a <1°C difference in average incubation temperature has diverse effects on fitness‐related post‐hatching offspring phenotypes. Thus, the inability of parents to maintain optimal incubation temperatures could constrain clutch sizes.
A fundamental question that has not been sufficiently addressed is whether larger clutch sizes lead to
within nest variation in egg temperature that is large enough to produce offspring with different phenotypes within a brood. This could lead to differential survival among offspring, and could create a trade‐off between offspring number and quality.We manipulated clutch size in nests of free‐living wood ducks and measured incubation temperature among and within clutches using multiple temperature loggers.
As clutch size increased, average incubation temperatures were lower and more variable, and eggs took longer to hatch. Notably, the range in
average incubation temperature among eggswithin nests increased with clutch size and exceeded 1°C in large clutches. Clutch size did not affect hatch success.In conjunction with our companion laboratory studies that used artificial incubation to document the effects of temperature variation on fitness‐related traits in this species, our work suggests that suboptimal incubation temperatures could be a factor that limits clutch size through diminishing returns on post‐hatch offspring quality.
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plain language summary can be found within the Supporting Information of this article. -
Abstract Artificial shelters show considerable promise as tools for studying imperiled hellbender salamanders. Their full utility has not yet been fully reached in practice, however, because during initial trials shelters often became blocked by sediment or dislodged during high stream discharge events. To determine whether these challenges could be overcome, we deployed 438 artificial shelters of two different designs across 10 stream reaches and three rivers in the upper Tennessee River Drainage in 2013–2018. We recorded shelter entrance availability during surveys, and recorded which shelters became dislodged following high discharge events. We evaluated two hypotheses: (a) shelter availability was driven by shelter placement and maintenance frequency and (b) shelter stability was driven by shelter design and shelter placement. Shelters were available 78.6% of the time on average (range = 0–100%), and 88.6% (388 of 438) of shelters were stable across all high discharge events. Shelter availability was maximized by clearing sediment from shelter entrances at least once every 40 days (more often in impaired reaches with high siltation) and after large storm events, situating the shelter within 1 m of ≥5 boulders, and orienting shelters such that their entrances do not face directly downstream. Shelter stability with our initial shelter design was 77.5% (169 of 218), but approached 100% (219 of 220) for heavier (~40 kg vs. ~25 kg) shelters with recessed lids, and in reaches with abundant large boulders. Our findings demonstrate that with an improved design and careful placement, artificial shelters can serve as valuable tools for monitoring hellbenders in reaches with modest siltation.