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Creators/Authors contains: "Han, Daoru"

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  1. This paper presents fully kinetic particle simulations of plasma charging at lunar craters with the presence of lunar lander modules using the recently developed Parallel Immersed-Finite-Element Particle-in-Cell (PIFE-PIC) code. The computation model explicitly includes the lunar regolith layer on top of the lunar bedrock, taking into account the regolith layer thickness and permittivity as well as the lunar lander module in the simulation domain, resolving a nontrivial surface terrain or lunar lander configuration. Simulations were carried out to study the lunar surface and lunar lander module charging near craters at the lunar terminator region under mean and severe plasma environments. The lunar module’s position is also investigated to see its effect on the plasma charging relative to the craters. Differential surface charging was clearly resolved by the simulations. For the charging of a lunar lander module made of conducting materials, the results show a near-uniform potential close to that of its surrounding environment and moderate levels of local electric fields. Additionally, the risks associated with charging and discharging increase significantly under a more severe plasma charging environment as shown in the severe plasma environment cases. 
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  2. null (Ed.)
    Abstract The average lifetime or the mean time to failure (MTTF) of a product is an important metric to measure the product reliability. Current methods of evaluating the MTTF are mainly based on statistics or data. They need lifetime testing on a number of products to get the lifetime samples, which are then used to estimate the MTTF. The lifetime testing, however, is expensive in terms of both time and cost. The efficiency is also low because it cannot be effectively incorporated in the early design stage where many physics-based models are available. We propose to predict the MTTF in the design stage by means of a physics-based Gaussian process (GP) method. Since the physics-based models are usually computationally demanding, we face a problem with both big data (on the model input side) and small data (on the model output side). The proposed adaptive supervised training method with the Gaussian process regression can quickly predict the MTTF with a reduced number of physical model calls. The proposed method can enable continually improved design by changing design variables until reliability measures, including the MTTF, are satisfied. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated by three examples. 
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  3. null (Ed.)
    Abstract This paper presents an adaptive Kriging based method to perform uncertainty quantification (UQ) of the photoelectron sheath and dust levitation on the lunar surface. The objective of this study is to identify the upper and lower bounds of the electric potential and that of dust levitation height, given the intervals of model parameters in the one-dimensional (1D) photoelectron sheath model. To improve the calculation efficiency, we employ the widely used adaptive Kriging method (AKM). A task-oriented learning function and a stopping criterion are developed to train the Kriging model and customize the AKM. Experiment analysis shows that the proposed AKM is both accurate and efficient. 
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