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Creators/Authors contains: "Han, Sang"

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  1. Disinformation activities that aim to manipulate public opinion pose serious challenges to managing online platforms. One of the most widely used disinformation techniques is bot-assisted fake social engagement, which is used to falsely and quickly amplify the salience of information at scale. Based on agenda-setting theory, we hypothesize that bot-assisted fake social engagement boosts public attention in the manner intended by the manipulator. Leveraging a proven case of bot-assisted fake social engagement operation in a highly trafficked news portal, this study examines the impact of fake social engagement on the digital public’s news consumption, search activities, and political sentiment. For that purpose, we used ground-truth labels of the manipulator’s bot accounts, as well as real-time clickstream logs generated by ordinary public users. Results show that bot-assisted fake social engagement operations disproportionately increase the digital public’s attention to not only the topical domain of the manipulator’s interest (i.e., political news) but also to specific attributes of the topic (i.e., political keywords and sentiment) that align with the manipulator’s intention. We discuss managerial and policy implications for increasingly cluttered online platforms. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025
  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 31, 2025
  3. Aminotransferases (ATs) are an ancient enzyme family that play central roles in core nitrogen metabolism, essential to all organisms. However, many of the AT enzyme functions remain poorly defined, limiting our fundamental understanding of the nitrogen metabolic networks that exist in different organisms. Here, we traced the deep evolutionary history of the AT family by analyzing AT enzymes from 90 species spanning the tree of life (ToL). We found that each organism has maintained a relatively small and constant number of ATs. Mapping the distribution of ATs across the ToL uncovered that many essential AT reactions are carried out by taxon-specific AT enzymes due to wide-spread nonorthologous gene displacements. This complex evolutionary history explains the difficulty of homology-based AT functional prediction. Biochemical characterization of diverse aromatic ATs further revealed their broad substrate specificity, unlike other core metabolic enzymes that evolved to catalyze specific reactions today. Interestingly, however, we found that these AT enzymes that diverged over billion years share common signatures of multisubstrate specificity by employing different nonconserved active site residues. These findings illustrate that AT family enzymes had leveraged their inherent substrate promiscuity to maintain a small yet distinct set of multifunctional AT enzymes in different taxa. This evolutionary history of versatile ATs likely contributed to the establishment of robust and diverse nitrogen metabolic networks that exist throughout the ToL. The study provides a critical foundation to systematically determine diverse AT functions and underlying nitrogen metabolic networks across the ToL.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 25, 2025
  4. Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 16, 2025
  5. Free, publicly-accessible full text available October 2, 2025
  6. Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 17, 2025
  7. Engineering is fundamentally about design, yet many undergraduate programs offer limited opportunities for students to learn to design. This design case reports on a grant-funded effort to revolutionize how chemical engineering is taught. Prior to this effort, our chemical engineering program was like many, offering core courses primarily taught through lectures and problem sets. While some faculty referenced examples, students had few opportunities to construct and apply what they were learning. Spearheaded by a team that included the department chair, a learning scientist, a teaching-intensive faculty member, and faculty heavily engaged with the undergraduate program, we developed and implemented design challenges in core chemical engineering courses. We began by co-designing with students and faculty, initially focusing on the first two chemical engineering courses students take. We then developed templates and strategies that supported other faculty-student teams to expand the approach into more courses. Across seven years of data collection and iterative refinements, we developed a framework that offers guidance as we continue to support new faculty in threading design challenges through core content-focused courses. We share insights from our process that supported us in navigating through challenging questions and concerns.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 14, 2025
  8. Abstract

    In in-sensor image preprocessing, the sensed image undergoes low level processing like denoising at the sensor end, similar to the retina of human eye. Optoelectronic synapse devices are potential contenders for this purpose, and subsequent applications in artificial neural networks (ANNs). The optoelectronic synapses can offer image pre-processing functionalities at the pixel itself—termed as in-pixel computing. Denoising is an important problem in image preprocessing and several approaches have been used to denoise the input images. While most of those approaches require external circuitry, others are efficient only when the noisy pixels have significantly lower intensity compared to the actual pattern pixels. In this work, we present the innate ability of an optoelectronic synapse array to perform denoising at the pixel itself once it is trained to memorize an image. The synapses consist of phototransistors with bilayer MoS2channel and p-Si/PtTe2buried gate electrode. Our 7 × 7 array shows excellent robustness to noise due to the interplay between long-term potentiation and short-term potentiation. This bio-inspired strategy enables denoising of noise with higher intensity than the memorized pattern, without the use of any external circuitry. Specifically, due to the ability of these synapses to respond distinctively to wavelengths from 300 nm in ultraviolet to 2 µm in infrared, the pixel array also denoises mixed-color interferences. The “self-denoising” capability of such an artificial visual array has the capacity to eliminate the need for raw data transmission and thus, reduce subsequent image processing steps for supervised learning.

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  9. Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 14, 2025