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Creators/Authors contains: "Hanasusanto, Grani A."

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  1. This paper presents an extension of Naor’s analysis on the join-or-balk problem in observable M/M/1 queues. Although all other Markovian assumptions still hold, we explore this problem assuming uncertain arrival rates under the distributionally robust settings. We first study the problem with the classical moment ambiguity set, where the support, mean, and mean-absolute deviation of the underlying distribution are known. Next, we extend the model to the data-driven setting, where decision makers only have access to a finite set of samples. We develop three optimal joining threshold strategies from the perspectives of an individual customer, a social optimizer, and a revenue maximizer such that their respective worst-case expected benefit rates are maximized. Finally, we compare our findings with Naor’s original results and the traditional sample average approximation scheme.

    Funding: This research was supported by the National Science Foundation [Grants 2342505 and 2343869].

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025
  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 10, 2025
  3. Problem definition: Data analytics models and machine learning algorithms are increasingly deployed to support consequential decision-making processes, from deciding which applicants will receive job offers and loans to university enrollments and medical interventions. However, recent studies show these models may unintentionally amplify human bias and yield significant unfavorable decisions to specific groups. Methodology/results: We propose a distributionally robust classification model with a fairness constraint that encourages the classifier to be fair in the equality of opportunity criterion. We use a type-[Formula: see text] Wasserstein ambiguity set centered at the empirical distribution to represent distributional uncertainty and derive a conservative reformulation for the worst-case equal opportunity unfairness measure. We show that the model is equivalent to a mixed binary conic optimization problem, which standard off-the-shelf solvers can solve. We propose a convex, hinge-loss-based model for large problem instances whose reformulation does not incur binary variables to improve scalability. Moreover, we also consider the distributionally robust learning problem with a generic ground transportation cost to hedge against the label and sensitive attribute uncertainties. We numerically examine the performance of our proposed models on five real-world data sets related to individual analysis. Compared with the state-of-the-art methods, our proposed approaches significantly improve fairness with negligible loss of predictive accuracy in the testing data set. Managerial implications: Our paper raises awareness that bias may arise when predictive models are used in service and operations. It generally comes from human bias, for example, imbalanced data collection or low sample sizes, and is further amplified by algorithms. Incorporating fairness constraints and the distributionally robust optimization (DRO) scheme is a powerful way to alleviate algorithmic biases.

    Funding: This work was supported by the National Science Foundation [Grants 2342505 and 2343869] and the Chinese University of Hong Kong [Grant 4055191].

    Supplemental Material: The online appendices are available at .

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025
  4. We consider the problem of learning fair policies for multi-stage selection problems from observational data. This problem arises in several high-stakes domains such as company hiring, loan approval, or bail decisions where outcomes (e.g., career success, loan repayment, recidivism) are only observed for those selected. We propose a multi-stage framework that can be augmented with various fairness constraints, such as demographic parity or equal opportunity. This problem is a highly intractable infinite chance-constrained program involving the unknown joint distribution of covariates and outcomes. Motivated by the potential impact of selection decisions on people’s lives and livelihoods, we propose to focus on interpretable linear selection rules. Leveraging tools from causal inference and sample average approximation, we obtain an asymptotically consistent solution to this selection problem by solving a mixed binary conic optimization problem, which can be solved using standard off-the-shelf solvers. We conduct extensive computational experiments on a variety of datasets adapted from the UCI repository on which we show that our proposed approaches can achieve an 11.6% improvement in precision and a 38% reduction in the measure of unfairness compared to the existing selection policy.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 25, 2025
  5. We study two-stage stochastic optimization problems with random recourse, where the coefficients of the adaptive decisions involve uncertain parameters. To deal with the infinite-dimensional recourse decisions, we propose a scalable approximation scheme via piecewise linear and piecewise quadratic decision rules. We develop a data-driven distributionally robust framework with two layers of robustness to address distributional uncertainty. We also establish out-of-sample performance guarantees for the proposed scheme. Applying known ideas, the resulting optimization problem can be reformulated as an exact copositive program that admits semidefinite programming approximations. We design an iterative decomposition algorithm, which converges under some regularity conditions, to reduce the runtime needed to solve this program. Through numerical examples for various known operations management applications, we demonstrate that our method produces significantly better solutions than the traditional sample-average approximation scheme especially when the data are limited. For the problem instances for which only the recourse cost coefficients are random, our method exhibits slightly inferior out-of-sample performance but shorter runtimes compared with a competing approach. 
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  6. We study decision rule approximations for generic multistage robust linear optimization problems. We examine linear decision rules for the case when the objective coefficients, the recourse matrices, and the right-hand sides are uncertain, and we explore quadratic decision rules for the case when only the right-hand sides are uncertain. The resulting optimization problems are NP hard but amenable to copositive programming reformulations that give rise to tight, tractable semidefinite programming solution approaches. We further enhance these approximations through new piecewise decision rule schemes. Finally, we prove that our proposed approximations are tighter than the state-of-the-art schemes and demonstrate their superiority through numerical experiments. 
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  7. We consider the problem of clustering data sets in the presence of arbitrary outliers. Traditional clustering algorithms such as k-means and spectral clustering are known to perform poorly for data sets contaminated with even a small number of outliers. In this paper, we develop a provably robust spectral clustering algorithm that applies a simple rounding scheme to denoise a Gaussian kernel matrix built from the data points and uses vanilla spectral clustering to recover the cluster labels of data points. We analyze the performance of our algorithm under the assumption that the “good” data points are generated from a mixture of sub-Gaussians (we term these “inliers”), whereas the outlier points can come from any arbitrary probability distribution. For this general class of models, we show that the misclassification error decays at an exponential rate in the signal-to-noise ratio, provided the number of outliers is a small fraction of the inlier points. Surprisingly, this derived error bound matches with the best-known bound for semidefinite programs (SDPs) under the same setting without outliers. We conduct extensive experiments on a variety of simulated and real-world data sets to demonstrate that our algorithm is less sensitive to outliers compared with other state-of-the-art algorithms proposed in the literature. Funding: G. A. Hanasusanto was supported by the National Science Foundation Grants NSF ECCS-1752125 and NSF CCF-2153606. P. Sarkar gratefully acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation Grants NSF DMS-1713082, NSF HDR-1934932 and NSF 2019844. Supplemental Material: The online appendix is available at . 
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