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Creators/Authors contains: "Hashemi-Beni, L."

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  1. Land-use transition is one of the most profound human-induced alterations of the Earth’s system. It can support better land management and decision-making for increasing the yield of food production to fulfill the food needs in a specific area. However, modeling land-use change involves the complexity of human drivers and natural or environmental constraints. This study develops an agent-based model (ABM) for land use transitions using critical indicators that contribute to food deserts. The model’s performance was evaluated using Guilford County, North Carolina, as a case study. The modeling inputs include land covers, climate variability (rainfall and temperature), soil quality, land-use-related policies, and population growth. Studying the interrelationships between these factors can improve the development of effective land-use policies and help responsible agencies and policymakers plan accordingly to improve food security. The agent-based model illustrates how and when individuals or communities could make specific land-cover transitions to fulfill the community’s food needs. The results indicate that the agent-based model could effectively monitor land use and environmental changes to visualize potential risks over time and help the affected communities plan accordingly. 
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  2. null (Ed.)
    Abstract. This research examines the ability of deep learning methods for remote sensing image classification for agriculture applications. U-net and convolutional neural networks are fine-tuned, utilized and tested for crop/weed classification. The dataset for this study includes 60 top-down images of an organic carrots field, which was collected by an autonomous vehicle and labeled by experts. FCN-8s model achieved 75.1% accuracy on detecting weeds compared to 66.72% of U-net using 60 training images. However, the U-net model performed better on detecting crops which is 60.48% compared to 47.86% of FCN-8s. 
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  3. null (Ed.)
    Abstract. The U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Outlook Handbook predicts geospatial careers to increase much faster than average (15%) from 2018 to 2028 with no additional on-the-job training expected. Geospatial professionals can assist in promoting these career opportunities by mentoring high school students through real-world and transferable-skill building activities. The aim is to enhance students’ awareness and stimulate their interest towards STEM education and careers, especially in geospatial data analytics. This area of study incorporates a variety of modern-day tools for analyzing and mapping the Earth. The technology used offers a radically different way in which geospatial scientist produce and use the geospatial information required to manage a large variety of communities and industries. 
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  4. null (Ed.)
    Abstract. High-resolution remote sensing imagery has been increasingly used for flood applications. Different methods have been proposed for flood extent mapping from creating water index to image classification from high-resolution data. Among these methods, deep learning methods have shown promising results for flood extent extraction; however, these two-dimensional (2D) image classification methods cannot directly provide water level measurements. This paper presents an integrated approach to extract the flood extent in three-dimensional (3D) from UAV data by integrating 2D deep learning-based flood map and 3D cloud point extracted from a Structure from Motion (SFM) method. We fine-tuned a pretrained Visual Geometry Group 16 (VGG-16) based fully convolutional model to create a 2D inundation map. The 2D classified map was overlaid on the SfM-based 3D point cloud to create a 3D flood map. The floodwater depth was estimated by subtracting a pre-flood Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from the SfM-based DEM. The results show that the proposed method is efficient in creating a 3D flood extent map to support emergency response and recovery activates during a flood event. 
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  5. null (Ed.)
  6. null (Ed.)
    Abstract. This paper investigates the spatial differences in fresh vegetable spending in Guilford County, North Carolina. We create a geo-coded spatial-temporal database for both human factors and natural factors to understand why food deserts have become a serious issue in a county with many farming activities. We find that residents living in food deserts do not buy enough fresh vegetables compared with their counterparts, even when they are shopping at full-service grocery stores. Social-economic factors are most sensitive and are important determinants of fresh food demand. Using an agent-based toy model, we find that fresh vegetable demand in each census tract in Guilford County varies to a large extent. The results suggest that the formation of food deserts may root from the demand side. 
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