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Creators/Authors contains: "Healey, Timothy J."

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  1. NA (Ed.)
    We derive sharp-interface models for one-dimensional brittle fracture via the inverse-deformation approach. Methods of Γ -convergence are employed to obtain the singular limits of previously proposed models. The latter feature a local, non-convex stored energy of inverse strain, augmented by small interfacial energy, formulated in terms of the inverse-strain gradient. They predict spontaneous fracture with exact crack-opening discontinuities, without the use of damage (phase) fields or pre-existing cracks; crack faces are endowed with a thin layer of surface energy. The models obtained herewith inherit the same properties, except that surface energy is now concentrated at the crack faces in the Γ -limit. Accordingly, we construct energy-minimizing configurations. For a composite bar with a breakable layer, our results predict a pattern of equally spaced cracks whose number is given as an increasing function of applied load. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025
  2. NA (Ed.)
    We consider a class of models motivated by previous numerical studies of wrinkling in highly stretched, thin rectangular elastomer sheets. The model is characterized by a finite-strain hyperelastic membrane energy perturbed by small bending energy. In the absence of the latter, the membrane energy density is not rank-one convex for general spatial deformations but reduces to a polyconvex function when restricted to planar deformations, i.e., two-dimensional hyperelasticity. In addition, it grows unbounded as the local area ratio approaches zero. The small bending component of the model is the same as that in the classical von K´arm´an model. The latter penalizes arbitrarily fine-scale wrinkling, resolving both the amplitude and wavelength of wrinkles. Here, we prove the existence of energy minima for a general class of such models. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2024
  3. null (Ed.)
    We consider a class of models for nonlinearly elastic surfaces in this work.We have in mind thin, highly deformable structures modeled directly as two-dimensional nonlinearly elastic continua, accounting for finite membrane and bending strains and thickness change. We assume that the stored-energy density is polyconvex with respect to the second gradient of the deformation, and we require that it grow unboundedly as the local area ratio approaches zero. For sufficiently fast growth, we show that the latter is uniformly bounded away from zero at an energy minimizer. With this in hand, we rigorously derive the weak form of the Euler-Lagrange equilibrium equations. 
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  4. null (Ed.)