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Creators/Authors contains: "Hearin, Andrew P."

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    We introduce a new model of the evolution of the concentration of dark matter haloes, c(t). For individual haloes, our model approximates c(t) as a power law with a time-dependent index, such that at early times, concentration has a nearly constant value of c ≈ 3–4, and as cosmic time progresses, c(t) smoothly increases. Using large samples of halo merger trees taken from the Bolshoi–Planck and MultiDark Planck 2 cosmological simulations, we demonstrate that our three-parameter model can approximate the evolution of the concentration of individual haloes with a typical accuracy of 0.1 dex for $t\gtrsim 2\, {\rm Gyr}$ for all Bolshoi–Planck and MultiDark Planck 2 haloes of present-day peak mass $M_{0}\gtrsim 10^{11.5}\, {\rm M}_{\odot }$. We additionally present a new model of the evolution of the concentration of halo populations, which we show faithfully reproduces both average concentration growth and the diversity of smooth trajectories of c(t), including capturing correlations with halo mass and halo assembly history. Our publicly available source code, diffprof, can be used to generate Monte Carlo realizations of the concentration histories of cosmologically representative halo populations. diffprof is differentiable due to its implementation in the jax autodiff library, which facilitates the incorporation of our model into existing analytical halo model frameworks.

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    Models of stellar population synthesis (SPS) are the fundamental tool that relates the physical properties of a galaxy to its spectral energy distribution (SED). In this paper, we present DSPS: a python package for SPS. All of the functionality in DSPS is implemented natively in the JAX library for automatic differentiation, and so our predictions for galaxy photometry are fully differentiable, and directly inherit the performance benefits of JAX, including portability onto GPUs. DSPS also implements several novel features, such as i) a flexible empirical model for stellar metallicity that incorporates correlations with stellar age, ii) support for the Diffstar model that provides a physically-motivated connection between the star formation history of a galaxy (SFH) and the mass assembly of its underlying dark matter halo. We detail a set of theoretical techniques for using autodiff to calculate gradients of predictions for galaxy SEDs with respect to SPS parameters that control a range of physical effects, including SFH, stellar metallicity, nebular emission, and dust attenuation. When forward modelling the colours of a synthetic galaxy population, we find that DSPS can provide a factor of 5 speed-up over standard SPS codes on a CPU, and a factor of 300-400 on a modern GPU. When coupled with gradient-based techniques for optimization and inference, DSPS makes it practical to conduct expansive likelihood analyses of simulation-based models of the galaxy–halo connection that fully forward model galaxy spectra and photometry.

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    We present Diffstar , a smooth parametric model for the in situ star formation history (SFH) of galaxies. The Diffstar model is distinct from traditional SFH models because it is parametrized directly in terms of basic features of galaxy formation physics. Diffstar includes ingredients for: the halo mass assembly history; the accretion of gas into the dark matter halo; the fraction of gas that is eventually transformed into stars, ϵms; the time-scale over which this transformation occurs, τcons; and the possibility that some galaxies will experience a quenching event at time tq, and may subsequently experience rejuvenated star formation. We show that our model is sufficiently flexible to describe the average stellar mass histories of galaxies in both the IllustrisTNG (TNG) and UniverseMachine (UM) simulations with an accuracy of ∼0.1 dex across most of cosmic time. We use Diffstar to compare TNG to UM in common physical terms, finding that: (i) star formation in UM is less efficient and burstier relative to TNG; (ii) UM galaxies have longer gas consumption time-scales, relative to TNG; (iii) rejuvenated star formation is ubiquitous in UM, whereas quenched TNG galaxies rarely experience sustained rejuvenation; and (iv) in both simulations, the distributions of ϵms, τcons, and tq share a common characteristic dependence upon halo mass, and present significant correlations with halo assembly history. We conclude with a discussion of how Diffstar can be used in future applications to fit the SEDs of individual observed galaxies, as well as in forward-modelling applications that populate cosmological simulations with synthetic galaxies.

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    We present a novel simulation-based cosmological analysis of galaxy–galaxy lensing and galaxy redshift-space clustering. Compared to analysis methods based on perturbation theory, our simulation-based approach allows us to probe a much wider range of scales, $0.4 \, h^{-1} \, \mathrm{Mpc}$ to $63 \, h^{-1} \, \mathrm{Mpc}$, including highly non-linear scales, and marginalizes over astrophysical effects such as assembly bias. We apply this framework to data from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey LOWZ sample cross-correlated with state-of-the-art gravitational lensing catalogues from the Kilo Degree Survey and the Dark Energy Survey. We show that gravitational lensing and redshift-space clustering when analysed over a large range of scales place tight constraints on the growth-of-structure parameter $S_8 = \sigma _8 \sqrt{\Omega _{\rm m} / 0.3}$. Overall, we infer S8 = 0.792 ± 0.022 when analysing the combination of galaxy–galaxy lensing and projected galaxy clustering and S8 = 0.771 ± 0.027 for galaxy redshift-space clustering. These findings highlight the potential constraining power of full-scale studies over studies analysing only large scales and also showcase the benefits of analysing multiple large-scale structure surveys jointly. Our inferred values for S8 fall below the value inferred from the CMB, S8 = 0.834 ± 0.016. While this difference is not statistically significant by itself, our results mirror other findings in the literature whereby low-redshift large-scale structure probes infer lower values for S8 than the CMB, the so-called S8-tension.

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  5. ABSTRACT We use a simulation-based modelling approach to analyse the anisotropic clustering of the BOSS LOWZ sample over the radial range $0.4 \, h^{-1} \, \mathrm{Mpc}$ to $63 \, h^{-1} \, \mathrm{Mpc}$, significantly extending what is possible with a purely analytic modelling framework. Our full-scale analysis yields constraints on the growth of structure that are a factor of two more stringent than any other study on large scales at similar redshifts. We infer fσ8 = 0.471 ± 0.024 at $z$ ≈ 0.25, and fσ8 = 0.430 ± 0.025 at $z$ ≈ 0.40; the corresponding ΛCDM predictions of the Planck cosmic microwave background (CMB) analysis are 0.470 ± 0.006 and 0.476 ± 0.005, respectively. Our results are thus consistent with Planck, but also follow the trend seen in previous low-redshift measurements of fσ8 falling slightly below the ΛCDM + CMB prediction. We find that small- and large-radial scales yield mutually consistent values of fσ8, but there are 1−2.5σ hints of small scales ($\lt 10 \, h^{-1} \, \mathrm{Mpc}$) preferring lower values for fσ8 relative to larger scales. We analyse the constraining power of the full range of radial scales, finding that most of the multipole information about fσ8 is contained in the scales $2 \, h^{-1} \, \mathrm{Mpc}\lesssim s \lesssim 20 \, h^{-1} \, \mathrm{Mpc}$. Evidently, once the cosmological information of the quasi-to-nonlinear regime has been harvested, large-scale modes contain only modest additional information about structure growth. Finally, we compare predictions for the galaxy–galaxy lensing amplitude of the two samples against measurements from SDSS and assess the lensing-is-low effect in light of our findings. 
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