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Herron, J. (Ed.)Teacher noticing is a crucial facet of math and science teacher education, with one goal being to shift preservice teachers’ (PSTs) noticing from teacher-centered to student-centered. In this study, we used 360 videos to examine PSTs’ choices of where to look in a classroom. We discuss differences in attending behavior of those PSTs who focused on the specific themes of teachers’ scaffolding and student engagement.more » « less
Olanoff, D. ; Johnson, K. ; Spitzer, S. (Ed.)Attending to students’ actions and mathematical thinking is an important aspect of professional teacher noticing. In this paper, we used 360 videos as a medium to examine the relationship between preservice teachers’(PSTs) observed attending behaviors and their written noticing. Findings suggest that PSTs focusing on students, instead of the teacher, during class discussions provide more specified descriptions of children’s mathematical thinking.more » « less
Kosko, K. W. ; Ferdig, R. E. ; Roche, L. (Ed.)Immersive videos for training pre-service teachers (PST) are becoming increasingly important and, yet, inadequately investigated. This article focuses on the role of presence as a possible aid in 360 videos for future educators, presenting the results of a study involving 118 PSTs. A multiple factor analysis of the Extended Reality Presence Scale was directed for understanding possible subfactors covering this construct and the potential role of content area and major in influencing PSTs’ viewing experiences. In addition, written noticings regarding 360 videos were collected for exploring correlations between themes noticed and degrees of presence. Results point at 1) three subfactors – i.e., emotional connectivity, co-presence, and awareness of self – composing the feeling of presence, 2) the impact of PSTs’ major on experiencing co-presence, and 3) how presence is positively correlated to a better focus on students and negatively correlated to content in participants’ noticing.more » « less