Biogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) play key roles in coral reef ecosystems, where, together with dimethylated sulfur compounds, they are indicators of ecosystem health and are used as defense strategies and infochemicals. Assessment and prediction of the exchange rates of VOCs between the oceans and atmosphere, with implications for atmospheric reactivity and climate, are hampered by poor knowledge of the regulating processes and their temporal variability, including diel cycles. Here, we measured the variation over 36h of the concentrations of DMSPCs (dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP)-related compounds, namely DMSP, dimethylsulfoxide, acrylate, dimethylsulfide, and methanethiol as dimethyl disulfide) and VOCs (COS, CS2, isoprene, the iodomethanes CH3I and CH2ClI, and the bromomethanes CHBr3and CH2Br2), in surface waters inside the shallow, northern coral-reef lagoon of Mo’orea (French Polynesia) and 4 km offshore, in the tropical open ocean. Comparisons with concurrent measurements of sea surface temperature, solar radiation, biogeochemical variables (nutrients, organic matter), and the abundances and taxonomic affiliations of microbial plankton were conducted with the aim to explain interconnections between DMSPCs, VOCs, and their environment across diel cycles. In open ocean waters, deeper surface mixing and low nutrient levels resulted in low phytoplankton biomass and bacterial activity. Consequently, the diel patterns of VOCs were more dependent on photochemical reactions, with daytime increases for several compounds including dissolved dimethylsulfoxide, COS, CS2, CH3I, and CH2ClI. A eukaryotic phytoplankton assemblage dominated by dinoflagellates and haptophytes provided higher cell-associated DMSP concentrations, yet the occurrence of DMSP degradation products (dimethylsulfide, dimethyl disulfide) was limited by photochemical loss. Conversely, in the shallow back reef lagoon the proximity of seafloor sediments, corals and abundant seaweeds resulted in higher nutrient levels, more freshly-produced organic matter, higher bacterial activity, and larger algal populations of
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Mamiellales , diatoms andCryptomonadales . Consequently, DMSP and dimethylsulfoxide concentrations were lower but those of most VOCs were higher. A combination of photobiological and photochemical processes yielded sunny-daytime increases and nighttime decreases of dimethylsulfide, dimethyl disulfide, COS, isoprene, iodomethanes and bromomethanes. Our results illustrate the important role of solar radiation in DMSPC and VOC cycling, and are relevant for the design of sampling strategies that seek representative and comparable measurements of these compounds.Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 16, 2025 -
The oceanic waters below a depth of 200 m represent, in terms of volume, the largest habitat of the biosphere, harboring approximately 70% of the prokaryotic biomass in the oceanic water column. These waters are characterized by low temperature, increasing hydrostatic pressure, and decreasing organic matter supply with depth. Recent methodological advances in microbial oceanography have refined our view of the ecology of prokaryotes in the dark ocean. Here, we review the ecology of prokaryotes of the dark ocean, present data on the biomass distribution and heterotrophic and chemolithoautotrophic prokaryotic production in the major oceanic basins, and highlight the phylogenetic and functional diversity of this part of the ocean. We describe the connectivity of surface and deep-water prokaryotes and the molecular adaptations of piezophilic prokaryotes to high hydrostatic pressure. We also highlight knowledge gaps in the ecology of the dark ocean's prokaryotes and their role in the biogeochemical cycles in the largest habitat of the biosphere.
Abstract. Metaproteomics is an increasingly popular methodology that provides information regarding the metabolic functions of specific microbial taxa and has potential for contributing to ocean ecology and biogeochemical studies. A blinded multi-laboratory intercomparison was conducted to assess comparability and reproducibility of taxonomic and functional results and their sensitivity to methodological variables. Euphotic zone samples from the Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Study in the North Atlantic Ocean collected by in situ pumps and the AUV Clio were distributed with a paired metagenome, and one-dimensional liquid chromatographic data dependent acquisition mass spectrometry analyses was stipulated. Analysis of mass spectra from seven laboratories through a common informatic pipeline identified a shared set of 1056 proteins from 1395 shared peptides constituents. Quantitative analyses showed good reproducibility: pairwise regressions of spectral counts between laboratories yielded R2 values ranging from 0.43 to 0.83, and a Sørensen similarity analysis of the top 1,000 proteins revealed 70–80 % similarity between laboratory groups. Taxonomic and functional assignments showed good coherence between technical replicates and different laboratories. An informatic intercomparison study, involving 10 laboratories using 8 software packages successfully identified thousands of peptides within the complex metaproteomic datasets, demonstrating the utility of these software tools for ocean metaproteomic research. Future efforts could examine reproducibility in deeper metaproteomes, examine accuracy in targeted absolute quantitation analyses, and develop standards for data output formats to improve data interoperability. Together, these results demonstrate the reproducibility of metaproteomic analyses and their suitability for microbial oceanography research including integration into global scale ocean surveys and ocean biogeochemical models.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available January 16, 2025 -
Abstract The ocean–atmosphere exchange of CO 2 largely depends on the balance between marine microbial photosynthesis and respiration. Despite vast taxonomic and metabolic diversity among marine planktonic bacteria and archaea (prokaryoplankton) 1–3 , their respiration usually is measured in bulk and treated as a ‘black box’ in global biogeochemical models 4 ; this limits the mechanistic understanding of the global carbon cycle. Here, using a technology for integrated phenotype analyses and genomic sequencing of individual microbial cells, we show that cell-specific respiration rates differ by more than 1,000× among prokaryoplankton genera. The majority of respiration was found to be performed by minority members of prokaryoplankton (including the Roseobacter cluster), whereas cells of the most prevalent lineages (including Pelagibacter and SAR86) had extremely low respiration rates. The decoupling of respiration rates from abundance among lineages, elevated counts of proteorhodopsin transcripts in Pelagibacter and SAR86 cells and elevated respiration of SAR86 at night indicate that proteorhodopsin-based phototrophy 3,5–7 probably constitutes an important source of energy to prokaryoplankton and may increase growth efficiency. These findings suggest that the dependence of prokaryoplankton on respiration and remineralization of phytoplankton-derived organic carbon into CO 2 for its energy demands and growth may be lower than commonly assumed and variable among lineages.more » « less
Abstract. As a key biogeochemical pathway in the marine nitrogen cycle, nitrification (ammonia oxidation and nitrite oxidation) converts the most reduced form of nitrogen – ammonium–ammonia (NH4+–NH3) – into the oxidized species nitrite (NO2-) and nitrate (NO3-). In the ocean, these processes are mainly performed by ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and bacteria (AOB) and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB). By transforming nitrogen speciation and providing substrates for nitrogen removal, nitrification affects microbial community structure; marine productivity (including chemoautotrophic carbon fixation); and the production of a powerful greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide (N2O). Nitrification is hypothesized to be regulated by temperature, oxygen, light, substrate concentration, substrate flux, pH and other environmental factors. Although the number of field observations from various oceanic regions has increased considerably over the last few decades, a global synthesis is lacking, and understanding how environmental factors control nitrification remains elusive. Therefore, we have compiled a database of nitrification rates and nitrifier abundance in the global ocean from published literature and unpublished datasets. This database includes 2393 and 1006 measurements of ammonia oxidation and nitrite oxidation rates and 2242 and 631 quantifications of ammonia oxidizers and nitrite oxidizers, respectively. This community effort confirms and enhances our understanding of the spatial distribution of nitrification and nitrifiers and their corresponding drivers such as the important role of substrate concentration in controlling nitrification rates and nitrifier abundance. Some conundrums are also revealed, including the inconsistent observations of light limitation and high rates of nitrite oxidation reported from anoxic waters. This database can be used to constrain the distribution of marine nitrification, to evaluate and improve biogeochemical models of nitrification, and to quantify the impact of nitrification on ecosystem functions like marine productivity and N2O production. This database additionally sets a baseline for comparison with future observations and guides future exploration (e.g., measurements in the poorly sampled regions such as the Indian Ocean and method comparison and/or standardization). The database is publicly available at the Zenodo repository: (Tang et al., 2023).
null (Ed.)About 20% of the organic carbon produced in the sunlit surface ocean is transported into the ocean’s interior as dissolved, suspended and sinking particles to be mineralized and sequestered as dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), sedimentary particulate organic carbon (POC) or “refractory” dissolved organic carbon (rDOC). Recently, the physical and biological mechanisms associated with the particle pumps have been revisited, suggesting that accepted fluxes might be severely underestimated ( Boyd et al., 2019 ; Buesseler et al., 2020 ). Perhaps even more poorly understood are the mechanisms driving rDOC production and its potential accumulation in the ocean. On the basis of recent conflicting evidence about the relevance of DOC degradation in the deep ocean, we revisit the concept of rDOC in terms of its “refractory” nature in order to understand its role in the global carbon cycle. Here, we address the problem of various definitions and approaches used to characterize rDOC (such as turnover time in relation to the ocean transit time, molecule abundance, chemical composition and structure). We propose that rDOC should be operationally defined. However, we recognize there are multiple ways to operationally define rDOC; thus the main focus for unifying future studies should be to explicitly state how rDOC is being defined and the analytical window used for measuring rDOC, rather than adhering to a single operational definition. We also conclude, based on recent evidence, that the persistence of rDOC is fundamentally dependent on both intrinsic (chemical composition and structure, e.g., molecular properties), and extrinsic properties (amount or external factors, e.g., molecular concentrations, ecosystem properties). Finally, we suggest specific research questions aimed at stimulating research on the nature, dynamics, and role of rDOC in Carbon sequestration now and in future scenarios of climate change.more » « less
Abstract Throughout coastal Antarctica, ice shelves separate oceanic waters from sunlight by hundreds of meters of ice. Historical studies have detected activity of nitrifying microorganisms in oceanic cavities below permanent ice shelves. However, little is known about the microbial composition and pathways that mediate these activities. In this study, we profiled the microbial communities beneath the Ross Ice Shelf using a multi-omics approach. Overall, beneath-shelf microorganisms are of comparable abundance and diversity, though distinct composition, relative to those in the open meso- and bathypelagic ocean. Production of new organic carbon is likely driven by aerobic lithoautotrophic archaea and bacteria that can use ammonium, nitrite, and sulfur compounds as electron donors. Also enriched were aerobic organoheterotrophic bacteria capable of degrading complex organic carbon substrates, likely derived from in situ fixed carbon and potentially refractory organic matter laterally advected by the below-shelf waters. Altogether, these findings uncover a taxonomically distinct microbial community potentially adapted to a highly oligotrophic marine environment and suggest that ocean cavity waters are primarily chemosynthetically-driven systems.