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Creators/Authors contains: "Hoffmann, Tobias"

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  1. Abstract Background Nuclear endosperm development is a common mechanism among Angiosperms, including Arabidopsis. During nuclear development, the endosperm nuclei divide rapidly after fertilization without cytokinesis to enter the syncytial phase, which is then followed by the cellularized phase. The endosperm can be divided into three spatial domains with distinct functions: the micropylar, peripheral, and chalazal domains. Previously, we identified two putative small invertase inhibitors, InvINH1 and InvINH2, that are specifically expressed in the micropylar region of the syncytial endosperm. In addition, ectopically expressing InvINH1 in the cellularized endosperm led to a reduction in embryo growth rate. However, it is not clear what are the upstream regulators responsible for the specific expression of InvINHs in the syncytial endosperm. Results Using protoplast transient expression system, we discovered that a group of type I MADS box transcription factors can form dimers to activate InvINH1 promoter. Promoter deletion assays carried out in the protoplast system revealed the presence of an enhancer region in InvINH1 promoter, which contains several consensus cis-elements for the MADS box proteins. Using promoter deletion assay in planta , we further demonstrated that this enhancer region is required for InvINH1 expression in the syncytial endosperm. One of the MADS box genes, AGL62, is a key transcription factor required for syncytial endosperm development. Using promoter-GFP reporter assay, we demonstrated that InvINH1 and InvINH2 are not expressed in agl62 mutant seeds. Collectively, our data supports the role of AGL62 and other type I MADS box genes as the upstream activators of InvINHs expression in the syncytial endosperm. Conclusions Our findings revealed several type I MADS box genes that are responsible for activating InvINH1 in the syncytial endosperm, which in turn regulates embryo growth rate during early stage of seed development. 
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  2. Storz, Gisela (Ed.)
    ABSTRACT Mutations in regulatory mechanisms that control gene expression contribute to phenotypic diversity and thus facilitate the adaptation of microbes and other organisms to new niches. Comparative genomics can be used to infer rewiring of regulatory architecture based on large effect mutations like loss or acquisition of transcription factors but may be insufficient to identify small changes in noncoding, intergenic DNA sequence of regulatory elements that drive phenotypic divergence. In human-derived Vibrio cholerae , the response to distinct chemical cues triggers production of multiple transcription factors that can regulate the type VI secretion system (T6), a broadly distributed weapon for interbacterial competition. However, to date, the signaling network remains poorly understood because no regulatory element has been identified for the major T6 locus. Here we identify a conserved cis -acting single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) controlling T6 transcription and activity. Sequence alignment of the T6 regulatory region from diverse V. cholerae strains revealed conservation of the SNP that we rewired to interconvert V. cholerae T6 activity between chitin-inducible and constitutive states. This study supports a model of pathogen evolution through a noncoding cis -regulatory mutation and preexisting, active transcription factors that confers a different fitness advantage to tightly regulated strains inside a human host and unfettered strains adapted to environmental niches. IMPORTANCE Organisms sense external cues with regulatory circuits that trigger the production of transcription factors, which bind specific DNA sequences at promoters (“ cis ” regulatory elements) to activate target genes. Mutations of transcription factors or their regulatory elements create phenotypic diversity, allowing exploitation of new niches. Waterborne pathogen Vibrio cholerae encodes the type VI secretion system “nanoweapon” to kill competitor cells when activated. Despite identification of several transcription factors, no regulatory element has been identified in the promoter of the major type VI locus, to date. Combining phenotypic, genetic, and genomic analysis of diverse V. cholerae strains, we discovered a single nucleotide polymorphism in the type VI promoter that switches its killing activity between a constitutive state beneficial outside hosts and an inducible state for constraint in a host. Our results support a role for noncoding DNA in adaptation of this pathogen. 
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  3. Abstract

    The Earth close approach of near-Earth asteroid 2005 LW3 on 2022 November 23 represented a good opportunity for a second observing campaign to test the timing accuracy of astrometric observation. With 82 participating stations, the International Asteroid Warning Network collected 1046 observations of 2005 LW3 around the time of the close approach. Compared to the previous timing campaign targeting 2019 XS, some individual observers were able to significantly improve the accuracy of their reported observation times. In particular, U.S. surveys achieved good timing performance. However, no broad, systematic improvement was achieved compared to the previous campaign, with an overall negative bias persisting among the different observers. The calibration of observing times and the mitigation of timing errors should be important future considerations for observers and orbit computers, respectively.

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