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Creators/Authors contains: "Holtermann, Peter"

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  1. Abstract

    Turbulent mixing in the ocean, lakes and reservoirs facilitates the transport of momentum, heat, nutrients, and other passive tracers. Turbulent fluxes are proportional to the rate of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation per unit mass,ε. A common method forεmeasurements is using microstructure profilers with shear probes. Such measurements are now widespread, and a non-expert practitioner will benefit from best practice guidelines and benchmark datasets. As a part of the Scientific Committee on Oceanographic Research (SCOR) working group on “Analysing ocean turbulence observations to quantify mixing” (ATOMIX), we compiled a collection of five benchmark data ofεfrom measurements of turbulence shear using shear probes. The datasets are processed using the ATOMIX recommendations for best practices documented separately. Here, we describe and validate the datasets. The benchmark collection is from different types of instruments and covers a wide range of environmental conditions. These datasets serve to guide the users to test theirεestimation methods and quality-assurance metrics, and to standardize their data for archiving.

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  2. As a part of the Scientific Committee on Oceanographic Research (SCOR) Working Group #160 “Analyzing ocean turbulence observations to quantify mixing” (ATOMIX), we have developed recommendations on best practices for estimating the rate of dissipation of kinetic energy,ε, from measurements of turbulence shear using shear probes. The recommendations provided here are platform-independent and cover the conceivable range of dissipation rates in the ocean, seas, and other natural waters. They are applicable to commonly deployed platforms that include vertical profilers, fixed and moored instruments, towed profilers, submarines, self-propelled ocean gliders, and other autonomous underwater vehicles. The procedure for preparing the shear data for spectral estimation is discussed in detail, as are the quality control metrics that should accompany each estimate ofε. The methods are illustrated using a high-quality ‘benchmark’ dataset, while potential pitfalls are demonstrated with a second dataset containing common faults.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 19, 2025