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Toker, Alex (Ed.)Enzymes that form filamentous assemblies with modulated enzymatic activities have gained increasing attention in recent years. SgrAI is a sequence specific type II restriction endonuclease that forms polymeric filaments with accelerated DNA cleavage activity and expanded DNA sequence specificity. Prior studies have suggested a mechanistic model linking the structural changes accompanying SgrAI filamentation to its accelerated DNA cleavage activity. In this model, the conformational changes that are specific to filamentous SgrAI maximize contacts between different copies of the enzyme within the filament and create a second divalent cation binding site in each subunit, which in turn facilitates the DNA cleavage reaction. However, our understanding of the atomic mechanism of catalysis is incomplete. Herein, we present two new structures of filamentous SgrAI solved using cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). The first structure, resolved to 3.3 Å, is of filamentous SgrAI containing an active site mutation that is designed to stall the DNA cleavage reaction, which reveals the enzymatic configuration prior to DNA cleavage. The second structure, resolved to 3.1 Å, is of WT filamentous SgrAI containing cleaved substrate DNA, which reveals the enzymatic configuration at the end of the enzymatic cleavage reaction. Both structures contain the phosphate moiety at the cleavage site and the biologically relevant divalent cation cofactor Mg2+ and define how the Mg2+ cation reconfigures during enzymatic catalysis. The data support a model for the activation mechanism that involves binding of a second Mg2+ in the SgrAI active site as a direct result of filamentation induced conformational changes.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025
Filament formation by metabolic, biosynthetic, and other enzymes has recently come into focus as a mechanism to fine-tune enzyme activity in the cell. Filamentation is key to the function of SgrAI, a sequence-specific DNA endonuclease that has served as a model system to provide some of the deepest insights into the biophysical characteristics of filamentation and its functional consequences. Structure-function analyses reveal that, in the filamentous state, SgrAI stabilizes an activated enzyme conformation that leads to accelerated DNA cleavage activity and expanded DNA sequence specificity. The latter is thought to be mediated by sequence-specific DNA structure, protein–DNA interactions, and a disorder-to-order transition in the protein, which collectively affect the relative stabilities of the inactive, non-filamentous conformation and the active, filamentous conformation of SgrAI bound to DNA. Full global kinetic modeling of the DNA cleavage pathway reveals a slow, rate-limiting, second-order association rate constant for filament assembly, and simulations of in vivo activity predict that filamentation is superior to non-filamenting mechanisms in ensuring rapid activation and sequestration of SgrAI's DNA cleavage activity on phage DNA and away from the host chromosome. In vivo studies demonstrate the critical requirement for accelerated DNA cleavage by SgrAI in its biological role to safeguard the bacterial host. Collectively, these data have advanced our understanding of how filamentation can regulate enzyme structure and function, while the experimental strategies used for SgrAI can be applied to other enzymatic systems to identify novel functional roles for filamentation.more » « less
Frappier, Lori (Ed.)ABSTRACT Two new structures of the N-terminal domain of the main replication protein, NS1, of human parvovirus B19 (B19V) are presented here. This domain (NS1-nuc) plays an important role in the “rolling hairpin” replication of the single-stranded B19V DNA genome, recognizing origin of replication sequences in double-stranded DNA, and cleaving (i.e., nicking) single-stranded DNA at a nearby site known as the terminal resolution site (trs). The three-dimensional structure of NS1-nuc is well conserved between the two forms, as well as with a previously solved structure of a sequence variant of the same domain; however, it is shown here at a significantly higher resolution (2.4 Å). Using structures of NS1-nuc homologues bound to single- and double-stranded DNA, models for DNA recognition and nicking by B19V NS1-nuc are presented that predict residues important for DNA cleavage and for sequence-specific recognition at the viral origin of replication. IMPORTANCE The high-resolution structure of the DNA binding and cleavage domain of the main replicative protein, NS1, from the human-pathogenic virus human parvovirus B19 is presented here. Included also are predictions of how the protein recognizes important sequences in the viral DNA which are required for viral replication. These predictions can be used to further investigate the function of this protein, as well as to predict the effects on viral viability due to mutations in the viral protein and viral DNA sequences. Finally, the high-resolution structure facilitates structure-guided drug design efforts to develop antiviral compounds against this important human pathogen.more » « less