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Creators/Authors contains: "Hou, Justin T."

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 1, 2025
  2. Hybrid dynamic systems combine advantages from different subsystems for realizing information processing tasks in both classical and quantum domains. However, the lack of controlling knobs in tuning system parameters becomes a severe challenge in developing scalable, versatile hybrid systems for useful applications. Here, we report an on-chip microwave photon–magnon hybrid system where the dissipation rates and the coupling cooperativity can be electrically influenced by the spin Hall effect. Through magnon–photon coupling, the linewidths of the resonator photon mode and the hybridized magnon polariton modes are effectively changed by the spin injection into the magnetic wires from an applied direct current, which exhibit different trends in samples with low and high coupling strengths. Moreover, the linewidth modification by the spin Hall effect shows strong dependence on the detuning of the two subsystems, in contrast to the classical behavior of a standalone magnonic device. Our results point to a direction of realizing tunable, on-chip, scalable magnon-based hybrid dynamic systems, where spintronic effects provide useful control mechanisms.

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  3. Recently discovered magnetic Weyl semimetals (MWSM), with enhanced Berry curvature stemming from the topology of their electronic band structure, have gained much interest for spintronics applications. In this category, Co2MnGa, a room temperature ferromagnetic Heusler alloy, has garnered special interest as a promising material for topologically driven spintronic applications. However, until now, the structural-order dependence of spin current generation efficiency through the spin Hall effect has not been fully explored in this material. In this paper, we study the evolution of magnetic and transport properties of Co2MnGa thin films from the chemically disordered B2 to ordered L21 phase. We also report on the change in spin generation efficiency across these different phases, using heterostructures of Co2MnGa and ferrimagnet CoxTb1−x with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. We measured large spin Hall angles in both the B2 and L21 phases, and within our experimental limits, we did not observe the advantage brought by the MWSM ordering in generating a strong spin Hall angle over the disordered phases, which suggests more complicated mechanisms over the intrinsic, Weyl-band structure-determined spin Hall effect in these material stacks. 
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