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Creators/Authors contains: "Hou, Li Xin"

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  1. Abstract

    Recent years have witnessed the rapid development of sustainable materials. Along this line, developing biodegradable or recyclable soft electronics is challenging yet important due to their versatile applications in biomedical devices, soft robots, and wearables. Although some degradable bulk hydrogels are directly used as the soft electronics, the sensing performances are usually limited due to the absence of distributed conducting circuits. Here, sustainable hydrogel‐based soft electronics (HSE) are reported that integrate sensing elements and patterned liquid metal (LM) in the gelatin–alginate hybrid hydrogel. The biopolymer hydrogel is transparent, robust, resilient, and recyclable. The HSE is multifunctional; it can sense strain, temperature, heart rate (electrocardiogram), and pH. The strain sensing is sufficiently sensitive to detect a human pulse. In addition, the device serves as a model system for iontophoretic drug delivery by using patterned LM as the soft conductor and electrode. Noncontact detection of nearby objects is also achieved based on electrostatic‐field‐induced voltage. The LM and biopolymer hydrogel are healable, recyclable, and degradable, favoring sustainable applications and reconstruction of the device with new functions. Such HSE with multiple functions and favorable attributes should open opportunities in next‐generation electronic skins and hydrogel machines.

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