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DNA is replicated according to a defined spatiotemporal program that is linked to both gene regulation and genome stability. The evolutionary forces that have shaped replication timing programs in eukaryotic species are largely unknown. Here, we studied the molecular causes and consequences of replication timing evolution across 94 humans, 95 chimpanzees, and 23 rhesus macaques. Replication timing differences recapitulated the species’ phylogenetic tree, suggesting continuous evolution of the DNA replication timing program in primates. Hundreds of genomic regions had significant replication timing variation between humans and chimpanzees, of which 66 showed advances in replication origin firing in humans, while 57 were delayed. Genes overlapping these regions displayed correlated changes in expression levels and chromatin structure. Many human–chimpanzee variants also exhibited interindividual replication timing variation, pointing to ongoing evolution of replication timing at these loci. Association of replication timing variation with genetic variation revealed that DNA sequence evolution can explain replication timing variation between species. Taken together, DNA replication timing shows substantial and ongoing evolution in the human lineage that is driven by sequence alterations and could impact regulatory evolution at specific genomic sites.more » « less
Numerous studies of emerging species have identified genomic “islands” of elevated differentiation against a background of relative homogeneity. The causes of these islands remain unclear, however, with some signs pointing toward “speciation genes” that locally restrict gene flow and others suggesting selective sweeps that have occurred within nascent species after speciation. Here, we examine this question through the lens of genome sequence data for five species of southern capuchino seedeaters, finch-like birds from South America that have undergone a species radiation during the last ∼50,000 generations. By applying newly developed statistical methods for ancestral recombination graph inference and machine-learning methods for the prediction of selective sweeps, we show that previously identified islands of differentiation in these birds appear to be generally associated with relatively recent, species-specific selective sweeps, most of which are predicted to be soft sweeps acting on standing genetic variation. Many of these sweeps coincide with genes associated with melanin-based variation in plumage, suggesting a prominent role for sexual selection. At the same time, a few loci also exhibit indications of possible selection against gene flow. These observations shed light on the complex manner in which natural selection shapes genome sequences during speciation.
Color pattern mimicry in Heliconius butterflies is a classic case study of complex trait adaptation via selection on a few large effect genes. Association studies have linked color pattern variation to a handful of noncoding regions, yet the presumptive cis-regulatory elements (CREs) that control color patterning remain unknown. Here we combine chromatin assays, DNA sequence associations, and genome editing to functionally characterize 5 cis-regulatory elements of the color pattern gene optix . We were surprised to find that the cis-regulatory architecture of optix is characterized by pleiotropy and regulatory fragility, where deletion of individual cis-regulatory elements has broad effects on both color pattern and wing vein development. Remarkably, we found orthologous cis-regulatory elements associate with wing pattern convergence of distantly related comimics, suggesting that parallel coevolution of ancestral elements facilitated pattern mimicry. Our results support a model of color pattern evolution in Heliconius where changes to ancient, multifunctional cis-regulatory elements underlie adaptive radiation.more » « less