Abstract. The upper Paleozoic Cutler Group of southern Utah, USA, is a key sedimentary archive for understanding the Earth-life effects of the planet's last pre-Quaternary icehouse–hothouse state change: the Carboniferous–Permian (C–P) transition, between 304 and 290 million years ago. Within the near-paleoequatorial Cutler Group, this transition corresponds to a large-scale aridification trend, loss of aquatic habitats, and ecological shifts toward more terrestrial biota as recorded by its fossil assemblages. However, fundamental questions persist. (1) Did continental drift or shorter-term changes in glacio-eustasy, potentially driven by orbital (Milankovitch) cycles, influence environmental change at near-equatorial latitudes during the C–P climatic transition? (2) What influence did the C–P climatic transition have on the evolution of terrestrial ecosystems and on the diversity and trophic structures of terrestrial vertebrate communities? The Paleozoic Equatorial Records of Melting Ice Ages (PERMIA) project seeks to resolve these issues in part by studying the Elk Ridge no. 1 (ER-1) core, complemented by outcrop studies. This legacy core, collected in 1981 within what is now Bears Ears National Monument, recovered a significant portion of the Hermosa Group and the overlying lower Cutler Group, making it an ideal archive for studying paleoenvironmental change during the C–P transition. As part of this project, the uppermost ∼ 450 m of the core were temporarily transferred from the Austin Core Repository Center to the Continental Scientific Drilling Facility at the University of Minnesota for splitting, imaging, and scanning for geophysical properties and spectrophotometry. Here we (1) review the history of this legacy core, (2) introduce recently obtained geophysical and lithologic datasets based on newly split and imaged core segments to provide a sedimentological and stratigraphic overview of the Elk Ridge no. 1 core that aligns more accurately with the currently recognized regional lithostratigraphic framework, (3) establish the position of the boundary between the lower Cutler beds and the overlying Cedar Mesa Sandstone in the core, and (4) outline our ongoing research goals for the core. In-progress work on the core aims to refine biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic age constraints, retrieve the polarity stratigraphy, interrogate preserved cyclostratigraphy, analyze sedimentary structures and paleosol facies, investigate stable isotope geochemistry, and evaluate elemental abundance data from X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanning. Together with outcrop studies throughout Bears Ears National Monument and its vicinity, these cores will allow the rich paleontological and paleoenvironmental archives recorded in the continental Carboniferous–Permian transition of western North America to be confidently placed in a robust chronologic context that will help test hypotheses relating ecosystem evolution to the Carboniferous rainforest collapse, initial decline of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age, and long-wavelength astronomical cycles pacing global environmental change.
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Abstract The femora of diapsids have undergone morphological changes related to shifts in postural and locomotor modes, such as the transition from plesiomorphic amniote and diapsid taxa to the apomorphic conditions related to a more erect posture within Archosauriformes. One remarkable clade of Triassic diapsids is the chameleon‐like Drepanosauromorpha. This group is known from numerous articulated but heavily compressed skeletons that have the potential to further inform early reptile femoral evolution. For the first time, we describe the three‐dimensional osteology of the femora of Drepanosauromorpha, based on undistorted fossils from the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation and Dockum Group of North America. We identify apomorphies and a combination of character states that link these femora to those in crushed specimens of drepanosauromorphs and compare our sample with a range of amniote taxa. Several characteristics of drepanosauromorph femora, including a hemispherical proximal articular surface, prominent asymmetry in the proximodistal length of the tibial condyles, and a deep intercondylar sulcus, are plesiomorphies shared with early diapsids. The femora contrast with those of most diapsids in lacking a crest‐like, distally tapering internal trochanter. They bear a ventrolaterally positioned tuberosity on the femoral shaft, resembling the fourth trochanter in Archosauriformes. The reduction of an internal trochanter parallels independent reductions in therapsids and archosauriforms. The presence of a ventrolaterally positioned trochanter is also similar to that of chameleonid squamates. Collectively, these features demonstrate a unique femoral morphology for drepanosauromorphs, and suggest an increased capacity for femoral adduction and protraction relative to most other Permo‐Triassic diapsids.
Abstract Eopneumatosuchus colberti Crompton and Smith, 1980, known from a single partial skull, is an enigmatic crocodylomorph from the Lower Jurassic Kayenta Formation. In spite of its unique morphology, an exceptionally pneumatic braincase, and presence during a critical time period of crocodylomorph evolution, relatively little is known about this taxon. Here, we redescribe the external cranial morphology ofE .colberti , present novel information on its endocranial anatomy, evaluate its phylogenetic position among early crocodylomorphs, and seek to better characterize its ecology. Our examination clarifies key aspects of cranial suture paths and braincase anatomy. Comparisons with related taxa (e.g.,Protosuchus haughtoni ) demonstrate that extreme pneumaticity of the braincase may be more widespread in protosuchids than previously appreciated. Computed tomography scans reveal an endocranial morphology that resembles that of other early crocodylomorphs, in particular the noncrocodyliform crocodylomorphAlmadasuchus figarii . There are, however, key differences in olfactory bulb and cerebral hemisphere morphology, which demonstrate the endocranium of crocodylomorphs is not as conserved as previously hypothesized. Our phylogenetic analysis recoversE .colberti as a close relative ofProtosuchus richardsoni andEdentosuchus tienshanensis , contrasting with previous hypotheses of a sister group relationship with Thalattosuchia. Previous work suggested the inner ear has some similarities to semi‐aquatic crocodyliforms, but the phylogenetic placement ofE .colberti among protosuchids with a terrestrial postcranial skeletal morphology complicates paleoecological interpretation. -
Abstract The Colorado Plateau Coring Project Phase 1 (CPCP‐1) acquired three continuous drill cores from Petrified Forest National Park (PFNP), Arizona, U.S.A., two of which (CPCP‐PFNP13‐1A and CPCP‐PFNP13‐2B) intersected the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation, Lower(?)‐Middle Triassic Moenkopi Formation (MF) and Permian Coconino Sandstone. We examined both cores to construct a high‐resolution magnetostratigraphy of MF strata, and progressive demagnetization data yield well‐defined, interpretable paleomagnetic results. Each lithostratigraphic member of the MF (Wupatki, Moqui, and Holbrook members) contains authigenic and detrital hematite as the dominant magnetic carrier with distinguishing rock magnetic characteristics. Magnetostratigraphy of MF strata in both CPCP‐1 cores consists of six normal and six reverse polarity magnetozones, from the youngest to the oldest, MF1n to MF6r. Recent single‐crystal chemical abrasion–thermal ionization mass spectrometry (CA‐TIMS) U‐Pb data from a sample in magnetozone MF1n yield a latest Anisian/earliest Ladinian (241.38 ± 0.43 Ma) age. Correlation of the CA‐TIMS‐calibrated magnetostratigraphy with the astronomically tuned polarity timescale for the Middle Triassic deep‐marine Guandao (GD) section of South China ties the magnetozone MF1n with GD8 and MF6r with GD2r, and implies that the MF spans, at most, the earliest Anisian (Aegean) to latest Anisian (Illyrian)/earliest Ladinian stages (ca. 246.8 to 241.5 Ma). This age estimate for the MF suggests that the timespan of the regional, pre‐Norian disconformity is about 17 Ma, which demonstrates that MF vertebrate fossil assemblages in east‐central Arizona are millions of years (minimally 3–4 Ma) younger than previously suggested and are all Anisian in age, with no indications of substantial hiatuses in the MF section.
Abstract Building on an earlier study that confirmed the stability of the 405‐kyr eccentricity climate cycle and the timing of the Newark‐Hartford astrochronostratigraphic polarity time scale back to 215 Ma, we extend the magnetochronology of the Late Triassic Chinle Formation to its basal unconformity in scientific drill core PFNP‐1A from Petrified Forest National Park (Arizona, USA). The 335‐m‐thick Chinle section is imprinted with paleomagnetic polarity zones PF1r to PF10n, which we correlate to chrons E17r to E9n (~209 to 224 Ma) of the Newark‐Hartford astrochronostratigraphic polarity time scale. A sediment accumulation rate of ~34 m/Myr can be extended down to ~270 m, close to the base of the Sonsela Member and the base of magnetozone PF5n, which we correlate to chron E14n that onsets at 216.16 Ma. Magnetozones PF5r to PF10n in the underlying 65‐m‐thick section of the mudstone‐dominated Blue Mesa and Mesa Redondo members plausibly correlate to chrons E13r to E9n, indicating a sediment accumulation rate of only ~10 m/Myr. Published high‐precision U‐Pb detrital zircon dates from the lower Chinle tend to be several million years older than the magnetochronological age model. The source of this discrepancy is unclear but may be due to sporadic introduction of juvenile zircons that get recycled. The new magnetochronological constraint on the base of the Sonsela Member brings the apparent timing of the included Adamanian‐Revueltian land vertebrate faunal zone boundary and the Zone II to Zone III palynofloral transition closer to the temporal range of the ~215 Ma Manicouagan impact structure in Canada.