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  1. Wideband beamforming and interference cancellation for phased array antennas requires advances in signal processing algorithms, software, and specialized hardware platforms. A high-throughput array receiver has been developed that enables communication in radio frequency interference-rich environments with field programmable gate array (FPGA)-based frequency channelization and packetization. In this study, a real-time interference mitigation algorithm was implemented on graphics processing units (GPUs) contained in the data pipeline. The key contribution is a hardware and software pipeline for subchannelized wideband array signal processing with 150 MHz instantaneous bandwidth and interference cancellation with a heterogeneous, distributed, and scaleable digital signal processing (DSP) architecture that achieves 30 dB interferer cancellation null depth in real time with a moving interference source.

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  2. The noise performance of a high sensitivity, wide-field astronomical phased array feed receiver can be characterized by measurements using the antenna Y factor method. These measurements are used to determine figures of merit for an active array receiver. Antenna elements for the Advanced L Band Phased Array Camera for Astronomy (ALPACA) were measured using the antenna Y factor method to determine the active array and receiver noise figure, the antenna loss, receiver equivalent noise temperature, and radiation efficiency of the system over its 500[Formula: see text]MHz operating bandwidth. The completed ALPACA instrument will feature a fully cryogenic design with both the low-noise amplifiers and array elements cryogenically cooled. The uncooled performance measurements from the antenna Y factor method are used to extrapolate the elements cryogenic radiation efficiency and antenna loss showing that it is expected that the elements will contribute less than 1 K to the overall system noise temperature. These results validate the antenna Y factor method to measure key antenna parameters such as the antenna radiation efficiency and show that the instruments front-end array and electronics meets expected performance targets. 
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  3. null (Ed.)
    The Advanced L band Phased Array Camera for Arecibo (ALPACA) will rely on RF-over-fiber signal transport and hybrid FPGA/GPU signal processing hardware for calibration, beamforming, and imaging. We report on signal transport system development, phase and gain stability requirements, and array signal processing algorithm development. 
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