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Creators/Authors contains: "Jensen, Lars R."

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  1. null (Ed.)
  2. Abstract

    Metal-organic framework glasses feature unique thermal, structural, and chemical properties compared to traditional metallic, organic, and oxide glasses. So far, there is a lack of knowledge of their mechanical properties, especially toughness and strength, owing to the challenge in preparing large bulk glass samples for mechanical testing. However, a recently developed melting method enables fabrication of large bulk glass samples (>25 mm3) from zeolitic imidazolate frameworks. Here, fracture toughness (KIc) of a representative glass, namely ZIF-62 glass (Zn(C3H3N2)1.75(C7H5N2)0.25), is measured using single-edge precracked beam method and simulated using reactive molecular dynamics.KIcis determined to be ~0.1 MPa m0.5, which is even lower than that of brittle oxide glasses due to the preferential breakage of the weak coordinative bonds (Zn-N). The glass is found to exhibit an anomalous brittle-to-ductile transition behavior, considering its low fracture surface energy despite similar Poisson’s ratio to that of many ductile metallic and organic glasses.

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  3. Abstract

    Chemical diversification of hybrid organic–inorganic glasses remains limited, especially compared to traditional oxide glasses, for which property tuning is possible through addition of weakly bonded modifier cations. In this work, it is shown that water can depolymerize polyhedra with labile metal–ligand bonds in a cobalt‐based coordination network, yielding a series of nonstoichiometric glasses. Calorimetric, spectroscopic, and simulation studies demonstrate that the added water molecules promote the breakage of network bonds and coordination number changes, leading to lower melting and glass transition temperatures. These structural changes modify the physical and chemical properties of the melt‐quenched glass, with strong parallels to the “modifier” concept in oxides. It is shown that this approach also applies to other transition metal‐based coordination networks, and it will thus enable diversification of hybrid glass chemistry, including nonstoichiometric glass compositions, tuning of properties, and a significant rise in the number of glass‐forming hybrid systems by allowing them to melt before thermal decomposition.

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  4. Abstract

    Lithium aluminoborate glasses have recently been found to feature high resistance to crack initiation during indentation, but suffer from relatively low hardness and chemical durability. To further understand the mechanical properties of this glass family and their correlation with the network structure, we here study the effect of adding SiO2to a 25Li2O–20Al2O3–55B2O3glass on the structure and mechanical properties. Addition of silica increases the average network rigidity, but meanwhile its open tetrahedral structure decreases the atomic packing density. Consequently, we only observe a minor increase in hardness and glass transition temperature, and a decrease in Poisson's ratio. The addition of SiO2, and thus removal of Al2O3and/or B2O3, also makes the network less structurally adaptive to applied stress, since Al and B easily increase their coordination number under pressure, while this is not the case for Si under modest pressures. As such, although the silica‐containing networks have more free volume, they cannot densify more during indentation, which in turn leads to an overall decrease in crack resistance upon SiO2addition. Our work shows that, although pure silica glass has very high glass transition temperature and relatively high hardness, its addition in oxide glasses does not necessarily lead to significant increase in these properties due to the complex structural interactions in mixed network former glasses and the competitive effects of free volume and network rigidity.

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