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Creators/Authors contains: "Johnson, David C."

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  1. Understanding and characterizing the intrinsic properties of charge carrier transport across the interfaces in van der Waals heterostructures is critical to their applications in modern electronics, thermoelectrics, and optoelectronics. However, there are very few published cross-plane resistivity measurements of thin samples because these inherently 2-probe measurements must be corrected for contact and lead resistances. Here, we present a method to extract contact resistances and metal lead resistances by fitting the width dependence of the contact end voltages of top and bottom electrodes of different linewidths to a model based on current crowding. These contributions are then subtracted from the total 2-probe cross-plane resistance to obtain the cross-plane resistance of the material itself without needing multiple devices and/or etching steps. This approach was used to measure cross-plane resistivities of a (PbSe)1(VSe2)1 heterostructure containing alternating layers of PbSe and VSe2 with random in-plane rotational disorder. Several samples measured exhibited a 4 order of magnitude difference between cross-plane and in-plane resistivities over the 6–300 K temperature range. We also reported the first observation of charge density wave transition in the cross-plane transport of (PbSe)1(VSe2)1 heterostructure. The device fabrication process is fully lift-off compatible, and the method developed enables the straightforward measurement of the resistivity anisotropy of most thin film materials with nm thicknesses. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 17, 2025
  2. Abstract

    The interplay between charge transfer and electronic disorder in transition-metal dichalcogenide multilayers gives rise to superconductive coupling driven by proximity enhancement, tunneling and superconducting fluctuations, of a yet unwieldy variety. Artificial spacer layers introduced with atomic precision change the density of states by charge transfer. Here, we tune the superconductive coupling betweenNbSe2monolayers from proximity-enhanced to tunneling-dominated. We correlate normal and superconducting properties inSnSe1+δmNbSe21tailored multilayers with varying SnSe layer thickness (m=115). From high-field magnetotransport the critical fields yield Ginzburg–Landau coherence lengths with an increase of140%cross-plane (m=19), trending towards two-dimensional superconductivity form>9. We show cross-overs between three regimes: metallic with proximity-enhanced coupling (m=14), disordered-metallic with intermediate coupling (m=59) and insulating with Josephson tunneling (m>9). Our results demonstrate that stacking metal mono- and dichalcogenides allows to convert a metal/superconductor into an insulator/superconductor system, prospecting the control of two-dimensional superconductivity in embedded layers.

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