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  1. Abstract

    We report the discovery of three faint and ultrafaint dwarf galaxies—Sculptor A, Sculptor B, and Sculptor C—in the direction of NGC 300 (D= 2.0 Mpc), a Large Magellanic Cloud–mass galaxy. Deep ground-based imaging with Gemini/GMOS resolves all three dwarf galaxies into stars, each displaying a red giant branch indicative of an old, metal-poor stellar population. No young stars or Higas are apparent, and the lack of a GALEX UV detection suggests that all three systems are quenched. Sculptor C (D= 2.040.13+0.10Mpc;MV=  −9.1 ± 0.1 mag orLV= (3.70.3+0.4) × 105L) is consistent with being a satellite of NGC 300. Sculptor A (D= 1.350.08+0.22Mpc;MV= −6.9 ± 0.3 mag orLV= (51+1) × 104L) is likely in the foreground of NGC 300 and at the extreme edge of the Local Group, analogous to the recently discovered ultrafaint Tucana B in terms of its physical properties and environment. Sculptor B (D= 2.480.24+0.21Mpc;MV= −8.1 ± 0.3 mag orLV= (1.50.4+0.5) × 105L) is likely in the background, but future distance measurements are necessary to solidify this statement. It is also of interest due to its quiescent state and low stellar mass. Both Sculptor A and B are ≳2–4rvirfrom NGC 300 itself. The discovery of three dwarf galaxies in isolated or low-density environments offers an opportunity to study the varying effects of ram-pressure stripping, reionization, and internal feedback in influencing the star formation history of the faintest stellar systems.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 10, 2025
  2. Abstract

    We have imaged the entirety of eight (plus one partial) Milky Way (MW)–like satellite systems, a total of 42 (45) satellites, from the Satellites Around Galactic Analogs II catalog in both Hαand Hiwith the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope and the Jansky Very Large Array. In these eight systems we have identified four cases where a satellite appears to be currently undergoing ram pressure stripping (RPS) as its Higas collides with the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of its host. We also see a clear suppression of gas fraction (MHI/M*) with decreasing (projected) satellite–host separation—to our knowledge, the first time this has been observed in a sample of MW-like systems. Comparisons to the Auriga, A Project Of Simulating The Local Environment, and TNG50 cosmological zoom-in simulations show consistent global behavior, but they systematically underpredict gas fractions across all satellites by roughly 0.5 dex. Using a simplistic RPS model, we estimate the average peak CGM density that satellites in these systems have encountered to belogρcgm/gcm327.3. Furthermore, we see tentative evidence that these satellites are following a specific star formation rate to gas fraction relation that is distinct from field galaxies. Finally, we detect one new gas-rich satellite in the UGC 903 system with an optical size and surface brightness meeting the standard criteria to be considered an ultra-diffuse galaxy.

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  3. Abstract

    We investigate the ultradiffuse galaxy (UDG) UGC 9050-Dw1, which was selected because of its disturbed morphology as part of a larger sample of UDGs that display evidence for significant interactions. We use the Hubble Space Telescope’s Advanced Camera for Surveys to identify globular clusters (GCs) associated with UGC 9050-Dw1, and the Jansky Very Large Array to measure its Hicontent. UGC 9050-Dw1, a neighbor to the low surface brightness spiral UGC 9050, exhibits a unique UV-bright central “clump” with clearly associated Higas and an extended stellar tidal plume to the north. We identify 52 ± 12 GCs, implying a specific frequency ofSN= 122 ± 38, one of the highest reported for a UDG of this luminosity (logLV/L=7.5±0.1). Additionally, ∼20% of the total light of the galaxy is contributed by GCs. Nearly uniform GC colors suggest they were formed during a single intense episode of star formation. We posit that UGC 9050-Dw1 represents the initial definitive observational example of UDG formation resulting from a dwarf merger event, where subsequent clumpy star formation has contributed to its present observed characteristics.

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  4. Abstract

    Modeling the integrated Hispectra of galaxies has been a difficult task, due to their diverse shapes, but more dynamical information is waiting to be explored in Hiline profiles. Based on simple assumptions, we construct a physically motivated model for the integrated Hispectra: Parameterized Asymmetric Neutral hydrogen Disk Integrated Spectrum Characterization (PANDISC). The model shows great flexibility in reproducing the diverse Hiprofiles. We use Monte Carlo Markov Chain for fitting the model to global Hiprofiles and produce statistically robust quantitative results. Comparing with several samples of Hidata available in the literature, we find the model-fitted widths agree with cataloged velocity widths (e.g.,W50) down to S/N ≲ 6. While dynamical information can only be extracted reliably from spectra with S/N > 8. The model is also shown to be useful for applications like the baryonic Tully–Fisher relation (BTFR) and profile-based sample control. By comparing the model parametervrtovflat, we uncover how the Hiwidth is affected by the structure of the rotation curve, following a trend consistent with the difference in the BTFR slope. We also select a sample of spectra with broad wing-like features suggestive of a population of galaxies with unusual gas dynamics. The PANDISC model bears both promise and limitations for potential use beyond Hilines. Further application on the whole ALFALFA sample will enable us to perform large-scale ensemble studies of the Hiproperties and dynamics in nearby galaxies.

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  5. Abstract

    We report the discovery of Pavo, a faint (MV= −10.0), star-forming, irregular, and extremely isolated dwarf galaxy atD≈ 2 Mpc. Pavo was identified in Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey imaging via a novel approach that combines low surface brightness galaxy search algorithms and machine-learning candidate classifications. Follow-up imaging with the Inamori-Magellan Areal Camera and Spectrograph on the 6.5 m Magellan Baade telescope revealed a color–magnitude diagram (CMD) with an old stellar population, in addition to the young population that dominates the integrated light, and a tip of the red giant branch distance estimate of1.990.22+0.20Mpc. The blue population of stars in the CMD is consistent with the youngest stars having formed no later than 150 Myr ago. We also detected no Hαemission with SOAR telescope imaging, suggesting that we may be witnessing a temporary low in Pavo’s star formation. We estimate the total stellar mass of Pavo to belogM*/M=5.6±0.2and measure an upper limit on its Higas mass of 1.0 × 106Mbased on the HIPASS survey. Given these properties, Pavo’s closest analog is Leo P (D= 1.6 Mpc), previously the only known isolated, star-forming, Local Volume dwarf galaxy in this mass range. However, Pavo appears to be even more isolated, with no other known galaxy residing within over 600 kpc. As surveys and search techniques continue to improve, we anticipate an entire population of analogous objects being detected just outside the Local Group.

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  6. Abstract

    The baryonic Tully–Fisher relation (BTFR) has applications in galaxy evolution as a test bed for the galaxy–halo connection and in observational cosmology as a redshift-independent secondary distance indicator. This analysis leverages the 31,000+ galaxy Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA (AreciboL-band Feed Array) Survey (ALFALFA) sample—which provides redshifts, velocity widths, and Hicontent for a large number of gas-bearing galaxies in the local universe—to fit and test an extensive local universe BTFR. The fiducial relation is fit using a 3000-galaxy subsample of ALFALFA, and is shown to be consistent with the full sample. This BTFR is designed to be as inclusive of ALFALFA and comparable samples as possible. Velocity widths measured via an automated method andMbproxies extracted from survey data can be uniformly and efficiently measured for other samples, giving this analysis broad applicability. We also investigate the role of sample demographics in determining the best-fit relation. We find that the best-fit relations are changed significantly by changes to the sample mass range and to second order by changes to mass sampling, gas fraction, different stellar mass and velocity width measurements. We use a subset of ALFALFA with demographics that reflect the full sample to measure a robust BTFR slope of 3.30 ± 0.06. We apply this relation and estimate source distances, finding general agreement with flow-model distances as well as average distance uncertainties of ∼0.17 dex for the full ALFALFA sample. We demonstrate the utility of these distance estimates by applying them to a sample of sources in the Virgo vicinity, recovering signatures of infall consistent with previous work.

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  7. Abstract

    We present theoretical expectations for infall toward supercluster-scale cosmological filaments, motivated by the Arecibo Pisces–Perseus Supercluster Survey (APPSS) to map the velocity field around the Pisces–Perseus Supercluster (PPS) filament. We use a minimum spanning tree applied to dark matter halos the size of galaxy clusters to identify 236 large filaments within the Millennium simulation. Stacking the filaments along their principal axes, we determine a well-defined, sharp-peaked velocity profile function that can be expressed in terms of the maximum infall rateVmaxand the distanceρmaxbetween the location of maximum infall and the principal axis of the filament. This simple, two-parameter functional form is surprisingly universal across a wide range of linear mass densities.Vmaxis positively correlated with the halo mass per length along the filament, andρmaxis negatively correlated with the degree to which the halos are concentrated along the principal axis. We also assess an alternative, single-parameter method usingV25, the infall rate at a distance of 25 Mpc from the axis of the filament. Filaments similar to the PPS haveVmax=612±116 km s−1,ρmax=8.9±2.1Mpc, andV25= 329 ± 68 km s−1. We create mock observations to model uncertainties associated with viewing angle, lack of three-dimensional velocity information, limited sample size, and distance uncertainties. Our results suggest that it would be especially useful to measure infall for a larger sample of filaments to test our predictions for the shape of the infall profile and the relationships among infall rates and filament properties.

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    We present neutral atomic hydrogen (H i) observations using the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope along the lines of sight to 49 confirmed or possible dwarf satellite galaxies around eight Local Volume systems (M104, M51, NGC 1023, NGC 1156, NGC 2903, NGC 4258, NGC 4565, and NGC 4631). We detect the H i reservoirs of two candidates (dw0934+2204 and dw1238−1122) and find them to be background sources relative to their nearest foreground host systems. The remaining 47 satellite candidates are not detected in H i, and we place stringent 5σ upper limits on their H i mass. We note that some (15/47) of our non-detections stem from satellites being occluded by their putative host’s H i emission. In addition to these new observations, we compile literature estimates on the H i mass for an additional 17 satellites. We compare the H i properties of these satellites to those within the Local Group, finding broad agreement between them. Crucially, these observations probe a ‘transition’ region between −10 ≳ MV ≳ −14 where we see a mixture of gas-rich and gas-poor satellites. While there are many gas-poor satellites within this region, some are gas-rich and this suggests that the transition towards predominantly gas-rich satellites occurs at LV ∼ 107L⊙, in line with simulations. The observations presented here are a key step toward characterizing the properties of dwarf satellite galaxies around Local Volume systems and future wide-field radio surveys with higher angular resolution (e.g. WALLABY) will vastly improve upon the study of such systems.

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  9. Abstract We present deep Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging of five faint dwarf galaxies associated with the nearby spiral NGC 253 (D ≈ 3.5 Mpc). Three of these are newly discovered dwarf galaxies, while all five were found in the Panoramic Imaging Survey of Centaurus and Sculptor, a Magellan+Megacam survey to identify faint dwarfs and other substructures in resolved stellar light around massive galaxies outside of the Local Group. Our HST data reach ≳3 magnitudes below the tip of the red giant branch for each dwarf, allowing us to derive their distances, structural parameters, and luminosities. All five systems contain mostly old, metal-poor stellar populations (age ∼12 Gyr, [M/H] ≲ −1.5) and have sizes ( r h ∼ 110–3000 pc) and luminosities ( M V ∼ −7 to −12 mag) largely consistent with Local Group dwarfs. The three new NGC 253 satellites are among the faintest systems discovered beyond the Local Group. We also use archival H i data to place limits on the gas content of our discoveries. Deep imaging surveys such as our program around NGC 253 promise to elucidate the faint end of the satellite luminosity function and its scatter across a range of galaxy masses, morphologies, and environments in the decade to come. 
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