For short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) avalanche photodiodes, a separate absorption, charge, and multiplication design is widely used. AlInAsSb on an InP substrate is a potential multiplication layer with a lattice match to absorber candidates across the SWIR. Our new measurements demonstrate that AlInAsSb on InP is a promising multiplier candidate with a relatively low dark current density of 10−4 A/cm2 at a gain of 30; a high gain, measured up to 245 in this study; and a large differentiation of electron and hole ionization leading to a low excess noise, measured to be 2.5 at a gain of 30. These characteristics are all improvements over commercially available SWIR detectors incorporating InAlAs or InP as the multiplier. We measured and analyzed gain for multiple wavelengths to extract the ionization coefficients as a function of an electric field over the range 0.33–0.6 MV/cm.
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Fernandez, C. ; Guiterrez, A. ; Planas, N. (Ed.)
This article presents a new method to solve a dynamic sensor fusion problem. We consider a large number of remote sensors which measure a common Gauss–Markov process. Each sensor encodes and transmits its measurement to a data fusion center through a resource restricted communication network. The communication cost incurred by a given sensor is quantified as the expected bitrate from the sensor to the fusion center. We propose an approach that attempts to minimize a weighted sum of these communication costs subject to a constraint on the state estimation error at the fusion center. We formulate the problem as a difference-of-convex program and apply the convex-concave procedure (CCP) to obtain a heuristic solution. We consider a 1D heat transfer model and a model for 2D target tracking by a drone swarm for numerical studies. Through these simulations, we observe that our proposed approach has a tendency to assign zero data rate to unnecessary sensors indicating that our approach is sparsity-promoting, and an effective sensor selection heuristic.more » « less
We consider a dynamic sensor fusion problem where a large number of remote sensors observe a common Gauss-Markov process and the observations are transmitted to a fusion center over a resource constrained communication network. The design objective is to allocate an appropriate data rate to each sensor in such a way that the total data traffic to the fusion center is minimized, subject to a constraint on the fusion center's state estimation error covariance. We show that the problem can be formulated as a difference-of-convex program, to which we apply the convex-concave procedure (CCP) and the alternating direction method of multiplier (ADMM). Through a numerical study on a truss bridge sensing system, we observe that our algorithm tends to allocate zero data rate to unneeded sensors, implying that the proposed method is an effective heuristic for sensor selection.more » « less
Purpose Functional MRI contrast has generally been associated with changes in transverse relaxivity caused by blood oxygen concentration, the so‐called blood oxygen level dependent contrast. However, this interpretation of fMRI contrast has been called into question by several recent experiments at high spatial resolution. Experiments were conducted to examine contrast dependencies that cannot be explained only by differences in relaxivity in a single‐spin population.
Methods Measurements of functional signal and contrast were obtained in human early visual cortex during a high‐contrast visual stimulation over a large range of TEs and for several flip angles. Small voxels (1.5 mm) were used to restrict the measurements to cortical gray matter in early visual areas identified using retinotopic mapping procedures.
Results Measurements were consistent with models that include 2 spin populations. The dominant population has a relatively short transverse lifetime that is strongly modulated by activation. However, functional contrast is also affected by volume changes between this short‐lived population and the longer‐lived population.
Conclusion Some of the previously observed “nonclassical” behaviors of functional contrast can be explained by these interacting dual‐spin populations.
The results of a search for stealth supersymmetry in final states with two photons and jets, targeting a phase space region with low missing transverse momentum (), are reported. The study is based on a sample of proton-proton collisions atcollected by the CMS experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of. As LHC results continue to constrain the parameter space of the minimal supersymmetric standard model, the lowregime is increasingly valuable to explore. To estimate the backgrounds due to standard model processes in such events, we apply corrections derived from simulation to an estimate based on a control selection in data. The results are interpreted in the context of simplified stealth supersymmetry models with gluino and squark pair production. The observed data are consistent with the standard model predictions, and gluino (squark) masses of up to 2150 (1850) GeV are excluded at the 95% confidence level.
© 2024 CERN, for the CMS Collaboration 2024 CERN Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025