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Creators/Authors contains: "Kabir, Maliha"

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  1. This research aims to develop a wearable monitoring system that can help in monitoring respiratory distress. Drowning-related accidents are 3rd leading cause of unintentional death. Among the victims most of them are children and world statistics state that there are 4000 fatalities per day in children due to drowning. In this research project, we propose a wearable system that can help in monitoring the heart rate, oxygen level, and body temperature variability, along with the accelerometer. Our proposed framework is designed as an anklet that can help detect drowning incidents early 
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  2. Biomimicr y is a i eld of study that involves imitating the designs and processes of nature to solve problems using man- made systems. Biomimicr y offer s an empathetic, interconnected under standing of how life wor ks and where we i t in. In bio- inspired designs, the main challenge is to develop a sustainable and effective fr amewor k that can be used in the real wor ld. M ost of the soft robotic designs are state-of-the-ar t models that cannot be used in real sensing applications. In this research, we propose a sustainable sensor-integr ated modular soft robot model that can be used for locomotion and gr ipping applications. This wor k presents the steps involved in modeling, designing, and fabr icating soft and l exible end effector s that can be used for soft robots with integr ated soft stretchable sensor s. We demonstr ate the design methodology involved in modeling and simulating the proposed model for robots that would require effector s with increased functionalities. 
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