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Creators/Authors contains: "Kalaga, D. V."

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  1. Controlling the downhole pressure is an important parameter for successful and safe operation of the drilling operation. The drilling fluid density is an important design parameter for preventing the fluid formation and gas entering the wellbore. Several types of weighting agents, barite in the present work, are added to maintain the desired density of the drilling fluid. The uneven density distribution of the barite, which can lead to a density variation as high as 0.5 kg/L (4 lbs/gal) (Tehrani et al. 2011), is caused by the settlement of barite or other weighting materials in the well bore. This paper presents the rheological properties of the drilling fluid measured using a rheometer and estimated rates of barite particle settlement in an oil-based drilling fluid using gamma-ray densitometry for the first time. Experiments were performed in a static cell (with no shear) and in a Taylor Couette cell (with low shear stress). Further, an attempt has also been made to relate the rate of barite particle settling to the rheological properties of the drilling fluid. 
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