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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025
  2. Abstract

    We use the H41αrecombination line to create templates of the millimeter free–free emission in the ALMA-IMF continuum maps, which allows us to separate it from dust emission. This method complements spectral-index information and extrapolation from centimeter-wavelength maps. We use the derived maps to estimate the properties of up to 34 Hiiregions across the ALMA-IMF protoclusters. The hydrogen ionizing photon rateQ0and spectral types follow the evolutionary trend proposed by Motte et al. The youngest protoclusters lack detectable ionized gas, followed by protoclusters with increasing numbers of OB stars. The totalQ0increases from ∼1045s−1to >1049s−1. We used the adjacent He41αline to measure the relative number abundances of helium, finding values consistent with the Galactic interstellar medium, although a few outliers are discussed. A search for sites of maser amplification of the H41αline returned negative results. We looked for possible correlations between the electron densities, emission measures, andQ0with Hiiregion sizeD. The latter is the best correlated, withQ0D2.49 ± 0.18. This favors interpretations in which smaller ultracompact Hiiregions are not necessarily the less dynamically evolved versions of larger ones but rather are ionized by less massive stars. Moderate correlations were found between the dynamical width ΔVdynwithDandQ0. ΔVdynincreases from about 1 to 2 times the ionized-gas sound speed. Finally, an outlier Hiiregion south of W43-MM2 is discussed. We suggest that this source could harbor an embedded stellar or disk wind.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025

    CRL 618 is a post-Asymptotic Giant Branch star that has started to ionize its ejecta. Its central H ii region has been observed over the last 40 yr and has steadily increased in flux density at radio wavelengths. In this paper, we present data that we obtained with the Very Large Array in its highest frequency band (43 GHz) in 2011 and compare these with archival data in the same frequency band from 1998. By applying the so-called expansion-parallax method, we are able to estimate an expansion rate of 4.0 ± 0.4 mas yr−1 along the major axis of the nebula and derive a distance of 1.1 ± 0.2 kpc. Within errors, this distance estimation is in good agreement with the value of ∼900 pc derived from the expansion of the optical lobes.

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  4. Abstract

    We present observations of population anti-inversion in the 31− 40A+transition of CH3OH (methanol) at 107.013831 GHz toward the Galactic center cloud G0.253+0.016 (“The Brick”). Anti-inversion of molecular level populations can result in absorption lines against the cosmic microwave background (CMB) in a phenomenon known as a “dasar.” We model the physical conditions under which the 107 GHz methanol transition dases and determine that dasing occurs at densities below 106cm−3and column densities between 1013and 1016cm−2. We also find that for this transition, dasing does not strongly depend on the gas kinetic temperature. We evaluate the potential of this tool for future deep galaxy surveys. We note that other works have already reported absorption in this transition (e.g., in NGC 253), but we provide the first definitive evidence that it is absorption against the CMB rather than against undetected continuum sources.

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  5. Abstract. This study describes a modeling framework, model evaluation, and source apportionment to understand the causes of Los Angeles (LA) air pollution. A few major updates are applied to the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model with a high spatial resolution (1 km × 1 km). The updates include dynamic traffic emissions based on real-time, on-road information and recent emission factors and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) schemes to represent volatile chemical products (VCPs). Meteorology is well predicted compared to ground-based observations, and the emission rates from multiple sources (i.e., on-road, volatile chemical products, area, point, biogenic, and sea spray) are quantified. Evaluation of the CMAQ model shows that ozone is well predicted despite inaccuracies in nitrogen oxide (NOx) predictions. Particle matter (PM) is underpredicted compared to concurrent measurements made with an aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) in Pasadena. Inorganic aerosol is well predicted, while SOA is underpredicted. Modeled SOA consists of mostly organic nitrates and products from oxidation of alkane-like intermediate volatility organic compounds (IVOCs) and has missing components that behave like less-oxidized oxygenated organic aerosol (LO-OOA). Source apportionment demonstrates that the urban areas of the LA Basin and vicinity are NOx-saturated (VOC-sensitive), with the largest sensitivity of O3 to changes in VOCs in the urban core. Differing oxidative capacities in different regions impact the nonlinear chemistry leading to PM and SOA formation, which is quantified in this study.

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  6. Abstract

    Infrared observations of stellar orbits about Sgr A* probe the mass distribution in the inner parsec of the Galaxy and provide definitive evidence for the existence of a massive black hole. However, the infrared astrometry is relative and is tied to the radio emission from Sgr A* using stellar SiO masers that coincide with infrared-bright stars. To support and improve this two-step astrometry, we present new astrometric observations of 15 stellar SiO masers within 2 pc of Sgr A*. Combined with legacy observations spanning 25.8 yr, we reanalyze the relative offsets of these masers from Sgr A* and measure positions and proper motions that are significantly improved compared to the previously published reference frame. Maser positions are corrected for epoch-specific differential aberration, precession, nutation, and solar gravitational deflection. Omitting the supergiant IRS 7, the mean position uncertainties are 0.46 mas and 0.84 mas in R.A. and decl., and the mean proper motion uncertainties are 0.07 mas yr−1and 0.12 mas yr−1, respectively. At a distance of 8.2 kpc, these correspond to position uncertainties of 3.7 and 6.9 au and proper motion uncertainties of 2.7 and 4.6 km s−1. The reference frame stability, the uncertainty in the variance-weighted mean proper motion of the maser ensemble, is 8μas yr−1(0.30 km s−1) in R.A. and 11μas yr−1(0.44 km s−1) in decl., which represents a 2.3-fold improvement over previous work and a new benchmark for the maser-based reference frame.

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  7. Liquid asphalt is a petroleum-derived substance commonly used in construction activities. Recent work has identified lower volatility, reactive organic carbon from asphalt as an overlooked source of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) precursor emissions. Here, we leverage potential emission estimates and usage data to construct a bottom-up inventory of asphalt-related emissions in the United States. In 2018, we estimate that hot-mix, warm-mix, emulsified, cutback, and roofing asphalt generated ∼380 Gg (317 Gg–447 Gg) of organic compound emissions. The impacts of these emissions on anthropogenic SOA and ozone throughout the contiguous United States are estimated using photochemical modeling. In several major cities, asphalt-related emissions can increase modeled summertime SOA, on average, by 0.1–0.2 μg m−3 (2–4% of SOA) and may reach up to 0.5 μg m−3 at noontime on select days. The influence of asphalt-related emissions on modeled ozone are generally small (∼0.1 ppb). We estimate that asphalt paving-related emissions are half of what they were nearly 50 years ago, largely due to the concerted efforts to reduce emissions from cutback asphalts. If on-road mobile emissions continue their multidecadal decline, contributions of urban SOA from evaporative and non-road mobile sources will continue to grow in relative importance. 
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  8. Context. The 1°.3 (G1.3) and 1°.6 (G1.6) cloud complexes in the central molecular zone (CMZ) of our Galaxy have been proposed to possibly reside at the intersection region of the X1 and X2 orbits for several reasons. This includes the detection of co-spatial low- and high-velocity clouds, high velocity dispersion, high fractional molecular abundances of shock-tracing molecules, and kinetic temperatures that are higher than for usual CMZ clouds. Aims. By investigating the morphology and deriving physical properties as well as chemical composition, we want to find the origin of the turbulent gas and, in particular, whether evidence of an interaction between clouds can be identified. Methods. We mapped both cloud complexes in molecular lines in the frequency range from 85 to 117 GHz with the IRAM 30 m telescope. The APEX 12m telescope was used to observe higher frequency transitions between 210 and 475 GHz from selected molecules that are emitted from higher energy levels. We performed non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) modelling of the emission of an ensemble of CH 3 CN lines to derive kinetic temperatures and H 2 volume densities. These were used as starting points for non-LTE modelling of other molecules, for which column densities and abundances were determined and compared with values found for other sources in the CMZ. Results. The kinematic structure of G1.3 reveals an ‘emission bridge’ at intermediate velocities (~150 km s −1 ) connecting low-velocity (~100 km s −1 ) and high-velocity (~180 km s −1 ) gas and an overall fluffy shell-like structure. These may represent observational evidence of cloud-cloud interactions. Low- and high-velocity gas components in G1.6 do not show this type of evidence of an interaction, suggesting that they are spatially separated. We selected three positions in each cloud complex for further analysis. Each position reveals several gas components at various peak velocities and of various line widths. We derived kinetic temperatures of 60–100 K and H 2 volume densities of 10 4 –10 5 cm −3 in both complexes. Molecular abundances relative to H 2 suggest a similar chemistry of the two clouds, which is moreover similar to that of other GC clouds and, especially, agrees well with that of G+0.693 and G−0.11. Conclusions. We conclude that G1.3 may indeed exhibit signs of cloud-cloud interactions. In particular, we propose an interaction of gas that is accreted from the near-side dust lane to the CMZ, with gas pre-existing at this location. Low- and high-velocity components in G1.6 are rather coincidentally observed along the same line of sight. They may be associated with either overshot decelerated gas from the far-side dust line or actual CMZ gas and high-velocity gas moving on a dust lane. These scenarios would be in agreement with numerical simulations. 
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  9. Abstract

    We introduce a new framework called Machine Learning (ML) based Auroral Ionospheric electrodynamics Model (ML‐AIM). ML‐AIM solves a current continuity equation by utilizing the ML model of Field Aligned Currents of Kunduri et al. (2020,, the FAC‐derived auroral conductance model of Robinson et al. (2020,, and the solar irradiance conductance model of Moen and Brekke (1993, The ML‐AIM inputs are 60‐min time histories of solar wind plasma, interplanetary magnetic fields (IMF), and geomagnetic indices, and its outputs are ionospheric electric potential, electric fields, Pedersen/Hall currents, and Joule Heating. We conduct two ML‐AIM simulations for a weak geomagnetic activity interval on 14 May 2013 and a geomagnetic storm on 7–8 September 2017. ML‐AIM produces physically accurate ionospheric potential patterns such as the two‐cell convection pattern and the enhancement of electric potentials during active times. The cross polar cap potentials (ΦPC) from ML‐AIM, the Weimer (2005, model, and the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) data‐assimilated potentials, are compared to the ones from 3204 polar crossings of the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program F17 satellite, showing better performance of ML‐AIM than others. ML‐AIM is unique and innovative because it predicts ionospheric responses to the time‐varying solar wind and geomagnetic conditions, while the other traditional empirical models like Weimer (2005, designed to provide a quasi‐static ionospheric condition under quasi‐steady solar wind/IMF conditions. Plans are underway to improve ML‐AIM performance by including a fully ML network of models of aurora precipitation and ionospheric conductance, targeting its characterization of geomagnetically active times.

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