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  1. Abstract

    About 3%–10% of Type I active galactic nuclei (AGNs) have double-peaked broad Balmer lines in their optical spectra originating from the motion of gas in their accretion disk. Double-peaked profiles arise not only in AGNs, but occasionally appear during optical flares from tidal disruption events and changing-state AGNs. In this paper, we identify 250 double-peaked emitters (DPEs) among a parent sample of optically variable broad-line AGNs in the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) survey, corresponding to a DPE fraction of 19%. We model spectra of the broad Hαemission-line regions and provide a catalog of the fitted accretion disk properties for the 250 DPEs. Analysis of power spectra derived from the 5 yr ZTF light curves finds that DPE light curves have similar amplitudes and power-law indices to other broad-line AGNs. Follow-up spectroscopy of 12 DPEs reveals that ∼50% display significant changes in the relative strengths of their red and blue peaks over long 10–20 yr timescales, indicating that broad-line profile changes arising from spiral arm or hotspot rotation are common among optically variable DPEs. Analysis of the accretion disk parameters derived from spectroscopic modeling provides evidence that DPEs are not in a special accretion state, but are simply normal broad-line AGNs viewed under the right conditions for the accretion disk to be easily visible. We include inspiraling supermassive black hole binary candidate SDSSJ1430+2303 in our analysis, and discuss how its photometric and spectroscopic variability is consistent with the disk-emitting AGN population in the ZTF survey.

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    We conducted compound‐specific stable hydrogen (δD) and carbon (δ13C) isotope analysis onn‐alkanes from terrestrial leaf waxes preserved in a 10 000‐year sediment profile from Lago de las Morrenas 1 (9.4925° N, 83.4848° W, 3480 m), a glacial lake on the Chirripó massif of the Cordillera de Talamanca in Costa Rica. Our results demonstrate millennial‐scale variations in hydroclimate across the Holocene, with drier than average conditions in the highlands during the early Holocene, but with gradually increasing precipitation; mesic conditions during the middle Holocene with a gradual drying trend; and highly variable conditions during the late Holocene. This general pattern is punctuated by several centennial‐scale manifestations of global climate events, including dry conditions during the 8200, 5200 and 4200 cal a bpevents and the Terminal Classic Drought (1200–850 cal a bp). Our δ13C analyses demonstrate that carbon isotope signals are responding to changes in hydroclimate at the site and reinforce prior interpretations of a stable páramo plant community that established following deglaciation and persisted throughout the Holocene. The shifts in hydroclimate inferred from analyses ofn‐alkanes in Lago de las Morrenas 1 sediments show correspondence with charcoal records in multiple lakes, with fires most common during drier intervals.

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  3. Abstract

    PINTis a pure-Python framework for high-precision pulsar timing developed on top of widely used and well-tested Python libraries, supporting both interactive and programmatic data analysis workflows. We present a new frequentist framework withinPINTto characterize the single-pulsar noise processes present in pulsar timing data sets. This framework enables parameter estimation for both uncorrelated and correlated noise processes, as well as model comparison between different timing and noise models in a computationally inexpensive way. We demonstrate the efficacy of the new framework by applying it to simulated data sets as well as a real data set of PSR B1855+09. We also describe the new features implemented inPINTsince it was first described in the literature.

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  4. Abstract We present the discovery of a new optical/X-ray source likely associated with the Fermi γ -ray source 4FGL J1408.6–2917. Its high-amplitude periodic optical variability, large spectroscopic radial-velocity semiamplitude, evidence for optical emission lines and flaring, and X-ray properties together imply the source is probably a new black widow millisecond pulsar binary. We compile the properties of the 41 confirmed and suspected field black widows, finding a median secondary mass of 0.027 ± 0.003 M ⊙ . Considered jointly with the more massive redback millisecond pulsar binaries, we find that the “spider” companion mass distribution remains strongly bimodal, with essentially zero systems having companion masses of between ∼0.07 and 0.1 M ⊙ . X-ray emission from black widows is typically softer and less luminous than in redbacks, consistent with less efficient particle acceleration in the intrabinary shock in black widows, excepting a few systems that appear to have more efficient “redback-like” shocks. Together black widows and redbacks dominate the census of the fastest spinning field millisecond pulsars in binaries with known companion types, making up ≳80% of systems with P spin < 2 ms. Similar to redbacks, the neutron star masses in black widows appear on average significantly larger than the canonical 1.4 M ⊙ , and many of the highest-mass neutron stars claimed to date are black widows with M NS ≳ 2.1 M ⊙ . Both of these observations are consistent with an evolutionary picture where spider millisecond pulsars emerge from short orbital period progenitors that had a lengthy period of mass transfer initiated while the companion was on the main sequence, leading to fast spins and high masses. 
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  5. Abstract

    The cosmic merger history of supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs) is expected to produce a low-frequency gravitational wave background (GWB). Here we investigate how signs of the discrete nature of this GWB can manifest in pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) through excursions from, and breaks in, the expectedfGW2/3power law of the GWB strain spectrum. To do this, we create a semianalytic SMBHB population model, fit to North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav’s) 15 yr GWB amplitude, and with 1000 realizations, we study the populations’ characteristic strain and residual spectra. Comparing our models to the NANOGrav 15 yr spectrum, we find two interesting excursions from the power law. The first, at 2 nHz, is below our GWB realizations with ap-value significancep= 0.05–0.06 (≈1.8σ–1.9σ). The second, at 16 nHz, is above our GWB realizations withp= 0.04–0.15 (≈1.4σ–2.1σ). We explore the properties of a loud SMBHB that could cause such an excursion. Our simulations also show that the expected number of SMBHBs decreases by 3 orders of magnitude, from ∼106to ∼103, between 2 and 20 nHz. This causes a break in the strain spectrum as the stochasticity of the background breaks down at2619+28nHz, consistent with predictions pre-dating GWB measurements. The diminished GWB signal from SMBHBs at frequencies above the 26 nHz break opens a window for PTAs to detect continuous GWs from individual SMBHBs or GWs from the early Universe.

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  6. Abstract

    The NANOGrav 15 yr data provide compelling evidence for a stochastic gravitational-wave (GW) background at nanohertz frequencies. The simplest model-independent approach to characterizing the frequency spectrum of this signal consists of a simple power-law fit involving two parameters: an amplitudeAand a spectral indexγ. In this Letter, we consider the next logical step beyond this minimal spectral model, allowing for arunning(i.e., logarithmic frequency dependence) of the spectral index,γrun(f)=γ+βlnf/fref. We fit this running-power-law (RPL) model to the NANOGrav 15 yr data and perform a Bayesian model comparison with the minimal constant-power-law (CPL) model, which results in a 95% credible interval for the parameterβconsistent with no running,β0.80,2.96, and an inconclusive Bayes factor,BRPLversusCPL=0.69±0.01. We thus conclude that, at present, the minimal CPL model still suffices to adequately describe the NANOGrav signal; however, future data sets may well lead to a measurement of nonzeroβ. Finally, we interpret the RPL model as a description of primordial GWs generated during cosmic inflation, which allows us to combine our results with upper limits from Big Bang nucleosynthesis, the cosmic microwave background, and LIGO–Virgo–KAGRA.

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  7. Abstract

    Pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) are designed to detect low-frequency gravitational waves (GWs). GWs induce achromatic signals in PTA data, meaning that the timing delays do not depend on radio frequency. However, pulse arrival times are also affected by radio-frequency-dependent “chromatic” noise from sources such as dispersion measure (DM) and scattering delay variations. Furthermore, the characterization of GW signals may be influenced by the choice of chromatic noise model for each pulsar. To better understand this effect, we assess if and how different chromatic noise models affect the achromatic noise properties in each pulsar. The models we compare include existing DM models used by the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational waves (NANOGrav) and noise models used for the European PTA Data Release 2 (EPTA DR2). We perform this comparison using a subsample of six pulsars from the NANOGrav 15 yr data set, selecting the same six pulsars as from the EPTA DR2 six-pulsar data set. We find that the choice of chromatic noise model noticeably affects the achromatic noise properties of several pulsars. This is most dramatic for PSR J1713+0747, where the amplitude of its achromatic red noise lowers fromlog10ARN=14.10.1+0.1to14.70.5+0.3, and the spectral index broadens fromγRN=2.60.4+0.5toγRN=3.50.9+1.2. We also compare each pulsar's noise properties with those inferred from the EPTA DR2, using the same models. From the discrepancies, we identify potential areas where the noise models could be improved. These results highlight the potential for custom chromatic noise models to improve PTA sensitivity to GWs.

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  8. Abstract

    Recently we found compelling evidence for a gravitational-wave background with Hellings and Downs (HD) correlations in our 15 yr data set. These correlations describe gravitational waves as predicted by general relativity, which has two transverse polarization modes. However, more general metric theories of gravity can have additional polarization modes, which produce different interpulsar correlations. In this work, we search the NANOGrav 15 yr data set for evidence of a gravitational-wave background with quadrupolar HD and scalar-transverse (ST) correlations. We find that HD correlations are the best fit to the data and no significant evidence in favor of ST correlations. While Bayes factors show strong evidence for a correlated signal, the data does not strongly prefer either correlation signature, with Bayes factors ∼2 when comparing HD to ST correlations, and ∼1 for HD plus ST correlations to HD correlations alone. However, when modeled alongside HD correlations, the amplitude and spectral index posteriors for ST correlations are uninformative, with the HD process accounting for the vast majority of the total signal. Using the optimal statistic, a frequentist technique that focuses on the pulsar-pair cross-correlations, we find median signal-to-noise ratios of 5.0 for HD and 4.6 for ST correlations when fit for separately, and median signal-to-noise ratios of 3.5 for HD and 3.0 for ST correlations when fit for simultaneously. While the signal-to-noise ratios for each of the correlations are comparable, the estimated amplitude and spectral index for HD are a significantly better fit to the total signal, in agreement with our Bayesian analysis.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025