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  1. Glass, Jennifer B. (Ed.)
    ABSTRACT Interactions between bacteria and phytoplankton can influence primary production, community composition, and algal bloom development. However, these interactions are poorly described for many consortia, particularly for freshwater bloom-forming cyanobacteria. Here, we assessed the gene content and expression of two uncultivated Acidobacteria from Lake Erie Microcystis blooms. These organisms were targeted because they were previously identified as important catalase producers in Microcystis blooms, suggesting that they protect Microcystis from H 2 O 2 . Metatranscriptomics revealed that both Acidobacteria transcribed genes for uptake of organic compounds that are known cyanobacterial products and exudates, including lactate, glycolate, amino acids, peptides, and cobalamins. Expressed genes for amino acid metabolism and peptide transport and degradation suggest that use of amino acids and peptides by Acidobacteria may regenerate nitrogen for cyanobacteria and other organisms. The Acidobacteria genomes lacked genes for biosynthesis of cobalamins but expressed genes for its transport and remodeling. This indicates that the Acidobacteria obtained cobalamins externally, potentially from Microcystis , which has a complete gene repertoire for pseudocobalamin biosynthesis; expressed them in field samples; and produced pseudocobalamin in axenic culture. Both Acidobacteria were detected in Microcystis blooms worldwide. Together, the data support the hypotheses that uncultured and previously unidentified Acidobacteria taxa exchange metabolites with phytoplankton during harmful cyanobacterial blooms and influence nitrogen available to phytoplankton. Thus, novel Acidobacteria may play a role in cyanobacterial physiology and bloom development. IMPORTANCE Interactions between heterotrophic bacteria and phytoplankton influence competition and successions between phytoplankton taxa, thereby influencing ecosystem-wide processes such as carbon cycling and algal bloom development. The cyanobacterium Microcystis forms harmful blooms in freshwaters worldwide and grows in buoyant colonies that harbor other bacteria in their phycospheres. Bacteria in the phycosphere and in the surrounding community likely influence Microcystis physiology and ecology and thus the development of freshwater harmful cyanobacterial blooms. However, the impacts and mechanisms of interaction between bacteria and Microcystis are not fully understood. This study explores the mechanisms of interaction between Microcystis and uncultured members of its phycosphere in situ with population genome resolution to investigate the cooccurrence of Microcystis and freshwater Acidobacteria in blooms worldwide. 
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  2. Abstract

    Recent analyses of public microbial genomes have found over a million biosynthetic gene clusters, the natural products of the majority of which remain unknown. Additionally, GNPS harbors billions of mass spectra of natural products without known structures and biosynthetic genes. We bridge the gap between large-scale genome mining and mass spectral datasets for natural product discovery by developing HypoRiPPAtlas, an Atlas of hypothetical natural product structures, which is ready-to-use for in silico database search of tandem mass spectra. HypoRiPPAtlas is constructed by mining genomes using seq2ripp, a machine-learning tool for the prediction of ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptides (RiPPs). In HypoRiPPAtlas, we identify RiPPs in microbes and plants. HypoRiPPAtlas could be extended to other natural product classes in the future by implementing corresponding biosynthetic logic. This study paves the way for large-scale explorations of biosynthetic pathways and chemical structures of microbial and plant RiPP classes.

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