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  1. Xenopus is a genus of African clawed frogs including two species, X. tropicalis and X. laevis that are extensively used in experimental biology, immunology, and biomedical studies. The availability of fully sequenced and annotated Xenopus genomes is strengthening genome-wide analyses of gene families and transgenesis to model human diseases. However, inaccuracies in genome annotation for genes involved in the immune system (i.e., immunome) hamper immunogenetic studies. Furthermore, advanced genome technologies (e.g., single-cell and RNA-Seq) rely on well-annotated genomes. The annotation problems of Xenopus immunome include a lack of established orthology across taxa, merged gene models, poor representation in gene pages on Xenbase, misannotated genes and missing gene IDs. The Xenopus Research Resource for Immunobiology in collaboration with Xenbase and a group of investigators are working to resolve these issues in the latest versions of genome browsers. In this review, we summarize the current problems of previously misannotated gene families that we have recently resolved. We also highlight the expansion, contraction, and diversification of previously misannotated gene families. 
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  2. Ranaviruses (Iridoviridae), including Frog Virus 3 (FV3), are large dsDNA viruses that cause devastating infections globally in amphibians, fish, and reptiles, and contribute to catastrophic amphibian declines. FV3’s large genome (~105 kb) contains at least 98 putative open reading frames (ORFs) as annotated in its reference genome. Previous studies have classified these coding genes into temporal classes as immediate early, delayed early, and late viral transcripts based on their sequential expression during FV3 infection. To establish a high-throughput characterization of ranaviral gene expression at the genome scale, we performed a whole transcriptomic analysis (RNA-Seq) using total RNA samples containing both viral and cellular transcripts from FV3-infected Xenopus laevis adult tissues using two FV3 strains, a wild type (FV3-WT) and an ORF64R-deleted recombinant (FV3-∆64R). In samples from the infected intestine, liver, spleen, lung, and especially kidney, an FV3-targeted transcriptomic analysis mapped reads spanning the full-genome coverage at ~10× depth on both positive and negative strands. By contrast, reads were only mapped to partial genomic regions in samples from the infected thymus, skin, and muscle. Extensive analyses validated the expression of almost all of the 98 annotated ORFs and profiled their differential expression in a tissue-, virus-, and temporal class-dependent manner. Further studies identified several putative ORFs that encode hypothetical proteins containing viral mimicking conserved domains found in host interferon (IFN) regulatory factors (IRFs) and IFN receptors. This study provides the first comprehensive genome-wide viral transcriptome profiling during infection and across multiple amphibian host tissues that will serve as an instrumental reference. Our findings imply that Ranaviruses like FV3 have acquired previously unknown molecular mimics, interfering with host IFN signaling during evolution. 
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  3. null (Ed.)
    Background Frog Virus 3 (FV3) is a large dsDNA virus belonging to Ranaviruses of family Iridoviridae . Ranaviruses infect cold-blood vertebrates including amphibians, fish and reptiles, and contribute to catastrophic amphibian declines. FV3 has a genome at ~105 kb that contains nearly 100 coding genes and 50 intergenic regions as annotated in its reference genome. Previous studies have mainly focused on coding genes and rarely addressed potential non-coding regulatory role of intergenic regions. Results Using a whole transcriptomic analysis of total RNA samples containing both the viral and cellular transcripts from FV3-infected frog tissues, we detected virus-specific reads mapping in non-coding intergenic regions, in addition to reads from coding genes. Further analyses identified multiple cis -regulatory elements ( CREs ) in intergenic regions neighboring highly transcribed coding genes. These CREs include not only a virus TATA-Box present in FV3 core promoters as in eukaryotic genes, but also viral mimics of CREs interacting with several transcription factors including CEBPs, CREBs, IRFs, NF-κB, and STATs, which are critical for regulation of cellular immunity and cytokine responses. Our study suggests that intergenic regions immediately upstream of highly expressed FV3 genes have evolved to bind IRFs, NF-κB, and STATs more efficiently. Moreover, we found an enrichment of putative microRNA (miRNA) sequences in more than five intergenic regions of the FV3 genome. Our sequence analysis indicates that a fraction of these viral miRNAs is targeting the 3’-UTR regions of Xenopus genes involved in interferon (IFN)-dependent responses, including particularly those encoding IFN receptor subunits and IFN-regulatory factors (IRFs). Conclusions Using the FV3 model, this study provides a first genome-wide analysis of non-coding regulatory mechanisms adopted by ranaviruses to epigenetically regulate both viral and host gene expressions, which have co-evolved to interact especially with the host IFN response. 
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