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Creators/Authors contains: "Kim, Doyun"

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  1. A novel amphibious strain sensor with a periodic cut pattern and a unique interface design offers an unprecedented combination of high gauge factor, linear sensing response, and excellent stability in water/saline solution.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available October 14, 2025
  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 24, 2025
  3. Abstract

    Developing novel lead‐free ferroelectric materials is crucial for next‐generation microelectronic technologies that are energy efficient and environment friendly. However, materials discovery and property optimization are typically time‐consuming due to the limited throughput of traditional synthesis methods. In this work, we use a high‐throughput combinatorial synthesis approach to fabricate lead‐free ferroelectric superlattices and solid solutions of (Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3(BCT) and Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3(BZT) phases with continuous variation of composition and layer thickness. High‐resolution x‐ray diffraction (XRD) and analytical scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) demonstrate high film quality and well‐controlled compositional gradients. Ferroelectric and dielectric property measurements identify the “optimal property point” achieved at the composition of 48BZT–52BCT. Displacement vector maps reveal that ferroelectric domain sizes are tunable by varying {BCT–BZT}Nsuperlattice geometry. This high‐throughput synthesis approach can be applied to many other material systems to expedite new materials discovery and properties optimization, allowing for the exploration of a large area of phase space within a single growth.


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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 12, 2025
  4. Abstract

    Quasi‐2D perovskite made with organic spacers co‐crystallized with inorganic cesium lead bromide inorganics is demonstrated for near unity photoluminescence quantum yield at room temperature. However, light emitting diodes made with quasi‐2D perovskites rapidly degrade which remains a major bottleneck in this field. In this work, It is shown that the bright emission originates from finely tuned multi‐component 2D nano‐crystalline phases that are thermodynamically unstable. The bright emission is extremely sensitive to external stimuli and the emission quickly dims away upon heating. After a detailed analysis of their optical and morphological properties, the degradation is attributed to 2D phase redistribution associated with the dissociation of the organic spacers departing from the inorganic lattice. To circumvent the instability problem, a diamine is investigated spacer that has both sides attached to the inorganic lattice. The diamine spacer incorporated perovskite film shows significantly improved thermal tolerance over maintaining a high photoluminescence quantum yield of over 50%, which will be a more robust material for lighting applications. This study guides designing quasi‐2D perovskites to stabilize the emission properties.

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  5. In this work, we investigated the effect of hole transporting poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) interfacing with Mn-doped CdS/ZnS quantum dots (QDs) deposited on an indium tin oxide (ITO) substrate on the photoemission of upconverted hot electrons under weak continuous wave photoexcitation in a vacuum. Among the various factors that can influence the photoemission of the upconverted hot electrons, we studied the role of PEDOT:PSS in facilitating the hole transfer from QDs and altering the energy of photoemitted hot electrons. Compared to hot electrons emitted from QDs deposited directly on the ITO substrate, the addition of the PEDOT:PSS layer between the QD and ITO layers increased the energy of the photoemitted hot electrons. The increased energy of the photoemitted hot electrons is attributed in part to the reduced steady-state positive charge on the QDs under continuous photoexcitation, which reduces the energy required to eject the electron from the conduction band.

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  6. Abstract

    2D hybrid organic–inorganic perovskites (HOIPs) are commonly found under subcritical cyclic stresses and suffer from fatigue issues during device operation. However, their fatigue properties remain unknown. Here, the fatigue behavior of (C4H9‐NH3)2(CH3NH3)2Pb3I10, the archetype 2D HOIP, is systematically investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). It is found that 2D HOIPs are much more fatigue resilient than polymers and can survive over 1 billion cycles. 2D HOIPs tend to exhibit brittle failure at high mean stress levels, but behave as ductile materials at low mean stress levels. These results suggest the presence of a plastic deformation mechanism in these ionic 2D HOIPs at low mean stress levels, which may contribute to the long fatigue lifetime, but is inhibited at higher mean stresses. The stiffness and strength of 2D HOIPs are gradually weakened under subcritical loading, potentially as a result of stress‐induced defect nucleation and accumulation. The cyclic loading component can further accelerate this process. The fatigue lifetime of 2D HOIPs can be extended by reducing the mean stress, stress amplitude, or increasing the thickness. These results can provide indispensable insights into designing and engineering 2D HOIPs and other hybrid organic–inorganic materials for long‐term mechanical durability.

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