Astronomical cycles are strongly expressed in marine geological records, providing important insights into Earth system dynamics and an invaluable means of constructing age models. However, how various astronomical periods are filtered by the Earth system and the mechanisms by which carbon reservoirs and climate components respond, particularly in absence of dynamic ice sheets, is unclear. Using an Earth system model that includes feedbacks between climate, ocean circulation, and inorganic (carbonate) carbon cycling relevant to geological timescales, we systematically explore the impact of astronomically‐modulated insolation forcing and its expression in model variables most comparable to key paleoceanographic proxies (temperature, the δ13C of inorganic carbon, and sedimentary carbonate content). Temperature predominately responds to obliquity and is little influenced by the modeled carbon cycle feedbacks. In contrast, the cycling of nutrients and carbon in the ocean generates significant precession power in atmospheric CO2, benthic ocean δ13C, and sedimentary wt% CaCO3, while inclusion of marine sedimentary and weathering processes shifts power to the long eccentricity period. Our simulations produce reduced
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Abstract p CO2and dissolved inorganic carbon δ13C at long eccentricity maxima and, contrary to early Cenozoic marine records, CaCO3preservation in the model is enhanced during eccentricity modulated warmth. Additionally, the magnitude of δ13C variability simulated in our model underestimates marine proxy records. These model‐data discrepancies hint at the possibility that the Paleogene silicate weathering feedback was weaker than modeled here and that additional organic carbon cycle feedbacks are necessary to explain the full response of the Earth system to astronomical forcing. -
Abstract Our understanding of the long‐term evolution of the Earth system is based on the assumption that terrestrial weathering rates should respond to, and hence help regulate, atmospheric CO2and climate. Increased terrestrial weathering requires increased carbonate accumulation in marine sediments, which in turn is expected to result in a long‐term deepening of the carbonate compensation depth (CCD). Here, we critically assess this long‐term relationship between climate and carbon cycling. We generate a record of marine deep‐sea carbonate abundance from selected late Paleocene through early Eocene time slices to reconstruct the position of the CCD. Although our data set allows for a modest CCD deepening, we find no statistically significant change in the CCD despite >3 °C global warming, highlighting the need for additional deep‐sea constraints on carbonate accumulation. Using an Earth system model, we show that the impact of warming and increased weathering on the CCD can be obscured by the opposing influences of ocean circulation patterns and sedimentary respiration of organic matter. From our data synthesis and modeling, we suggest that observations of warming, declining δ13C and a relatively stable CCD can be broadly reproduced by mid‐Paleogene increases in volcanic CO2outgassing and weathering. However, remaining data‐model discrepancies hint at missing processes in our model, most likely involving the preservation and burial of organic carbon. Our finding of a decoupling between the CCD and global marine carbonate burial rates means that considerable care is needed in attempting to use the CCD to directly gauge global carbonate burial rates and hence weathering rates.