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  1. We present a new method of linking microstructures, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)–derived crystallographic vorticity axis (CVA) analysis, and titanite petrochronology to directly link fabric development to specific deformation events in shear zone rocks with complex histories. This approach is particularly useful where overprinting is incomplete, such that it is unknown which fabric is being dated by the petrochronometer. Here, we compared single-phase CVA patterns of fabric-forming minerals with those of synkinematic petrochronometers (e.g., titanite) to associate the timing of fabric development with deformational events in the middle crust of the George Sound shear zone, Fiordland, New Zealand. The host rocks to the George Sound shear zone include the Carboniferous Large Pluton, where titanite petrochronology demonstrates an unequivocally Cretaceous age of metamorphic titanite growth within mylonitic foliation. However, the host rocks show two distinct CVA patterns: a transtensional deformation event recorded by quartz and plagioclase, and a pure-shear–dominated transpressional deformation event recorded by biotite and titanite. Therefore, the transpressional CVA pattern of the titanite, coupled with its Cretaceous age, shows that it cannot be used to date the quartz and plagioclase fabric developed in response to an older transtensional deformation event. These results demonstrate the necessity of combining EBSD and CVA analysis with petrochronology to demonstrate that synkinematic accessory phase petrochronometers show the same kinematic deformation geometry (i.e., CVA pattern) as the fabric being dated. 
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  2. Abstract

    The Laramide orogeny is a pivotal time in the geological development of western North America, but its driving mechanism is controversial. Most prominent models suggest this event was caused by the collision of an oceanic plateau with the Southern California Batholith (SCB) which caused the angle of subduction beneath the continent to shallow and led to shut-down of the arc. Here, we use over 280 zircon and titanite Pb/U ages from the SCB to establish the timing and duration of magmatism, metamorphism and deformation. We show that magmatism was surging in the SCB from 90 to 70 Ma, the lower crust was hot, and cooling occurred after 75 Ma. These data contradict plateau underthrusting and flat-slab subduction as the driving mechanism for early Laramide deformation. We propose that the Laramide orogeny is a two-stage event consisting of: 1) an arc ‘flare-up’ phase in the SCB from 90-75 Ma; and 2) a widespread mountain building phase in the Laramide foreland belt from 75-50 Ma that is linked to subduction of an oceanic plateau.

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  3. Abstract We present microbeam major- and trace-element data from 14 monzodiorites collected from the Malaspina Pluton (Fiordland, New Zealand) with the goal of evaluating processes involved in the production of andesites in lower arc crust. We focus on relict igneous assemblages consisting of plagioclase and amphibole with lesser amounts of clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, biotite and quartz. These relict igneous assemblages are heterogeneously preserved in the lower crust within sheeted intrusions that display hypersolidus fabrics defined by alignment of unstrained plagioclase and amphibole. Trace-element data from relict igneous amphiboles in these rocks reveal two distinct groups: one relatively enriched in high field strength element concentrations and one relatively depleted. The enriched amphibole group has Zr values in the range of ∼25–110 ppm, Nb values of ∼5–32 ppm, and Th values up to 2·4 ppm. The depleted group, in contrast, shows Zr values <35 ppm and Nb values <0·25 ppm, and Th is generally below the level of detection. Amphibole crystallization temperatures calculated from major elements range from ∼960 to 830 °C for all samples in the pluton; however, we do not observe significant differences in the range of crystallization temperatures between enriched (∼960–840 °C) and depleted groups (∼940–830 °C). Bulk-rock Sr and Nd isotopes are also remarkably homogeneous and show no apparent difference between enriched (εNdi = 0·1 to –0·1; 87Sr/86Sri = 0·70420–0·70413) and depleted groups (εNdi = 0·3 to –0·4; 87Sr/86Sri = 0·70424–0·70411). Calculated amphibole-equilibrium melt compositions using chemometric equations indicate that melts were highly fractionated (molar Mg# <50), andesitic to dacitic in composition, and were much more evolved than bulk lower continental crust or primitive basalts and andesites predicted to have formed from hydrous melting of mantle-wedge peridotite beneath an arc. We suggest that melts originated from a common, isotopically homogeneous source beneath the Malaspina Pluton, and differences between enriched and depleted trace-element groups reflect varying contributions from subducted sediment-derived melt and sediment-derived fluid, respectively. Our data demonstrate that andesites and dacites were the dominant melts that intruded the lower crust, and their compositions mirror middle and upper bulk-continental crust estimates. Continental crust-like geochemical signatures were acquired in the source region from interaction between hydrous mantle-wedge melts and recycled subducted sediment rather than assimilation and/or remelting of pre-existing lower continental crust. 
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  4. Abstract We present >500 zircon δ18O and Lu-Hf isotope analyses on previously dated zircons to explore the interplay between spatial and temporal magmatic signals in Zealandia Cordillera. Our data cover ~8500 km2 of middle and lower crust in the Median Batholith (Fiordland segment of Zealandia Cordillera) where Mesozoic arc magmatism along the paleo-Pacific margin of Gondwana was focused along an ~100 km wide, arc-parallel zone. Our data reveal three spatially distinct isotope domains that we term the eastern, central, and western isotope domains. These domains parallel the Mesozoic arc-axis, and their boundaries are defined by major crustal-scale faults that were reactivated as ductile shear zones during the Early Cretaceous. The western isotope domain has homogenous, mantle-like δ 18O (Zrn) values of 5.8 ± 0.3‰ (2 and initial εHf (Zrn) values of +4.2 ± 1.0 (2 The eastern isotope domain is defined by isotopically low and homogenous δ18O (Zrn) values of 3.9 ± 0.2‰ and initial εHf values of +7.8 ± 0.6. The central isotope domain is characterized by transitional isotope values that display a strong E-W gradient with δ18O (Zrn) values rising from 4.6 to 5.9‰ and initial εHf values decreasing from +5.5 to +3.7. We find that the isotope architecture of the Median Batholith was in place before the initiation of Mesozoic arc magmatism and pre-dates Early Cretaceous contractional deformation and transpression. Our data show that Mesozoic pluton chemistry was controlled in part by long-lived, spatially distinct isotope domains that extend from the crust through to the upper mantle. Isotope differences between these domains are the result of the crustal architecture (an underthrusted low-δ18O source terrane) and a transient event beginning at ca. 129 Ma that primarily involved a depleted-mantle component contaminated by recycled trench sediments (10–20%). When data showing the temporal and spatial patterns of magmatism are integrated, we observe a pattern of decreasing crustal recycling of the low-δ18O source over time, which ultimately culminated in a mantle-controlled flare-up. Our data demonstrate that spatial and temporal signals are intimately linked, and when evaluated together they provide important insights into the crustal architecture and the role of both stable and transient arc magmatic trends in Cordilleran batholiths. 
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  5. null (Ed.)
    Abstract Recovering the time-evolving relationship between arc magmatism and deformation, and the influence of anisotropies (inherited foliations, crustal-scale features, and thermal gradients), is critical for interpreting the location, timing, and geometry of transpressional structures in continental arcs. We investigated these themes of magma-deformation interactions and preexisting anisotropies within a middle- and lower-crustal section of Cretaceous arc crust coinciding with a Paleozoic boundary in central Fiordland, New Zealand. We present new structural mapping and results of Zr-in-titanite thermometry and U-Pb zircon and titanite geochronology from an Early Cretaceous batholith and its host rock. The data reveal how the expression of transpression in the middle and lower crust of a continental magmatic arc evolved during emplacement and crystallization of the ∼2300 km2 lower-crustal Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (WFO) batholith. Two structures within Fiordland’s architecture of transpressional shear zones are identified. The gently dipping Misty shear zone records syn-magmatic oblique-sinistral thrust motion between ca. 123 and ca. 118 Ma, along the lower-crustal WFO Misty Pluton margin. The subhorizontal South Adams Burn thrust records mid-crustal arc-normal shortening between ca. 114 and ca. 111 Ma. Both structures are localized within and reactivate a recently described >10 km-wide Paleozoic crustal boundary, and show that deformation migrated upwards between ca. 118 and ca. 114 Ma. WFO emplacement and crystallization (mainly 118–115 Ma) coincided with elevated (>750 °C) middle- and lower-crustal Zr-in-titanite temperatures and the onset of mid-crustal cooling at 5.9 ± 2.0 °C Ma−1 between ca. 118 and ca. 95 Ma. We suggest that reduced strength contrasts across lower-crustal pluton margins during crystallization caused deformation to migrate upwards into thermally weakened rocks of the mid-crust. The migration was accompanied by partitioning of deformation into domains of arc-normal shortening in Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks and domains that combined shortening and strike-slip deformation in crustal-scale subvertical, transpressional shear zones previously documented in Fiordland. U-Pb titanite dates indicate Carboniferous–Cretaceous (re)crystallization, consistent with reactivation of the inherited boundary. Our results show that spatio-temporal patterns of transpression are influenced by magma emplacement and crystallization and by the thermal structure of a reactivated boundary. 
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  6. Abstract

    Structural analyses combined with new U‐Pb zircon and titanite geochronology show how two Early Cretaceous transpressional shear zones initiated and grew through a nearly complete section of continental arc crust during oblique convergence. Both shear zones reactivated Carboniferous faults that penetrated the upper mantle below Zealandia's Median Batholith but show opposite growth patterns and dissimilar relationships with respect to arc magmatism. The Grebe‐Indecision Creek shear zone was magma‐starved and first reactivated at ∼136 Ma as an oblique‐reverse fault, along which an outboard batholith partially subducted beneath Gondwana. This system nucleated at or above ∼20 km depth and propagated downward at 2–3 mm yr−1, accumulating at least 35–45 km of horizontal (arc‐normal) shortening by ∼124 Ma. In contrast, the magma‐rich George Sound shear zone first reactivated in the lower crust (∼55 km depth) at ∼124 Ma and grew upward at ∼3 mm yr−1, reaching the upper crust by ∼110 Ma. In this latter system, magmatism influenced shear zone architecture and drove its growth while subduction and oblique convergence ended. As magma entered the roots of the system and began to solidify, deformation was driven out of the lower crust and into the middle crust where the system widened by a factor of three when fold‐thrust belts formed on either side of a steep, central transpressional shear zone. This study illustrates how the reactivation of structural weaknesses localizes deformation at all depths in the lithosphere and shows how magma‐deformation feedbacks influence shear zone connectivity and built a batholith from the bottom up.

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