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A new niobium-doped inorganic scintillating oxyfluoride, Rb4Ge5O9F6:Nb, was synthesized in single crystal form by high-temperature flux growth. The host structure, Rb4Ge5O9F6, crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pbcn with lattice parameters a = 6.98430(10) Å, b = 11.7265(2) Å, and c = 19.2732(3) Å, consisting of germanium oxyfluoride layers made up of Ge3O9 units connected by GeO3F3 octahedra. In its pure form, Rb4Ge5O9F6 shows neither luminescence nor scintillation but when doped with niobium, Rb4Ge5O9F6:Nb exhibits bright blue luminescence and scintillation. The isostructural doped structure, Rb4Ge5O9F6:Nb, crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pbcn with lattice parameters a = 6.9960(3) Å, b = 11.7464(6) Å, and c = 19.3341(9) Å. X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) measurements suggest that the niobium is located in an octahedral coordination environment. Optical measurements inform us that the niobium dopant acts as the activator. The synthesis, structure, and optical properties are reported, including radioluminescence (RL) measurements under X-ray irradiation.more » « less
null (Ed.)Single crystals of two new germanates, [(Rb 6 F)(Rb 4 F)][Ge 14 O 32 ] and [(Rb 6 F)(Rb 3.1 Co 0.9 F 0.96 )][Co 3.8 Ge 10.2 O 30 F 2 ], were synthesized via high temperature RbCl/RbF flux growth. Both compounds crystallize in the cubic space group F 4̄3 m and possess the germanium framework of the previously reported salt inclusion material (SIM), [(Cs 6 F)(Cs 3 AgF)][Ge 14 O 32 ], related to the Ge 7 O 16 zeolitic family. These materials demonstrate the ability to accommodate a variety of salt-inclusions, and exhibit chemical flexibility enabling modifications of the framework through incorporation of Co. Alteration of the salt-inclusion led to intrinsic luminescence of [(Rb 6 F)(Rb 4 F)][Ge 14 O 32 ] while modification of the framework resulted in an unanticipated Rb/Co salt/inclusion in [(Rb 6 F)(Rb 3.1 Co 0.9 F 0.96 )][Co 3.8 Ge 10.2 O 30 F 2 ]. Fluorescence measurements were performed on [(Rb 6 F)(Rb 4 F)][Ge 14 O 32 ]. First-principles calculations in the form of density functional theory (DFT) were performed for [(Rb 6 F)(Rb 3.1 Co 0.9 F 0.96 )][Co 3.8 Ge 10.2 O 30 F 2 ] to elucidate its electronic and magnetic properties, and stability at 0 K.more » « less