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Creators/Authors contains: "Koide, Shohei"

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  1. Abstract

    Efflux pump antiporters confer drug resistance to bacteria by coupling proton import with the expulsion of antibiotics from the cytoplasm. Despite efforts there remains a lack of understanding as to how acid/base chemistry drives drug efflux. Here, we uncover the proton-coupling mechanism of theStaphylococcus aureusefflux pump NorA by elucidating structures in various protonation states of two essential acidic residues using cryo-EM. Protonation of Glu222 and Asp307 within the C-terminal domain stabilized the inward-occluded conformation by forming hydrogen bonds between the acidic residues and a single helix within the N-terminal domain responsible for occluding the substrate binding pocket. Remarkably, deprotonation of both Glu222 and Asp307 is needed to release interdomain tethering interactions, leading to opening of the pocket for antibiotic entry. Hence, the two acidic residues serve as a “belt and suspenders” protection mechanism to prevent simultaneous binding of protons and drug that enforce NorA coupling stoichiometry and confer antibiotic resistance.

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  2. Proteins from the bacterial small multidrug resistance (SMR) family are proton-coupled exporters of diverse antiseptics and antimicrobials, including polyaromatic cations and quaternary ammonium compounds. The transport mechanism of the Escherichia coli transporter, EmrE, has been studied extensively, but a lack of high-resolution structural information has impeded a structural description of its molecular mechanism. Here, we apply a novel approach, multipurpose crystallization chaperones, to solve several structures of EmrE, including a 2.9 Å structure at low pH without substrate. We report five additional structures in complex with structurally diverse transported substrates, including quaternary phosphonium, quaternary ammonium, and planar polyaromatic compounds. These structures show that binding site tryptophan and glutamate residues adopt different rotamers to conform to disparate structures without requiring major rearrangements of the backbone structure. Structural and functional comparison to Gdx-Clo, an SMR protein that transports a much narrower spectrum of substrates, suggests that in EmrE, a relatively sparse hydrogen bond network among binding site residues permits increased sidechain flexibility. 
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  3. YiiP is a secondary transporter that couples Zn2+ transport to the proton motive force. Structural studies of YiiP from prokaryotes and Znt8 from humans have revealed three different Zn2+ sites and a conserved homodimeric architecture. These structures define the inward-facing and outward-facing states that characterize the archetypal alternating access mechanism of transport. To study the effects of Zn2+ binding on the conformational transition, we use cryo-EM together with molecular dynamics simulation to compare structures of YiiP from Shewanella oneidensis in the presence and absence of Zn2+. To enable single-particle cryo-EM, we used a phage-display library to develop a Fab antibody fragment with high affinity for YiiP, thus producing a YiiP/Fab complex. To perform MD simulations, we developed a nonbonded dummy model for Zn2+ and validated its performance with known Zn2+-binding proteins. Using these tools, we find that, in the presence of Zn2+, YiiP adopts an inward-facing conformation consistent with that previously seen in tubular crystals. After removal of Zn2+ with high-affinity chelators, YiiP exhibits enhanced flexibility and adopts a novel conformation that appears to be intermediate between inward-facing and outward-facing states. This conformation involves closure of a hydrophobic gate that has been postulated to control access to the primary transport site. Comparison of several independent cryo-EM maps suggests that the transition from the inward-facing state is controlled by occupancy of a secondary Zn2+ site at the cytoplasmic membrane interface. This work enhances our understanding of individual Zn2+ binding sites and their role in the conformational dynamics that govern the transport cycle.

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