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Abstract This Assessment Update by the Environmental Effects Assessment Panel (EEAP) of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) considers the interactive effects of solar UV radiation, global warming, and other weathering factors on plastics. The Assessment illustrates the significance of solar UV radiation in decreasing the durability of plastic materials, degradation of plastic debris, formation of micro- and nanoplastic particles and accompanying leaching of potential toxic compounds. Micro- and nanoplastics have been found in all ecosystems, the atmosphere, and in humans. While the potential biological risks are not yet well-established, the widespread and increasing occurrence of plastic pollution is reason for continuing research and monitoring. Plastic debris persists after its intended life in soils, water bodies and the atmosphere as well as in living organisms. To counteract accumulation of plastics in the environment, the lifetime of novel plastics or plastic alternatives should better match the functional life of products, with eventual breakdown releasing harmless substances to the environment.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 21, 2025 -
As sessile organisms, plants must adapt to a changing environment, sensing variations in resource availability and modifying their development in response. Light is one of the most important resources for plants, and its perception by sensory photoreceptors (e.g., phytochromes) and subsequent transduction into long-term transcriptional reprogramming have been well characterized. Chromatin changes have been shown to be involved in photomorphogenesis. However, the initial short-term transcriptional changes produced by light and what factors enable these rapid changes are not well studied. Here, we define rapidly light-responsive, Phytochrome Interacting Factor (PIF) direct-target genes (LRP-DTGs). We found that a majority of these genes also show rapid changes in Histone 3 Lysine-9 acetylation (H3K9ac) in response to the light signal. Detailed time-course analysis of transcript and chromatin changes showed that, for light-repressed genes, H3K9 deacetylation parallels light-triggered transcriptional repression, while for light-induced genes, H3K9 acetylation appeared to somewhat precede light-activated transcript accumulation. However, direct, real-time imaging of transcript elongation in the nucleus revealed that, in fact, transcriptional induction actually parallels H3K9 acetylation. Collectively, the data raise the possibility that light-induced transcriptional and chromatin-remodeling processes are mechanistically intertwined. Histone modifying proteins involved in long term light responses do not seem to have a role in this fast response, indicating that different factors might act at different stages of the light response. This work not only advances our understanding of plant responses to light, but also unveils a system in which rapid chromatin changes in reaction to an external signal can be studied under natural conditions.more » « less
Abstract This study aims to (i) prepare a premonsoon thunderstorms database, (ii) understand the thunderstorm frequency, duration and intensity and (iii) composite analysis of dynamic and thermodynamic processes related to thunderstorms over India. The thunderstorm associated rainfall varies across India. Hence, a percentile‐based approach is implemented with the integrated multi‐satellite retrievals for global precipitation measurement (IMERG) dataset at 0.1° resolution to identify thunderstorms for 2001–2021. The 93rd percentile appears to be better for thunderstorm detection, with a success ratio of 82% (642 events are confirmed out of 786 detected) in eastern India. Further analysis indicated that 84% of the detected thunderstorms in eastern and northeastern India are associated with lightning activity. Based on this long‐term (2001–2021) thunderstorm data, the highest frequency of thunderstorms (40–45 events·year−1) is observed over the western foothills of the Himalayas, the northeast region, and the west coast of Kerala. The thunderstorm duration in the eastern and northeastern regions and the southwest coast of India is mostly 0.5–2.5 h, producing heavy rainfall (>7 mm·h−1) due to more moisture content and stronger updrafts. The composite structure of thermodynamic indices exhibits significant spatial variations over India and can be used to differentiate the regions of high thunderstorm activity. The minimum (maximum) convective available potential energy (convective inhibition) value required for thunderstorm development is not uniform throughout the country. However, the composites of K index and total totals index during thunderstorms are mostly uniform. This study highlights the benefits of IMERG rainfall in thunderstorm detection over India and helps to understand the local forcings and the effect of thunderstorm activity on different sectors like aviation, agriculture and so forth.
null (Ed.)We present the analysis of formaldehyde (HCHO) in anhydrous methanol (CH 3 OH) as a case study to quantify HCHO in non-aqueous samples. At higher concentrations (C > 0.07 M), we detect a product of HCHO, methoxy methanol (MM, CH 3 OCH 2 OH), by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, FTIR. Formaldehyde reacts with CH 3 OH, CD 3 OH, and CD 3 OD as shown by FTIR with a characteristic spectral feature around 1,195 cm −1 for CH 3 OH used for the qualitative detection of MM, a formaldehyde derivative in neat methanol. Ab initio calculations support this assignment. The extinction coefficient for 1,195 cm −1 is in the order of 1.4 × 10 2 M −1 cm −1 , which makes the detection limit by FTIR in the order of 0.07 M. For lower concentrations, we performed the quantitative analysis of non-aqueous samples by derivatization with dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH). The derivatization uses an aqueous H 2 SO 4 solution to yield the formaldehyde derivatized hydrazone. Ba(OH) 2 removes sulfate ions from the derivatized samples and a final extraction with isobutyl acetate to yield a 1:1 methanol: isobutyl acetate solvent for injection for electrospray ionization (ESI). The ESI analysis gave a linear calibration curve for concentrations from 10 to 200 µM with a time-of-flight analyzer (TOF). The detection and quantification limits are 7.8 and 26 μM, respectively, for a linear correlation with R 2 > 0.99. We propose that the formaldehyde in CH 3 OH is in equilibrium with the MM species, without evidence of HCHO in solution. In the presence of water, the peaks for MM become less resolved, as expected from the well-known equilibria of HCHO that favors the formation of methylene glycol and polymeric species. Our results show that HCHO, in methanol does not exist in the aldehyde form as the main chemical species. Still, HCHO is in equilibrium between the production of MM and the formation of hydrated species in the presence of water. We demonstrate the ESI-MS analysis of HCHO from a non-aqueous TiO 2 suspension in methanol. Detection of HCHO after illumination of the colloid indicates that methanol photooxidation yields formaldehyde in equilibrium with the solvent.more » « less
null (Ed.)Recent work on Question Answering (QA) and Conversational QA (ConvQA) emphasizes the role of retrieval: a system first retrieves evidence from a large collection and then extracts answers. This open-retrieval setting typically assumes that each question is answerable by a single span of text within a particular passage (a span answer). The supervision signal is thus derived from whether or not the system can recover an exact match of this ground-truth answer span from the retrieved passages. This method is referred to as span-match weak supervision. However, information-seeking conversations are challenging for this span-match method since long answers, especially freeform answers, are not necessarily strict spans of any passage. Therefore, we introduce a learned weak supervision approach that can identify a paraphrased span of the known answer in a passage. Our experiments on QuAC and CoQA datasets show that although a span-match weak supervisor can handle conversations with span answers, it is not sufficient for freeform answers generated by people. We further demonstrate that our method is more flexible since it can handle both span answers and freeform answers. In particular, our method outperforms the span-match method on conversations with freeform answers, and it can be more powerful when combined with the span-match method. We also conduct in-depth analyses to show more insights on open-retrieval ConvQA under a weak supervision setting.more » « less
Dietz, Karl-Josef (Ed.)Abstract Plants in dryland ecosystems experience extreme daily and seasonal fluctuations in light, temperature, and water availability. We used an in situ field experiment to uncover the effects of natural and reduced levels of ultraviolet radiation (UV) on maximum PSII quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm), relative abundance of photosynthetic pigments and antioxidants, and the transcriptome in the desiccation-tolerant desert moss Syntrichia caninervis. We tested the hypotheses that: (i) S. caninervis plants undergo sustained thermal quenching of light [non-photochemical quenching (NPQ)] while desiccated and after rehydration; (ii) a reduction of UV will result in improved recovery of Fv/Fm; but (iii) 1 year of UV removal will de-harden plants and increase vulnerability to UV damage, indicated by a reduction in Fv/Fm. All field-collected plants had extremely low Fv/Fm after initial rehydration but recovered over 8 d in lab-simulated winter conditions. UV-filtered plants had lower Fv/Fm during recovery, higher concentrations of photoprotective pigments and antioxidants such as zeaxanthin and tocopherols, and lower concentrations of neoxanthin and Chl b than plants exposed to near natural UV levels. Field-grown S. caninervis underwent sustained NPQ that took days to relax and for efficient photosynthesis to resume. Reduction of solar UV radiation adversely affected recovery of Fv/Fm following rehydration.more » « less