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  1. Over the past decade, copper (Cu) has been recognized as a crucial metal in the differential expression of soluble (sMMO) and particulate (pMMO) forms of methane monooxygenase (MMO) through a mechanism referred to as the “Cu switch”. In this study, we used Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b as a model bacterium to investigate the range of Cu concentrations that trigger the expression of sMMO to pMMO and its effect on growth and methane oxidation. The Cu switch was found to be regulated within Cu concentrations from 3 to 5 µM, with a strict increase in the methane consumption rates from 3.09 to 3.85 µM occurring on the 6th day. Our findings indicate that there was a decrease in the fold changes in the expression of methanobactin (Mbn) synthesis gene (mbnA) with a higher Cu concentration, whereas the Ton-B siderophore receptor gene (mbnT) showed upregulation at all Cu concentrations. Furthermore, the upregulation of the di-heme enzyme at concentrations above 5 µM Cu may play a crucial role in the copper switch by increasing oxygen consumption; however, the role has yet not been elucidated. We developed a quantitative assay based on the naphthalene–Molisch principle to distinguish between the sMMO- and pMMO-expressing cells, which coincided with the regulation profile of the sMMO and pMMO genes. At 0 and 3 µM Cu, the naphthol concentration was higher (8.1 and 4.2 µM, respectively) and gradually decreased to 0 µM naphthol when pMMO was expressed and acted as the sole methane oxidizer at concentrations above 5 µM Cu. Using physical protein–protein interaction, we identified seven transporters, three cell wall biosynthesis or degradation proteins, Cu resistance operon proteins, and 18 hypothetical proteins that may be involved in Cu toxicity and homeostasis. These findings shed light on the key regulatory genes of the Cu switch that will have potential implications for bioremediation and biotechnology applications.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025
  2. Cryptic diversity in Microcystis may explain ecotype variability across morphospecies. 
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  3. Particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO), a membrane-bound enzyme having three subunits (α, β, and γ) and copper-containing centers, is found in most of the methanotrophs that selectively catalyze the oxidation of methane into methanol. Active sites in the pMMO of Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b were determined by docking the modeled structure with ethylbenzene, toluene, 1,3-dibutadiene, and trichloroethylene. The docking energy between the modeled pMMO structure and ethylbenzene, toluene, 1,3-dibutadiene, and trichloroethylene was −5.2, −5.7, −4.2, and −3.8 kcal/mol, respectively, suggesting the existence of more than one active site within the monomeric subunits due to the presence of multiple binding sites within the pMMO monomer. The evaluation of tunnels and cavities of the active sites and the docking results showed that each active site is specific to the radius of the substrate. To increase the catalysis rates of methane in the pMMO of M. trichosporium OB3b, selected amino acid residues interacting at the binding site of ethylbenzene, toluene, 1,3-dibutadiene, and trichloroethylene were mutated. Based on screening the strain energy, docking energy, and physiochemical properties, five mutants were downselected, B:Leu31Ser, B:Phe96Gly, B:Phe92Thr, B:Trp106Ala, and B:Tyr110Phe, which showed the docking energy of −6.3, −6.7, −6.3, −6.5, and −6.5 kcal/mol, respectively, as compared to the wild type (−5.2 kcal/mol) with ethylbenzene. These results suggest that these five mutants would likely increase methane oxidation rates compared to wild-type pMMO. 
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  4. Summary

    Global warming and eutrophication contribute to the worldwide increase in cyanobacterial blooms, and the level of cyanobacterial biomass is strongly associated with rises in methane emissions from surface lake waters. Hence, methane‐metabolizing microorganisms may be important for modulating carbon flow in cyanobacterial blooms. Here, we surveyed methanogenic and methanotrophic communities associated with floatingMicrocystisaggregates in 10 lakes spanning four continents, through sequencing of 16S rRNA and functional marker genes. Methanogenic archaea (mainlyMethanoregulaandMethanosaeta) were detectable in 5 of the 10 lakes and constituted the majority (~50%–90%) of the archaeal community in these lakes. Three of the 10 lakes contained relatively more abundant methanotrophs than the other seven lakes, with the methanotrophic generaMethyloparacoccus,Crenothrix, and an uncultured species related toMethylobacterdominating and nearly exclusively found in each of those three lakes. These three are among the five lakes in which methanogens were observed. Operational taxonomic unit (OTU) richness and abundance of methanotrophs were strongly positively correlated with those of methanogens, suggesting that their activities may be coupled. TheseMicrocystis‐aggregate‐associated methanotrophs may be responsible for a hitherto overlooked sink for methane in surface freshwaters, and their co‐occurrence with methanogens sheds light on the methane cycle in cyanobacterial aggregates.

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  5. Zodletone spring is a sulfide-rich spring in southwestern Oklahoma characterized by shallow, microoxic, light-exposed spring water overlaying anoxic sediments. Previously, culture-independent 16S rRNA gene based diversity surveys have revealed that Zodletone spring source sediments harbor a highly diverse microbial community, with multiple lineages putatively involved in various sulfur-cycling processes. Here, we conducted a metatranscriptomic survey of microbial populations in Zodletone spring source sediments to characterize the relative prevalence and importance of putative phototrophic, chemolithotrophic, and heterotrophic microorganisms in the sulfur cycle, the identity of lineages actively involved in various sulfur cycling processes, and the interaction between sulfur cycling and other geochemical processes at the spring source. Sediment samples at the spring’s source were taken at three different times within a 24-h period for geochemical analyses and RNA sequencing. In depth mining of datasets for sulfur cycling transcripts revealed major sulfur cycling pathways and taxa involved, including an unexpected potential role of Actinobacteria in sulfide oxidation and thiosulfate transformation. Surprisingly, transcripts coding for the cyanobacterial Photosystem II D1 protein, methane monooxygenase, and terminal cytochrome oxidases were encountered, indicating that genes for oxygen production and aerobic modes of metabolism are actively being transcribed, despite below-detectable levels (<1 µM) of oxygen in source sediment. Results highlight transcripts involved in sulfur, methane, and oxygen cycles, propose that oxygenic photosynthesis could support aerobic methane and sulfide oxidation in anoxic sediments exposed to sunlight, and provide a viewpoint of microbial metabolic lifestyles under conditions similar to those seen during late Archaean and Proterozoic eons.

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  6. Abstract

    Bacteria play key roles in the function and diversity of aquatic systems, but aside from study of specific bloom systems, little is known about the diversity or biogeography of bacteria associated with harmful cyanobacterial blooms (cyanoHABs). CyanoHAB species are known to shape bacterial community composition and to rely on functions provided by the associated bacteria, leading to the hypothesized cyanoHAB interactome, a coevolved community of synergistic and interacting bacteria species, each necessary for the success of the others. Here, we surveyed the microbiome associated withMicrocystis aeruginosaduring blooms in 12 lakes spanning four continents as an initial test of the hypothesizedMicrocystisinteractome. We predicted that microbiome composition and functional potential would be similar across blooms globally. Our results, as revealed by 16S rRNA sequence similarity, indicate thatM. aeruginosais cosmopolitan in lakes across a 280° longitudinal and 90° latitudinal gradient. The microbiome communities were represented by a wide range of operational taxonomic units and relative abundances. Highly abundant taxa were more related and shared across most sites and did not vary with geographic distance, thus, likeMicrocystis, revealing no evidence for dispersal limitation. High phylogenetic relatedness, both within and across lakes, indicates that microbiome bacteria with similar functional potential were associated with all blooms. WhileMicrocystisand the microbiome bacteria shared many genes, whole‐community metagenomic analysis revealed a suite of biochemical pathways that could be considered complementary. Our results demonstrate a high degree of similarity across globalMicrocystisblooms, thereby providing initial support for the hypothesizedMicrocystisinteractome.

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