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Creators/Authors contains: "Kudler-Flam, Jonah"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 1, 2025
  2. A bstract While recent progress in the black hole information problem has shown that the entropy of Hawking radiation follows a unitary Page curve, the quantum state of Hawking radiation prior the Page time is still treated as purely thermal, containing no information about the microstructure of the black hole. We demonstrate that there is significant quantum information regarding the quantum state of the black hole in the Hawking radiation prior to the Page time. By computing of the quantum fidelity in a 2D boundary conformal field theory (BCFT) model of black hole evaporation, we demonstrate that an observer outside of an evaporating black hole may distinguish different black holes via measurements of the Hawking radiation at any time during the evaporation process, albeit with an exponentially large number of measurements. Furthermore, our results are universal, applicable to general BCFTs including those with large central charge and rational BCFTs. The techniques we develop for computing the fidelity are more generally applicable to excited states in CFT. As such, we are able to characterize more general aspects of thermalization in 2D conformal field theory. 
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  3. A bstract Negativity is a measure of entanglement that can be used both in pure and mixed states. The negativity spectrum is the spectrum of eigenvalues of the partially transposed density matrix, and characterizes the degree and “phase” of entanglement. For pure states, it is simply determined by the entanglement spectrum. We use a diagrammatic method complemented by a modification of the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm to find the negativity spectrum in general random tensor networks with large bond dimensions. In holography, these describe the entanglement of fixed-area states. It was found that many fixed-area states have a negativity spectrum given by a semi-circle. More generally, we find new negativity spectra that appear in random tensor networks, as well as in phase transitions in holographic states, wormholes, and holographic states with bulk matter. The smallest random tensor network is the same as a micro-canonical version of Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity decorated with end-of-the-world branes. We consider the semi-classical negativity of Hawking radiation and find that contributions from islands should be included. We verify this in the JT gravity model, showing the Euclidean wormhole origin of these contributions. 
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  4. The delocalization or scrambling of quantum information has emerged as a central ingredient in the understanding of thermalization in isolated quantum many-body systems. Recently, significant progress has been made analytically by modeling non-integrable systems as periodically driven systems, lacking a Hamiltonian picture, while honest Hamiltonian dynamics are frequently limited to small system sizes due to computational constraints. In this paper, we address this by investigating the role of conservation laws (including energy conservation) in the thermalization process from an information-theoretic perspective. For general non-integrable models, we use the equilibrium approximation to show that the maximal amount of information is scrambled (as measured by the tripartite mutual information of the time-evolution operator) at late times even when a system conserves energy. In contrast, we explicate how when a system has additional symmetries that lead to degeneracies in the spectrum, the amount of information scrambled must decrease. This general theory is exemplified in case studies of holographic conformal field theories (CFTs) and the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model. Due to the large Virasoro symmetry in 1+1D CFTs, we argue that, in a sense, these holographic theories are not maximally chaotic, which is explicitly seen by the non-saturation of the second Rényi tripartite mutual information. The roles of particle-hole and U(1) symmetries in the SYK model are milder due to the degeneracies being only two-fold, which we confirm explicitly at both large- and small-N. We reinterpret the operator entanglement in terms of the growth of local operators, connecting our results with the information scrambling described by out-of-time-ordered correlators, identifying the mechanism for suppressed scrambling from the Heisenberg perspective. 
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