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Creators/Authors contains: "Kunzler, Jakob W."

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  1. Wideband beamforming and interference cancellation for phased array antennas requires advances in signal processing algorithms, software, and specialized hardware platforms. A high-throughput array receiver has been developed that enables communication in radio frequency interference-rich environments with field programmable gate array (FPGA)-based frequency channelization and packetization. In this study, a real-time interference mitigation algorithm was implemented on graphics processing units (GPUs) contained in the data pipeline. The key contribution is a hardware and software pipeline for subchannelized wideband array signal processing with 150 MHz instantaneous bandwidth and interference cancellation with a heterogeneous, distributed, and scaleable digital signal processing (DSP) architecture that achieves 30 dB interferer cancellation null depth in real time with a moving interference source.

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  2. Radio frequency interference (RFI) in a devastating problem for high-sensitivity phased arrays. This paper explores a method of mitigating RFI in a receiving array using a combination of true-time delay with a truncated Hadamard projection that can place a wide-band spatial null over the RFI. The operations involved can be performed with analog circuity before sampling for the digital signal processing engine in order to enhance dynamic range. The modified beamformer solution is briefly derived and performance is compared to the existing maximum SINR beamformer using analytical phasor domain models. The results show successful null placement at the expense of control of the main lobe shape and side lobe levels. 
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