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  1. We report a search for a heavy neutral lepton (HNL) that mixes predominantly withντ. The search utilizes data collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric energye+ecollider. The data sample was collected at and just below the center-of-mass energies of theϒ(4S)andϒ(5S)resonances and has an integrated luminosity of915fb1, corresponding to(836±12)×106e+eτ+τevents. We search for production of the HNL (denotedN) in the decayτπNfollowed by its decay viaNμ+μντ. The search focuses on the parameter-space region in which the HNL is long-lived, so that theμ+μoriginate from a common vertex that is significantly displaced from the collision point of the KEKB beams. Consistent with the expected background yield, one event is observed in the data sample after application of all the event-selection criteria. We report limits on the mixing parameter of the HNL with theτneutrino as a function of the HNL mass.

    Published by the American Physical Society2024 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
  2. We measure the branching fraction of the decayBD0ρ(770)using data collected with the Belle II detector. The data contain 387 millionBB¯pairs produced ine+ecollisions at theϒ(4S)resonance. We reconstruct8360±180decays from an analysis of the distributions of theBenergy and theρ(770)helicity angle. We determine the branching fraction to be(0.939±0.021(stat)±0.050(syst))%, in agreement with previous results. Our measurement improves the relative precision of the world average by more than a factor of two.

    Published by the American Physical Society2024 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
  3. We report on a search for a resonanceXdecaying to a pair of muons ine+eμ+μXevents in the0.2129.000GeV/c2mass range, using178fb1of data collected by the Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB collider at a center of mass energy of 10.58 GeV. The analysis probes two different models ofXbeyond the standard model: aZvector boson in theLμLτmodel and a muonphilic scalar. We observe no evidence for a signal and set exclusion limits at the 90% confidence level on the products of cross section and branching fraction for these processes, ranging from 0.046 fb to 0.97 fb for theLμLτmodel and from 0.055 fb to 1.3 fb for the muonphilic scalar model. For masses below6GeV/c2, the corresponding constraints on the couplings of these processes to the standard model range from 0.0008 to 0.039 for theLμLτmodel and from 0.0018 to 0.040 for the muonphilic scalar model. These are the first constraints on the muonphilic scalar from a dedicated search.

    Published by the American Physical Society2024 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
  4. A<sc>bstract</sc>

    We measure the cross section ofe+eηcJ/ψat the Υ(nS)(n= 1–5) on-resonance and 10.52 GeV off-resonance energy points using the full data sample collected by the Belle detector with an integrated luminosity of 955 fb1. We also search for double charmonium production ine+eηcJ/ψvia initial state radiation near theηcJ/ψthreshold. No evident signal of the double charmonium state is found, but evidence for thee+e→ ηcJ/ψprocess is found with a statistical significance greater than 3.3σnear theηcJ/ψthreshold. The average cross section near the threshold is measured and upper limits of cross sections are set for other regions.

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  5. We measure the tau-to-light-lepton ratio of inclusiveB-meson branching fractionsR(Xτ/)B(BXτν)/B(BXν), whereindicates an electron or muon, and thereby test the universality of charged-current weak interactions. We select events that have one fully reconstructedBmeson and a charged lepton candidate from189fb1of electron-positron collision data collected with the Belle II detector. We findR(Xτ/)=0.228±0.016(stat)±0.036(syst), in agreement with standard-model expectations. This is the first direct measurement ofR(Xτ/).

    Published by the American Physical Society2024 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 1, 2025
  6. We report a measurement of decay-time-dependent charge-parity (CP) asymmetries inB0KS0KS0KS0decays. We use387×106BB¯pairs collected at theϒ(4S)resonance with the Belle II detector at the SuperKEKB asymmetric-energy electron-positron collider. We reconstruct 220 signal events and extract theCP-violating parametersSandCfrom a fit to the distribution of the decay-time difference between the twoBmesons. The resulting confidence region is consistent with previous measurements inB0KS0KS0KS0andB0(cc¯)K0decays and with predictions based on the standard model.

    Published by the American Physical Society2024 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025